mirror of https://gitlab.com/ecentrics/concordia
6 years ago
71 changed files with 437 additions and 6556 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
{ |
"name": "apella", |
"version": "0.1.0", |
"private": true, |
"repository": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://gitlab.com/Ezerous/Apella.git" |
}, |
"dependencies": { |
"@drizzle-utils/get-web3": "^0.1.4-alpha.0", |
"@drizzle-utils/get-contract-instance": "^0.1.4-alpha.0", |
"@drizzle-utils/get-accounts": "0.1.4-alpha.0", |
"drizzle": "^1.3.3", |
"drizzle-react": "^1.2.0", |
"drizzle-react-components": "^1.2.1", |
"react": "^16.8.1", |
"react-dom": "^16.8.1", |
"react-scripts": "^2.1.5", |
"redux": "^4.0.1", |
"redux-saga": "^0.16.0" |
}, |
"scripts": { |
"start": "react-scripts start", |
"build": "react-scripts build", |
"test": "react-scripts test", |
"eject": "react-scripts eject" |
}, |
"eslintConfig": { |
"extends": "react-app" |
}, |
"browserslist": [ |
">0.2%", |
"not dead", |
"not ie <= 11", |
"not op_mini all" |
] |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.8 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> |
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"> |
<!-- |
manifest.json provides metadata used when your web app is added to the |
homescreen on Android. See https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-app-manifest/ |
--> |
<link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json" /> |
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" /> |
<!-- |
Notice the use of %PUBLIC_URL% in the tags above. |
It will be replaced with the URL of the `public` folder during the build. |
Only files inside the `public` folder can be referenced from the HTML. |
Unlike "/favicon.ico" or "favicon.ico", "%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" will |
work correctly both with client-side routing and a non-root public URL. |
Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running `npm run build`. |
--> |
<title>Apella</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript> |
<div id="root"></div> |
<!-- |
This HTML file is a template. |
If you open it directly in the browser, you will see an empty page. |
You can add webfonts, meta tags, or analytics to this file. |
The build step will place the bundled scripts into the <body> tag. |
To begin the development, run `npm start` or `yarn start`. |
To create a production bundle, use `npm run build` or `yarn build`. |
--> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"short_name": "Apella", |
"name": "Apella", |
"icons": [ |
{ |
"src": "favicon.ico", |
"sizes": "64x64 32x32 24x24 16x16", |
"type": "image/x-icon" |
} |
], |
"start_url": ".", |
"display": "standalone", |
"theme_color": "#000000", |
"background_color": "#ffffff" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
import React from "react"; |
import { AccountData, ContractData } from "drizzle-react-components"; |
export default ({ accounts }) => ( |
<div className="App"> |
<div className="section"> |
<h1>Active Account</h1> |
<AccountData accountIndex="0" units="ether" precision="3" /> |
</div> |
<div className="section"> |
<h1>Has user signed up?</h1> |
<p> |
<ContractData contract="Forum" method="hasUserSignedUp" methodArgs={[accounts[0],{from: accounts[0]}]} /> |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import Forum from "../contracts/Forum.json"; |
const drizzleOptions = { |
web3: { |
fallback: { |
type: 'ws', |
url: 'ws://' |
} |
}, |
contracts: [Forum], |
events: { |
Forum: ['UserSignedUp', 'UsernameUpdated'] |
}, |
polls: { |
accounts: 2000, |
blocks: 2000 |
}, |
}; |
export default drizzleOptions; |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import AppComponent from "../components/AppComponent"; |
import { drizzleConnect } from "drizzle-react"; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
accounts: state.accounts, |
Forum: state.contracts.Forum, |
drizzleStatus: state.drizzleStatus |
}; |
}; |
const AppContainer = drizzleConnect(AppComponent, mapStateToProps); |
export default AppContainer; |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import React from "react"; |
import { render } from "react-dom"; |
import { DrizzleProvider } from "drizzle-react"; |
import { LoadingContainer } from "drizzle-react-components"; |
import drizzleOptions from "./config/drizzleOptions"; |
import AppContainer from "./containers/AppContainer"; |
import store from './redux/store'; |
import * as serviceWorker from "./utils/serviceWorker"; |
render( |
<DrizzleProvider options={drizzleOptions} store={store}> |
<LoadingContainer> |
<AppContainer /> |
</LoadingContainer> |
</DrizzleProvider>, |
document.getElementById('root') |
); |
// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change
// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.
// Learn more about service workers: http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA
serviceWorker.unregister(); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; |
import { drizzleReducers } from 'drizzle'; |
import userReducer from "./userReducer"; |
const reducer = combineReducers({ |
user: userReducer, |
...drizzleReducers |
}); |
export default reducer; |
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ |
import { all, fork } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
import { all, fork } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
import { drizzleSagas } from 'drizzle' |
import { drizzleSagas } from 'drizzle' |
import { contractSaga } from "./contractSaga"; |
import userSaga from "./userSaga"; |
import userSaga from "./userSaga"; |
import orbitSaga from "../../util/orbitSaga"; |
export default function* root() { |
export default function* root() { |
let sagas = [...drizzleSagas,userSaga,orbitSaga,contractSaga]; |
let sagas = [...drizzleSagas, userSaga]; |
yield all( |
yield all( |
sagas.map(saga => fork(saga)) |
sagas.map(saga => fork(saga)) |
) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
import getWeb3 from "@drizzle-utils/get-web3"; |
import getContractInstance from "@drizzle-utils/get-contract-instance"; |
import getAccounts from "@drizzle-utils/get-accounts"; |
import { call, put, take, takeLatest, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
import Forum from "../../contracts/Forum.json"; |
let initFlag, web3, contract, account; |
function* initUser() { |
if(!initFlag) { |
web3 = yield call(getWeb3); |
contract = yield call(getContractInstance,{ |
web3, |
artifact: Forum |
}); |
initFlag=true; |
yield put({type: 'USER_SAGA_INITIALIZED', ...[]}); |
} |
else |
console.warn("Attempted to reinitialize userSaga!"); |
} |
function* updateUserData() { |
if(initFlag){ |
const currentAccount = (yield call(getAccounts, {web3}))[0]; |
if(currentAccount!==account) { |
account = currentAccount; |
yield put({type: 'ACCOUNT_CHANGED', ...[]}); |
} |
const txObj1 = yield call(contract.methods["hasUserSignedUp"], ...[account]); |
try { |
const callResult = yield call(txObj1.call, {address:account}); |
if(callResult) { |
const txObj2 = yield call(contract.methods["getUsername"], ...[account]); |
const username = yield call(txObj2.call, {address:account}); |
const dispatchArgs = { |
address: account, |
username: username |
}; |
yield put({type: 'USER_HAS_SIGNED_UP', ...dispatchArgs}); |
} |
else{ |
const dispatchArgs = { |
address: account |
}; |
yield put({type: 'USER_IS_GUEST', ...dispatchArgs}); |
} |
} |
catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
yield put({type: 'USER_FETCHING_ERROR', ...[]}) |
} |
} |
else |
console.warn("Attempted to fetch data without initializing!"); |
} |
function* userSaga() { |
yield takeLatest("DRIZZLE_INITIALIZED", initUser); |
yield take("USER_SAGA_INITIALIZED"); |
yield takeEvery("ACCOUNTS_FETCHED", updateUserData); |
} |
export default userSaga; |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'; |
import reducer from './reducers/reducer'; |
import rootSaga from './sagas/rootSaga'; |
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'; |
import { generateContractsInitialState } from 'drizzle'; |
import drizzleOptions from '../config/drizzleOptions'; |
// Redux DevTools
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose; |
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(); |
const initialState = { |
contracts: generateContractsInitialState(drizzleOptions) |
}; |
const store = createStore( |
reducer, |
initialState, |
composeEnhancers( |
applyMiddleware( |
sagaMiddleware |
) |
) |
); |
sagaMiddleware.run(rootSaga); |
export default store; |
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
// This optional code is used to register a service worker.
// register() is not called by default.
// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives
// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)
// will only see deployed updates on subsequent visits to a page, after all the
// existing tabs open on the page have been closed, since previously cached
// resources are updated in the background.
// To learn more about the benefits of this model and instructions on how to
// opt-in, read http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA
const isLocalhost = Boolean( |
window.location.hostname === 'localhost' || |
// [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.
window.location.hostname === '[::1]' || |
// is considered localhost for IPv4.
window.location.hostname.match( |
/^127(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/ |
) |
); |
export function register(config) { |
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) { |
// The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.
const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href); |
if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) { |
// Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin
// from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to
// serve assets; see https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2374
return; |
} |
window.addEventListener('load', () => { |
const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`; |
if (isLocalhost) { |
// This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.
checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config); |
// Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the
// service worker/PWA documentation.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => { |
console.log( |
'This web app is being served cache-first by a service ' + |
'worker. To learn more, visit http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA' |
); |
}); |
} else { |
// Is not localhost. Just register service worker
registerValidSW(swUrl, config); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
function registerValidSW(swUrl, config) { |
navigator.serviceWorker |
.register(swUrl) |
.then(registration => { |
registration.onupdatefound = () => { |
const installingWorker = registration.installing; |
if (installingWorker == null) { |
return; |
} |
installingWorker.onstatechange = () => { |
if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') { |
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { |
// At this point, the updated precached content has been fetched,
// but the previous service worker will still serve the older
// content until all client tabs are closed.
console.log( |
'New content is available and will be used when all ' + |
'tabs for this page are closed. See http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA.' |
); |
// Execute callback
if (config && config.onUpdate) { |
config.onUpdate(registration); |
} |
} else { |
// At this point, everything has been precached.
// It's the perfect time to display a
// "Content is cached for offline use." message.
console.log('Content is cached for offline use.'); |
// Execute callback
if (config && config.onSuccess) { |
config.onSuccess(registration); |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
}; |
}) |
.catch(error => { |
console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error); |
}); |
} |
function checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config) { |
// Check if the service worker can be found. If it can't reload the page.
fetch(swUrl) |
.then(response => { |
// Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.
const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type'); |
if ( |
response.status === 404 || |
(contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1) |
) { |
// No service worker found. Probably a different app. Reload the page.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => { |
registration.unregister().then(() => { |
window.location.reload(); |
}); |
}); |
} else { |
// Service worker found. Proceed as normal.
registerValidSW(swUrl, config); |
} |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
console.log( |
'No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.' |
); |
}); |
} |
export function unregister() { |
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { |
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => { |
registration.unregister(); |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -1,40 +1,17 @@ |
{ |
{ |
"name": "apella", |
"name": "apella-box", |
"version": "0.1.0", |
"version": "0.1.0", |
"description": "", |
"private": true, |
"private": true, |
"repository": { |
"repository": { |
"type": "git", |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://gitlab.com/Ezerous/Apella.git" |
"url": "https://gitlab.com/Ezerous/Apella.git" |
}, |
}, |
"dependencies": { |
"main": "truffle-config.js", |
"drizzle": "^1.1.5", |
"directories": { |
"drizzle-react": "^1.1.1", |
"test": "test" |
"drizzle-react-components": "^1.1.0", |
"eth-block-tracker-es5": "^2.3.2", |
"ipfs": "^0.30.0", |
"orbit-db": "^0.19.9", |
"orbit-db-keystore": "^0.1.0", |
"prop-types": "^15.6.1", |
"react": "^16.3.2", |
"react-dom": "^16.3.2", |
"react-markdown": "^3.3.2", |
"react-redux": "^5.0.7", |
"react-router": "^3.2.1", |
"react-router-dom": "^4.2.2", |
"react-router-redux": "^4.0.8", |
"react-scripts": "^1.1.4", |
"react-timeago": "^4.1.9", |
"react-user-avatar": "^1.10.0", |
"redux": "^3.7.2", |
"redux-saga": "0.16.0", |
"semantic-ui-react": "^0.81.1", |
"uuid": "^3.2.1", |
"web3": "^1.0.0-beta.34" |
}, |
}, |
"scripts": { |
"dependencies": { |
"start": "react-scripts start", |
"openzeppelin-solidity": "^2.1.2" |
"build": "react-scripts build", |
"test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom", |
"eject": "react-scripts eject" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
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<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> |
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"> |
<!-- |
manifest.json provides metadata used when your web app is added to the |
homescreen on Android. See https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/engage-and-retain/web-app-manifest/ |
--> |
<link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json"> |
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico"> |
<!-- |
Notice the use of %PUBLIC_URL% in the tags above. |
It will be replaced with the URL of the `public` folder during the build. |
Only files inside the `public` folder can be referenced from the HTML. |
Unlike "/favicon.ico" or "favicon.ico", "%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" will |
work correctly both with client-side routing and a non-root public URL. |
Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running `npm run build`. |
--> |
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<!-- <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet"> --> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.3.1/semantic.min.css"></link> |
<title>Apella</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<noscript> |
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. |
</noscript> |
<div id="root"></div> |
<!-- |
This HTML file is a template. |
If you open it directly in the browser, you will see an empty page. |
You can add webfonts, meta tags, or analytics to this file. |
The build step will place the bundled scripts into the <body> tag. |
To begin the development, run `npm start` or `yarn start`. |
To create a production bundle, use `npm run build` or `yarn build`. |
--> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ |
.profile-tab { |
width: 100%; |
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@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ |
/* Progress Bar */ |
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} |
@keyframes indeterminate { |
0% { |
left: -35%; |
right: 100%; |
} |
60% { |
left: 100%; |
right: -90%; |
} |
100% { |
left: 100%; |
right: -90%; |
} |
} |
@-webkit-keyframes indeterminate-short { |
0% { |
left: -200%; |
right: 100%; |
} |
60% { |
left: 107%; |
right: -8%; |
} |
100% { |
left: 107%; |
right: -8%; |
} |
} |
@keyframes indeterminate-short { |
0% { |
left: -200%; |
right: 100%; |
} |
60% { |
left: 107%; |
right: -8%; |
} |
100% { |
left: 107%; |
right: -8%; |
} |
} |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
.sign-up-container { |
height: 100%; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
.sign-up-container>div { |
margin: auto; |
} |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
.topic-form { |
width: 100%; |
margin: 20px 0px; |
} |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
.posts-list-spacer { |
margin-bottom: 85px; |
height: 0px; |
} |
.post { |
width: 100%; |
background-color: #FFFFFF; |
margin: 20px 0px; |
padding: 0px; |
} |
.post-meta { |
float: right; |
margin-right: 11.25px; |
} |
.user-avatar { |
width: 52px; |
height: 52px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
.user-avatar a { |
color: inherit !important; |
text-decoration: none !important; |
} |
.stretch-space-between { |
display: flex; |
flex-flow: row nowrap; |
justify-content: space-between; |
} |
.user-info { |
background-color: #FFFFFF; |
margin: 12px auto; |
padding: 7px; |
} |
.post-content a{ |
margin-top: 10px; |
color: #039be5; |
} |
.post-form { |
width: 100%; |
margin: 20px 0px; |
} |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { Button, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
const FloatingButton = (props) => { |
return ( |
<div className="action-button" onClick={props.onClick}> |
<Button icon color='teal' size='large'> |
<Icon name='add'/> |
</Button> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default FloatingButton; |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
const LoadingSpinner = (props) => { |
return( |
<div className="vertical-center-children"> |
<div className={"center-in-parent " + (props.className ? props.className : "")} |
style={props.style ? props.style : []}> |
<p> |
<i className="fas fa-spinner fa-3x fa-spin"></i> |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default LoadingSpinner; |
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Image, Menu } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
class NavBar extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
this.handleItemClick = this.handleItemClick.bind(this); |
this.navRef = React.createRef(); |
} |
handleItemClick(to) { |
this.context.router.push(to); |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<Menu fixed='top' inverted> |
<Menu.Item header onClick={() => {this.handleItemClick("/")}}> |
<Image |
size='mini' |
src={require('../resources/logo.png')} |
style={{ marginRight: '1.5em' }} |
/> |
Apella |
</Menu.Item> |
<Menu.Item onClick={() => {this.handleItemClick("/")}}> |
Home |
</Menu.Item> |
{this.props.hasSignedUp |
? <Menu.Item onClick={() => {this.handleItemClick("/profile")}}> |
Profile |
</Menu.Item> |
:<Menu.Menu position='right' style={{backgroundColor: '#00b5ad'}}> |
<Menu.Item onClick={() => {this.handleItemClick("/signup")}}> |
Sign Up |
</Menu.Item> |
</Menu.Menu> |
} |
<div className="navBarText"> |
{this.props.navBarTitle !== '' && <span>{this.props.navBarTitle}</span>} |
</div> |
</Menu> |
); |
} |
}; |
NavBar.contextTypes = { |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
hasSignedUp: state.user.hasSignedUp, |
navBarTitle: state.interface.navBarTitle |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(NavBar, mapStateToProps); |
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import { Grid, Form, TextArea, Button, Icon, Divider } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import TimeAgo from 'react-timeago'; |
import UserAvatar from 'react-user-avatar'; |
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'; |
import { createPost } from '../redux/actions/transactionsMonitorActions'; |
class NewPost extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this); |
this.handlePreviewToggle = this.handlePreviewToggle.bind(this); |
this.validateAndPost = this.validateAndPost.bind(this); |
this.newPostOuterRef = React.createRef(); |
this.state = { |
postSubjectInput: this.props.subject ? this.props.subject : "", |
postContentInput: '', |
postSubjectInputEmptySubmit: false, |
postContentInputEmptySubmit: false, |
previewEnabled: false, |
previewDate: "" |
}; |
} |
async validateAndPost() { |
if (this.state.postSubjectInput === '' || this.state.postContentInput === ''){ |
this.setState({ |
postSubjectInputEmptySubmit: this.state.postSubjectInput === '', |
postContentInputEmptySubmit: this.state.postContentInput === '' |
}); |
return; |
} |
this.props.store.dispatch( |
createPost(this.props.topicID, |
{ |
postSubject: this.state.postSubjectInput, |
postMessage: this.state.postContentInput |
} |
) |
); |
this.props.onPostCreated(); |
} |
handleInputChange(event) { |
this.setState({[event.target.name]: event.target.value}); |
} |
handlePreviewToggle() { |
this.setState((prevState, props) => ({ |
previewEnabled: !prevState.previewEnabled, |
previewDate: this.getDate() |
})); |
} |
getDate() { |
const currentdate = new Date(); |
return ((currentdate.getMonth() + 1) + " " |
+ currentdate.getDate() + ", " |
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + ", " |
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":" |
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" |
+ currentdate.getSeconds()); |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<div className="post" ref={this.newPostOuterRef}> |
<Divider horizontal> |
<span className="grey-text">#{this.props.postIndex}</span> |
</Divider> |
<Grid> |
<Grid.Row columns={16} stretched> |
<Grid.Column width={1} className="user-avatar"> |
<UserAvatar |
size="52" |
className="inline user-avatar" |
src={this.props.avatarUrl} |
name={this.props.user.username} |
/> |
</Grid.Column> |
<Grid.Column width={15}> |
<div className=""> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span><strong>{this.props.user.username}</strong></span> |
<span className="grey-text"> |
{this.state.previewEnabled && |
<TimeAgo date={this.state.previewDate}/> |
} |
</span> |
</div> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span><strong> |
{this.state.previewEnabled && |
("Subject: " + this.state.postSubjectInput) |
} |
</strong></span> |
</div> |
<div className="post-content"> |
<div style={{display: this.state.previewEnabled ? "block" : "none"}}> |
<ReactMarkdown source={this.state.postContentInput} |
className="markdown-preview" /> |
</div> |
<Form className="topic-form"> |
<Form.Input key={"postSubjectInput"} |
style={{display: this.state.previewEnabled ? "none" : ""}} |
name={"postSubjectInput"} |
error={this.state.postSubjectInputEmptySubmit} |
type="text" |
value={this.state.postSubjectInput} |
placeholder="Subject" |
id="postSubjectInput" |
onChange={this.handleInputChange} /> |
<TextArea key={"postContentInput"} |
style={{display: this.state.previewEnabled ? "none" : ""}} |
name={"postContentInput"} |
className={this.state.postContentInputEmptySubmit ? "form-textarea-required" : ""} |
value={this.state.postContentInput} |
placeholder="Post" |
id="postContentInput" |
onChange={this.handleInputChange} |
rows={4} autoHeight /> |
<br/><br/> |
<Button.Group> |
<Button key="submit" |
type="button" |
onClick={this.validateAndPost} |
color='teal' |
animated> |
<Button.Content visible>Post</Button.Content> |
<Button.Content hidden> |
<Icon name='reply' /> |
</Button.Content> |
</Button> |
<Button type="button" |
onClick={this.handlePreviewToggle} |
color='yellow'> |
{this.state.previewEnabled ? "Edit" : "Preview"} |
</Button> |
<Button type="button" |
onClick={this.props.onCancelClick} |
color='red'> |
Cancel |
</Button> |
</Button.Group> |
</Form> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Grid.Column> |
</Grid.Row> |
</Grid> |
</div> |
); |
} |
componentDidMount(){ |
this.newPostOuterRef.current.scrollIntoView(true); |
} |
} |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB, |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(NewPost, mapStateToProps); |
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import { Grid, Divider } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import TimeAgo from 'react-timeago'; |
import UserAvatar from 'react-user-avatar'; |
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'; |
class Post extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
} |
render(){ |
return ( |
<div className="post"> |
<Divider horizontal> |
<span className="grey-text">#0</span> |
</Divider> |
<Grid> |
<Grid.Row columns={16} stretched> |
<Grid.Column width={1} className="user-avatar"> |
<UserAvatar |
size="52" |
className="inline" |
src={this.props.user.avatarUrl} |
name={this.props.user.username}/> |
</Grid.Column> |
<Grid.Column width={15}> |
<div className=""> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span> |
<strong> |
{this.props.user.username} |
</strong> |
</span> |
<span className="grey-text"> |
<TimeAgo date={this.props.date}/> |
</span> |
</div> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span><strong> |
Subject: {this.props.subject} |
</strong></span> |
</div> |
<div className="post-content"> |
<ReactMarkdown source={this.props.content} /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Grid.Column> |
</Grid.Row> |
</Grid> |
</div> |
); |
} |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(Post, mapStateToProps); |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
const NotFoundView = (props) => { |
return ( |
<div style={{textAlign: "center"}}> |
<img src={require('../resources/PageNotFound.jpg')} alt="Page not found!"/> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default NotFoundView; |
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Link, withRouter } from 'react-router'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Transition } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import { Grid, Divider, Button, Icon, Label } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import TimeAgo from 'react-timeago'; |
import epochTimeConverter from '../helpers/EpochTimeConverter'; |
import UserAvatar from 'react-user-avatar'; |
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'; |
class Post extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.fetchPost = this.fetchPost.bind(this); |
if (props.getFocus){ |
this.postRef = React.createRef(); |
} |
this.orbitPostData = { |
content: "", |
subject: "" |
}; |
this.orbitPostDataFetchStatus = "pending"; |
this.state = { |
animateOnToggle: true |
} |
} |
async fetchPost(postID) { |
this.orbitPostDataFetchStatus = "fetching"; |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[1] === this.props.user.address) { |
this.orbitPostData = this.props.orbitDB.postsDB.get(postID); |
} else { |
const fullAddress = "/orbitdb/" + this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[0] + "/posts"; |
const store = await this.props.orbitDB.orbitdb.keyvalue(fullAddress); |
await store.load(); |
let localOrbitData = store.get(postID); |
if (localOrbitData) { |
this.orbitPostData = localOrbitData; |
} else { |
// Wait until we have received something from the network
store.events.on('replicated', () => { |
this.orbitPostData = store.get(postID); |
}) |
} |
} |
this.orbitPostDataFetchStatus = "fetched"; |
this.readyForAnimation = true; |
} |
render(){ |
let avatarView = (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData |
? <UserAvatar |
size="52" |
className="inline" |
src={this.props.avatarUrl} |
name={this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[2]}/> |
: <div></div> |
); |
return ( |
<Transition animation='tada' duration={500} visible={this.state.animateOnToggle}> |
<div className="post" ref={this.postRef ? this.postRef : null}> |
<Divider horizontal> |
<span className="grey-text">#{this.props.postIndex}</span> |
</Divider> |
<Grid> |
<Grid.Row columns={16} stretched> |
<Grid.Column width={1} className="user-avatar"> |
{this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null |
?<Link to={"/profile/" + this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[1] |
+ "/" + this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[2]} |
onClick={(event) => {event.stopPropagation()}}> |
{avatarView} |
</Link> |
:avatarView |
} |
</Grid.Column> |
<Grid.Column width={15}> |
<div className=""> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span className={this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null ? "" : "grey-text"}> |
<strong> |
{this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null |
?this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[2] |
:"Username" |
} |
</strong> |
</span> |
<span className="grey-text"> |
{this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null && |
<TimeAgo date={epochTimeConverter(this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[3])}/> |
} |
</span> |
</div> |
<div className="stretch-space-between"> |
<span className={this.orbitPostData.subject ? "" : "grey-text"}> |
<strong> |
Subject: {this.orbitPostData.subject} |
</strong> |
</span> |
</div> |
<div className="post-content"> |
{this.orbitPostData.content |
? <ReactMarkdown source={this.orbitPostData.content} /> |
: <p className="grey-text">Post content...</p> |
} |
</div> |
</div> |
</Grid.Column> |
</Grid.Row> |
<Grid.Row> |
<Grid.Column floated="right" textAlign="right"> |
<Button icon size='mini' style={{marginRight: "0px"}}> |
<Icon name='chevron up' /> |
</Button> |
<Label color="teal">8000</Label> |
<Button icon size='mini'> |
<Icon name='chevron down' /> |
</Button> |
<Button icon size='mini' |
onClick={this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData |
? () => { this.context.router.push("/topic/" |
+ this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[4] + "/" |
+ this.props.postID)} |
: () => {}}> |
<Icon name='linkify' /> |
</Button> |
</Grid.Column> |
</Grid.Row> |
</Grid> |
</div> |
</Transition> |
); |
} |
componentDidUpdate() { |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].status === "success" |
&& this.orbitPostDataFetchStatus === "pending") { |
this.fetchPost(this.props.postID); |
} |
if (this.readyForAnimation){ |
if (this.postRef){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.postRef.current.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' }); |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.setState({ animateOnToggle: false }); |
}, 300); |
}, 100); |
this.readyForAnimation = false; |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
Post.contextTypes = { |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user, |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(withRouter(Post), mapStateToProps); |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import WithBlockchainData from './WithBlockchainData'; |
import Post from './Post'; |
const PostList = (props) => { |
const posts = props.postIDs.map((postID, index) => { |
return ( |
<WithBlockchainData |
component={Post} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getPost', |
params: [postID] |
}]} |
avatarUrl={""} |
postIndex={index} |
postID={postID} |
getFocus={props.focusOnPost === postID ? true : false} |
key={postID} |
/> |
); |
}); |
return ( |
<div> |
{props.recentToTheTop |
?posts.slice(0).reverse() |
:posts |
} |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default PostList; |
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import UserAvatar from 'react-user-avatar'; |
import epochTimeConverter from '../helpers/EpochTimeConverter'; |
import UsernameFormContainer from '../containers/UsernameFormContainer'; |
const ProfileInformation = (props) => { |
let transaction = props.blockchainData |
.find(transaction => transaction.callInfo.method === "getUserDateOfRegister"); |
let dateOfRegister = transaction ? transaction.returnData : ""; |
transaction = props.blockchainData |
.find(transaction => transaction.callInfo.method === "getOrbitDBId") |
let orbitDBId = transaction ? transaction.returnData : ""; |
return ( |
<div className="user-info"> |
{props.avatarUrl && <UserAvatar |
size="40" |
className="inline user-avatar" |
src={props.avatarUrl} |
name={props.username}/>} |
<table className="highlight centered responsive-table"> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td><strong>Username:</strong></td> |
<td>{props.username}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><strong>Account address:</strong></td> |
<td>{props.address}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><strong>OrbitDB:</strong></td> |
<td>{orbitDBId}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><strong>Number of topics created:</strong></td> |
<td>{props.numberOfTopics}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><strong>Number of posts:</strong></td> |
<td>{props.numberOfPosts}</td> |
</tr> |
{dateOfRegister && |
<tr> |
<td><strong>Member since:</strong></td> |
<td>{epochTimeConverter(dateOfRegister)}</td> |
</tr> |
} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
{props.self && <UsernameFormContainer/>} |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default ProfileInformation; |
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Card } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import TimeAgo from 'react-timeago'; |
import epochTimeConverter from '../helpers/EpochTimeConverter' |
class Topic extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
this.fetchSubject = this.fetchSubject.bind(this); |
this.topicSubject = null; |
this.topicSubjectFetchStatus = "pending"; |
} |
async fetchSubject(topicID) { |
this.topicSubjectFetchStatus = "fetching"; |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[1] === this.props.user.address) { |
let orbitData = this.props.orbitDB.topicsDB.get(topicID); |
this.topicSubject = orbitData['subject']; |
this.topicSubjectFetchStatus = "fetched"; |
} else { |
const fullAddress = "/orbitdb/" + this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[0] + "/topics"; |
const store = await this.props.orbitDB.orbitdb.keyvalue(fullAddress); |
await store.load(); |
let localOrbitData = store.get(topicID); |
if (localOrbitData) { |
this.topicSubject = localOrbitData['subject']; |
} else { |
// Wait until we have received something from the network
store.events.on('replicated', () => { |
this.topicSubject = store.get(topicID)['subject']; |
}) |
} |
this.topicSubjectFetchStatus = "fetched"; |
} |
} |
render(){ |
return ( |
<Card link className="card" |
onClick={() => {this.context.router.push("/topic/" + this.props.topicID)}}> |
<Card.Content> |
<div className={"topic-subject" + (this.topicSubject ? "" : " grey-text")}> |
<p><strong> |
{this.topicSubject !== null ? this.topicSubject : "Subject"} |
</strong></p> |
</div> |
<hr/> |
<div className="topic-meta"> |
<p className={"no-margin" + |
(this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null ? "" : " grey-text")}> |
{this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null |
?this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[2] |
:"Username" |
} |
</p> |
<p className={"no-margin" + |
(this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null ? "" : " grey-text")}> |
{"Number of replies: " + (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null |
?this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[4].length |
:"") |
} |
</p> |
<p className="topic-date grey-text"> |
{this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null && |
<TimeAgo date={epochTimeConverter(this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[3])}/> |
} |
</p> |
</div> |
</Card.Content> |
</Card> |
); |
} |
componentDidUpdate(){ |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== null && this.topicSubjectFetchStatus === "pending") { |
this.fetchSubject(this.props.topicID); |
} |
} |
}; |
Topic.contextTypes = { |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user, |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB |
} |
} |
export default drizzleConnect(Topic, mapStateToProps); |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import WithBlockchainData from './WithBlockchainData'; |
import Topic from './Topic'; |
const TopicList = (props) => { |
const topics = props.topicIDs.map((topicID) => { |
return ( |
<WithBlockchainData |
component={Topic} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getTopic', |
params: [topicID] |
}]} |
topicID={topicID} |
key={topicID} |
/> |
); |
}); |
return ( |
<div className="topics-list"> |
{topics.slice(0).reverse()} |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default TopicList; |
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
class WithBlockchainData extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
{ |
let {component, callsInfo, ...rest } = this.props; |
this.component = component; |
this.callsInfo = callsInfo; |
this.forwardedProps = rest; |
} |
this.drizzle = context.drizzle; |
this.dataKeys = []; |
let blockchainData = this.callsInfo.map((call) => { |
return ({ |
callInfo: call, |
status: "initialized", |
returnData: null |
}); |
}); |
//Initial call
for (var i = 0; i < this.callsInfo.length; ++i){ |
this.dataKeys[i] = this.drizzle |
.contracts[this.callsInfo[i].contract] |
.methods[this.callsInfo[i].method] |
.cacheCall(...(this.callsInfo[i].params)); |
blockchainData[i].status = "pending"; |
} |
this.state = { |
callState: new Array(this.callsInfo.length).fill("pending"), |
blockchainData: blockchainData |
} |
} |
render() { |
let {component, callsInfo, ...rest } = this.props; //Update rest arguments
return ( |
<this.component blockchainData={this.state.blockchainData} {...rest}/> |
); |
} |
componentWillUpdate(){ |
let currentDrizzleState = this.drizzle.store.getState(); |
for (var i = 0; i < this.callsInfo.length; ++i){ |
let dataFetched = (currentDrizzleState |
.contracts[this.callsInfo[i].contract][this.callsInfo[i].method][this.dataKeys[i]]); |
if (dataFetched && dataFetched.value !== this.state.blockchainData[i].returnData){ |
/* There are new data in the blockchain*/ |
//Immutable update
let newBlockchainData = this.state.blockchainData.map((callData, index) => { |
if (index !== i) return callData; |
return { |
...callData, |
returnData: dataFetched.value, |
status: "success" |
} |
}) |
let newStates = this.state.callState.slice(); |
newStates[i] = "success" |
this.setState({ |
callState: newStates, |
blockchainData: newBlockchainData |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
WithBlockchainData.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object |
}; |
export default WithBlockchainData; |
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Header } from 'semantic-ui-react'; |
import WithBlockchainData from '../components/WithBlockchainData'; |
import TopicList from '../components/TopicList'; |
import FloatingButton from '../components/FloatingButton'; |
import { showProgressBar, hideProgressBar } from '../redux/actions/userInterfaceActions'; |
class Board extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props); |
this.props.store.dispatch(showProgressBar()); |
this.handleCreateTopicClick = this.handleCreateTopicClick.bind(this); |
this.state = { |
pageLoaded: false |
} |
} |
handleCreateTopicClick() { |
this.context.router.push("/startTopic"); |
} |
render() { |
var boardContents; |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData !== '0'){ |
this.topicIDs = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData; i++) { |
this.topicIDs.push(i); |
} |
boardContents = ([ |
<TopicList topicIDs={this.topicIDs} key="topicList"/>, |
<div className="bottom-overlay-pad" key="pad"></div>, |
this.props.user.hasSignedUp && |
<FloatingButton onClick={this.handleCreateTopicClick} |
key="createTopicButton"/> |
]); |
} else { |
if (!this.props.user.hasSignedUp){ |
boardContents = ( |
<div className="vertical-center-in-parent"> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h2'> |
There are no topics yet! |
</Header> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h4'> |
Sign up to be the first to post. |
</Header> |
</div> |
); |
} else { |
boardContents = ( |
<div className="vertical-center-in-parent"> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h2'> |
There are no topics yet! |
</Header> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h4'> |
Click the add button at the bottom of the page to be the first to post. |
</Header> |
<FloatingButton onClick={this.handleCreateTopicClick} |
key="createTopicButton"/> |
</div> |
); |
} |
} |
return ( |
<div className="fill"> |
{boardContents} |
</div> |
); |
} |
componentDidUpdate(){ |
if (!this.state.pageLoaded && this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData){ |
this.props.store.dispatch(hideProgressBar()); |
this.setState({ pageLoaded: true }); |
} |
} |
} |
Board.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object, |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
class BoardContainer extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
this.board = <WithBlockchainData |
component={drizzleConnect(Board, mapStateToProps)} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getNumberOfTopics', |
params: [] |
}]} |
/>; |
} |
render() { |
return(this.board); |
} |
} |
export default BoardContainer; |
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import BoardContainer from './BoardContainer'; |
class Home extends Component { |
render() { |
//We can add a modal to tell the user to sign up
/*var modal = this.props.user.hasSignedUp && ( |
<Modal dimmer='blurring' open={this.state.open}> |
<Modal.Header>Select a Photo</Modal.Header> |
<Modal.Content image> |
<Image wrapped size='medium' src='/assets/images/avatar/large/rachel.png' /> |
<Modal.Description> |
<Header>Default Profile Image</Header> |
<p>We've found the following gravatar image associated with your e-mail address.</p> |
<p>Is it okay to use this photo?</p> |
</Modal.Description> |
</Modal.Content> |
</Modal>);*/ |
return (<BoardContainer/>); |
} |
} |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
const HomeContainer = drizzleConnect(Home, mapStateToProps); |
export default HomeContainer; |
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import React, { Children, Component } from 'react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import ipfs_logo from './../resources/ipfs_logo.png'; |
class LoadingContainer extends Component { |
render() { |
if (this.props.web3.status === 'failed') |
{ |
if (this.props.errorComp) { |
return this.props.errorComp |
} |
return( |
<main className="loading-screen"> |
<div> |
<div> |
<h1><span role="img" aria-label="Warning Sign">⚠</span></h1> |
<p>This browser has no connection to the Ethereum network. Please use the Chrome/FireFox extension MetaMask, or dedicated Ethereum browsers Mist or Parity.</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</main> |
) |
} |
if (this.props.web3.status === 'initialized' && Object.keys(this.props.accounts).length === 0) |
{ |
return( |
<main className="loading-screen"> |
<div> |
<div> |
<h1><span role="img" aria-label="Fox Face">🦊</span></h1> |
<p><strong>We can't find any Ethereum accounts!</strong> Please check and make sure Metamask or you browser are pointed at the correct network and your account is unlocked.</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</main> |
) |
} |
if (!this.props.orbitDB.ipfsInitialized) |
{ |
return( |
<main className="loading-screen"> |
<div> |
<div> |
<img src={ipfs_logo} alt="ipfs_logo" height="50"/> |
<p><strong>Initializing IPFS...</strong></p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</main> |
) |
} |
if (this.props.drizzleStatus.initialized) |
return Children.only(this.props.children); |
if (this.props.loadingComp) |
return this.props.loadingComp; |
return( |
<main className="container loading-screen"> |
<div> |
<div> |
<h1><span role="img" aria-label="Gear">⚙</span></h1> |
<p>Loading dapp...</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</main> |
) |
} |
} |
LoadingContainer.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
accounts: state.accounts, |
drizzleStatus: state.drizzleStatus, |
web3: state.web3, |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(LoadingContainer, mapStateToProps) |
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Tab } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import WithBlockchainData from '../components/WithBlockchainData'; |
import ProfileInformation from '../components/ProfileInformation'; |
import TopicList from '../components/TopicList'; |
import PostList from '../components/PostList'; |
import LoadingSpinner from '../components/LoadingSpinner'; |
import { |
showProgressBar, |
hideProgressBar, |
setNavBarTitle |
} from '../redux/actions/userInterfaceActions'; |
class Profile extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.props.store.dispatch(showProgressBar()); |
this.propsToView = this.propsToView.bind(this); |
this.drizzle = context.drizzle; |
this.state = { |
userAddress: this.props.params.address ? this.props.params.address : this.props.user.address |
}; |
} |
render() { |
if (!this.props.user.hasSignedUp) { |
this.context.router.push("/signup"); |
return(null); |
} |
this.propsToView(); |
var infoTab = |
(<WithBlockchainData |
component={ProfileInformation} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getUserDateOfRegister', |
params: [this.state.userAddress] |
},{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getOrbitDBId', |
params: [this.state.userAddress] |
}]} |
address={this.state.userAddress} |
username={this.username} |
numberOfTopics={this.topicIDs && this.topicIDs.length} |
numberOfPosts={this.postIDs && this.postIDs.length} |
self={this.state.userAddress === this.props.user.address} |
key="profileInfo" |
/>); |
var topicsTab = |
(<div className="profile-tab"> |
{this.topicIDs |
? <TopicList topicIDs={this.topicIDs} /> |
: <LoadingSpinner /> |
} |
</div>); |
var postsTab = |
(<div className="profile-tab"> |
{this.postIDs |
? <PostList postIDs={this.postIDs} recentToTheTop /> |
: <LoadingSpinner /> |
} |
</div>); |
const profilePanes = [ |
{ |
menuItem: 'INFORMATION', |
pane: { |
content: (infoTab), |
}, |
}, |
{ |
menuItem: 'TOPICS', |
pane: { |
key: 'TOPICS', |
content: (topicsTab), |
}, |
}, |
{ |
menuItem: 'POSTS', |
pane: { |
key: 'POSTS', |
content: (postsTab), |
}, |
}, |
] |
return ( |
<div> |
<Tab |
menu={{ secondary: true, pointing: true }} |
panes={profilePanes} |
renderActiveOnly={false} /> |
</div> |
); |
} |
propsToView(){ |
if (!this.username){ |
let transaction = this.props.blockchainData |
.find(transaction => transaction.callInfo.method === "getUsername"); |
if (transaction.returnData){ |
this.username = transaction.returnData; |
} |
} |
if (!this.topicIDs){ |
let transaction = this.props.blockchainData |
.find(transaction => transaction.callInfo.method === "getUserTopics"); |
if (transaction.returnData){ |
this.topicIDs = transaction.returnData; |
} |
} |
if (!this.postIDs){ |
let transaction = this.props.blockchainData |
.find(transaction => transaction.callInfo.method === "getUserPosts"); |
if (transaction.returnData){ |
this.postIDs = transaction.returnData; |
} |
} |
} |
componentDidUpdate(){ |
if (this.username){ |
this.props.store.dispatch(setNavBarTitle(this.username)); |
if (this.topicIDs && this.postIDs){ |
this.props.store.dispatch(hideProgressBar()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Profile.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object, |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user, |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB |
} |
}; |
class ProfileContainer extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
let userAddress; |
if (this.props.params.address){ |
userAddress = this.props.params.address; |
} else { |
userAddress = this.props.user.address; |
} |
this.profile = <WithBlockchainData |
component={drizzleConnect(Profile, mapStateToProps)} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getUsername', |
params: [userAddress] |
},{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getUserTopics', |
params: [userAddress] |
},{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getUserPosts', |
params: [userAddress] |
}]} |
params={this.props.params} |
/> |
} |
render() { |
return(this.profile); |
} |
} |
const containerProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(ProfileContainer, containerProps); |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import UsernameFormContainer from './UsernameFormContainer'; |
import { Header } from 'semantic-ui-react'; |
class SignUp extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
this.signedUp = this.signedUp.bind(this); |
} |
signedUp(){ |
this.props.router.push("/home"); |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
this.props.user.hasSignedUp |
?(<div className="vertical-center-in-parent"> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h2'> |
There is already an account for this addresss. |
</Header> |
<Header color='teal' textAlign='center' as='h4'> |
If you want to create another account please change your address. |
</Header> |
</div>) |
:(<div className="sign-up-container"> |
<div> |
<h1>Sign Up</h1> |
<p className="no-margin"> |
<strong>Account address:</strong> {this.props.user.address} |
</p> |
<UsernameFormContainer signedUp={this.signedUp}/> |
</div> |
</div>) |
); |
} |
} |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
const SignUpContainer = drizzleConnect(SignUp, mapStateToProps); |
export default SignUpContainer; |
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Form, TextArea, Button, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react' |
import NewTopicPreview from '../components/NewTopicPreview' |
import { createTopic } from '../redux/actions/transactionsMonitorActions'; |
class StartTopic extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this); |
this.handlePreviewToggle = this.handlePreviewToggle.bind(this); |
this.validateAndPost = this.validateAndPost.bind(this); |
this.state = { |
topicSubjectInput: '', |
topicMessageInput: '', |
topicSubjectInputEmptySubmit: false, |
topicMessageInputEmptySubmit: false, |
previewEnabled: false, |
previewDate: "" |
}; |
} |
async validateAndPost() { |
if (this.state.topicSubjectInput === '' || this.state.topicMessageInput === ''){ |
this.setState({ |
topicSubjectInputEmptySubmit: this.state.topicSubjectInput === '', |
topicMessageInputEmptySubmit: this.state.topicMessageInput === '' |
}); |
return; |
} |
this.props.store.dispatch( |
createTopic( |
{ |
topicSubject: this.state.topicSubjectInput, |
topicMessage: this.state.topicMessageInput |
} |
) |
); |
this.context.router.push("/home"); |
} |
handleInputChange(event) { |
this.setState({[event.target.name]: event.target.value}); |
} |
handlePreviewToggle() { |
this.setState((prevState, props) => ({ |
previewEnabled: !prevState.previewEnabled, |
previewDate: this.getDate() |
})); |
} |
getDate() { |
const currentdate = new Date(); |
return ((currentdate.getMonth() + 1) + " " |
+ currentdate.getDate() + ", " |
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + ", " |
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":" |
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" |
+ currentdate.getSeconds()); |
} |
render() { |
if (!this.props.user.hasSignedUp) { |
this.context.router.push("/signup"); |
return(null); |
} |
var previewEditText = this.state.previewEnabled ? "Edit" : "Preview"; |
return ( |
<div> |
{this.state.previewEnabled && |
<NewTopicPreview |
date={this.state.previewDate} |
subject={this.state.topicSubjectInput} |
content={this.state.topicMessageInput} |
/> |
} |
<Form> |
{!this.state.previewEnabled && |
[<Form.Field key={"topicSubjectInput"}> |
<Form.Input name={"topicSubjectInput"} |
error={this.state.topicSubjectInputEmptySubmit} |
type="text" |
value={this.state.topicSubjectInput} |
placeholder="Subject" |
id="topicSubjectInput" |
onChange={this.handleInputChange} /> |
</Form.Field>, |
<TextArea key={"topicMessageInput"} |
name={"topicMessageInput"} |
className={this.state.topicMessageInputEmptySubmit ? "form-textarea-required" : ""} |
value={this.state.topicMessageInput} |
placeholder="Post" |
id="topicMessageInput" |
rows={5} |
autoHeight |
onChange={this.handleInputChange} />] |
} |
<br/><br/> |
<Button.Group> |
<Button animated key="submit" type="button" color='teal' |
onClick={this.validateAndPost}> |
<Button.Content visible>Post</Button.Content> |
<Button.Content hidden> |
<Icon name='send' /> |
</Button.Content> |
</Button> |
<Button type="button" color='yellow' |
onClick={this.handlePreviewToggle}> |
{previewEditText} |
</Button> |
</Button.Group> |
</Form> |
</div> |
); |
} |
} |
StartTopic.contextTypes = { |
router: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB, |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
const StartTopicContainer = drizzleConnect(StartTopic, mapStateToProps) |
export default StartTopicContainer; |
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import WithBlockchainData from '../components/WithBlockchainData'; |
import PostList from '../components/PostList'; |
import NewPost from '../components/NewPost'; |
import FloatingButton from '../components/FloatingButton'; |
import { |
showProgressBar, |
hideProgressBar, |
setNavBarTitle |
} from '../redux/actions/userInterfaceActions'; |
class Topic extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props); |
this.props.store.dispatch(showProgressBar()); |
this.fetchTopicSubject = this.fetchTopicSubject.bind(this); |
this.togglePostingState = this.togglePostingState.bind(this); |
this.postCreated = this.postCreated.bind(this); |
this.state = { |
topicID: this.props.params.topicId, |
topicSubject: null, |
postFocus: this.props.params.postId && /^[0-9]+$/.test(this.props.params.postId) |
? this.props.params.postId |
: null, |
fetchTopicSubjectStatus: null, |
posting: false |
}; |
} |
async fetchTopicSubject(orbitDBAddress) { |
let orbitData; |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[1] === this.props.user.address) { |
orbitData = this.props.orbitDB.topicsDB.get(this.state.topicID); |
} else { |
const fullAddress = "/orbitdb/" + orbitDBAddress + "/topics"; |
const store = await this.props.orbitDB.orbitdb.keyvalue(fullAddress); |
await store.load(); |
let localOrbitData = store.get(this.state.topicID); |
if (localOrbitData) { |
orbitData = localOrbitData; |
} else { |
// Wait until we have received something from the network
store.events.on('replicated', () => { |
orbitData = store.get(this.state.topicID); |
}) |
} |
} |
this.props.store.dispatch(hideProgressBar()); |
this.props.store.dispatch(setNavBarTitle(orbitData['subject'])); |
this.setState({ |
'topicSubject': orbitData['subject'], |
fetchTopicSubjectStatus: "fetched" |
}); |
} |
togglePostingState(event) { |
if (event){ |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
this.setState(prevState => ({ |
posting: !prevState.posting |
})); |
} |
postCreated(){ |
this.setState(prevState => ({ |
posting: false |
})); |
} |
render() { |
var topicContents; |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].status === "success") { |
topicContents = ( |
(<div> |
<PostList postIDs={this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[4]} |
focusOnPost={this.state.postFocus ? this.state.postFocus : null}/> |
{this.state.posting && |
<NewPost topicID={this.state.topicID} |
subject={this.state.topicSubject} |
postIndex={this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[4].length} |
onCancelClick={() => {this.togglePostingState()}} |
onPostCreated={() => {this.postCreated()}} |
/> |
} |
<div className="posts-list-spacer"></div> |
{this.props.user.hasSignedUp && !this.state.posting && |
<FloatingButton onClick={this.togglePostingState}/> |
} |
</div>) |
) |
} |
return ( |
<div className="fill"> |
{topicContents} |
{!this.state.posting && |
<div className="bottom-overlay-pad"></div> |
} |
</div> |
); |
} |
componentDidUpdate() { |
if (this.props.blockchainData[0].status === "success") { |
if (this.state.fetchTopicSubjectStatus === null){ |
this.setState({ fetchTopicSubjectStatus: "fetching"}) |
this.fetchTopicSubject(this.props.blockchainData[0].returnData[0]); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user, |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB |
} |
}; |
class TopicContainer extends Component { |
constructor(props){ |
super(props); |
if (!/^[0-9]+$/.test(props.params.topicId)){ //Topic ID should be a positive integer
this.props.router.push("/404"); |
} |
} |
render() { |
return( |
<WithBlockchainData |
component={drizzleConnect(Topic, mapStateToProps)} |
callsInfo={[{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'getTopic', |
params: [this.props.params.topicId] |
}]} |
params={this.props.params} |
/> |
); |
} |
} |
export default TopicContainer; |
@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Message } from 'semantic-ui-react'; |
import { updateTransaction } from '../redux/actions/transactionsMonitorActions'; |
class RightSideBar extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.handleMessageDismiss = this.handleMessageDismiss.bind(this); |
this.updateTransactions = this.updateTransactions.bind(this); |
this.completeWithOrbitInteractions = this.completeWithOrbitInteractions.bind(this); |
this.drizzle = context.drizzle; |
this.transactionsStackIds = []; |
this.transactionsTxHashes = []; |
this.state = { |
transactionsCompletionTime: [], |
isTransactionMessageActive: [] |
} |
} |
handleMessageDismiss(messageIndex) { |
let isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy = this.state.isTransactionMessageActive.slice(); |
isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy[messageIndex] = false; |
this.setState({ |
isTransactionMessageActive: isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy |
}); |
} |
render() { |
let transactionMessages = this.props.transactionsQueue.map((transaction, index) => { |
if (!this.state.isTransactionMessageActive[index]){ |
return null; |
} |
let color = 'black'; |
let message = []; |
while(true) { |
if (transaction.status === 'initialized') break; |
message.push("New transaction has been queued and is waiting your confirmation."); |
if (transaction.status === 'acceptance_pending') break; |
message.push(<br key="confirmed"/>); |
message.push("- transaction confirmed"); |
if (transaction.status === 'mining_pending') break; |
message.push(<br key="mined"/>); |
message.push("- transaction mined"); |
if (transaction.status === 'success') { |
color = 'green'; |
message.push(<br key="success"/>); |
message.push("- transaction completed successfully"); |
break; |
} |
if (transaction.status === 'error') { |
color = 'red'; |
message.push(<br key="fail"/>); |
message.push("Transaction failed to complete!"); |
break; |
} |
} |
return ( |
<div className="sidebar-message" key={index}> |
<Message color={color} onDismiss={() => {this.handleMessageDismiss(index)}}> |
{message} |
</Message> |
</div> |
); |
}); |
return (transactionMessages); |
} |
componentDidUpdate(){ //Maybe change to componentWillReceiveProps()
this.updateTransactions(); |
} |
updateTransactions(){ |
for (var index = 0; index < this.props.transactionsQueue.length; ++index) { |
let transaction = this.props.transactionsQueue[index]; |
if (transaction.status === 'initialized' && |
this.transactionsStackIds[index] === undefined){ |
/* User submitted a new transaction */ |
let isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy = this.state |
.isTransactionMessageActive.slice(); |
isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy[index] = true; |
this.setState({ |
isTransactionMessageActive: isTransactionMessageActiveShallowCopy |
}); |
this.transactionsStackIds[index] = (this.drizzle |
.contracts[transaction.contract] |
.methods[transaction.method] |
.cacheSend(...(transaction.params))); |
this.props.store.dispatch(updateTransaction(index, { |
status: 'acceptance_pending' |
})); |
} else if (transaction.status === 'acceptance_pending'){ |
if (this.props.transactionStack[this.transactionsStackIds[index]]){ |
/* User confirmed the transaction */ |
//Gets transaction's hash
this.transactionsTxHashes[index] = (this.props |
.transactionStack[this.transactionsStackIds[index]]); |
this.props.store.dispatch(updateTransaction(index, { |
status: 'mining_pending' |
})); |
} |
} else if (transaction.status === 'mining_pending'){ |
if (this.props.transactions[this.transactionsTxHashes[index]] |
.status === "success"){ |
/* Transaction completed successfully */ |
//Gets returned data by contract
let data = this.props.transactions[this.transactionsTxHashes[index]] |
.receipt.events[transaction.event].returnValues; |
this.props.store.dispatch(updateTransaction(index, { |
status: 'success', |
returnData: data |
})); |
let transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy = this.state |
.transactionsCompletionTime.slice(); |
transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy[index] = new Date().getTime(); |
this.setState({ |
transactionsCompletionTime: transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy |
}); |
this.completeWithOrbitInteractions(this.props.transactionsQueue[index], data); |
} else if (this.props.transactions[this.transactionsTxHashes[index]] |
.status === "error"){ |
/* Transaction failed to complete */ |
this.props.store.dispatch(updateTransaction(index, { |
status: 'error' |
})); |
let transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy = this.state |
.transactionsCompletionTime.slice(); |
transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy[index] = new Date().getTime(); |
this.setState({ |
transactionsCompletionTime: transactionsCompletionTimeShallowCopy |
}); |
//TODO handle this gracefully
} |
} |
} |
} |
async completeWithOrbitInteractions(transaction, returnData){ |
switch (transaction.event){ |
case 'TopicCreated': |
await this.props.orbitDB.topicsDB.put(returnData.topicID, { |
subject: transaction.userInputs.topicSubject |
}); |
await this.props.orbitDB.postsDB.put(returnData.postID, { |
subject: transaction.userInputs.topicSubject, |
content: transaction.userInputs.topicMessage |
}); |
break; |
case 'PostCreated': |
await this.props.orbitDB.postsDB.put(returnData.postID, { |
subject: transaction.userInputs.postSubject, |
content: transaction.userInputs.postMessage |
}); |
break; |
default: |
break; //This transaction doesn't need a DB interaction to complete
} |
} |
} |
RightSideBar.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
orbitDB: state.orbitDB, |
transactionsQueue: state.transactionsQueue.transactions, |
transactions: state.transactions, |
transactionStack: state.transactionStack |
} |
}; |
const RightSideBarContainer = drizzleConnect(RightSideBar, mapStateToProps); |
export default RightSideBarContainer; |
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Button, Message, Form, Dimmer, Loader, Header } from 'semantic-ui-react'; |
import { createDatabases } from './../util/orbit'; |
import { updateUsername } from '../redux/actions/transactionsMonitorActions'; |
const contract = "Forum"; |
const checkUsernameTakenMethod = "isUserNameTaken"; |
const signUpMethod = "signUp"; |
class UsernameFormContainer extends Component { |
constructor(props, context) { |
super(props); |
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this); |
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); |
this.completeAction = this.completeAction.bind(this); |
this.drizzle = context.drizzle; |
this.contracts = this.drizzle.contracts; |
this.state = { |
usernameInput: '', |
error: false, |
errorHeader: "", |
errorMessage: "", |
signingUp: false |
}; |
} |
handleInputChange(e, { name, value }) { |
this.setState({ [name]: value }) |
} |
handleSubmit() { |
if (this.state.usernameInput === ''){ |
this.setState({ |
error: true, |
errorHeader: "Data Incomplete", |
errorMessage: "You need to provide a username" |
}); |
} else { |
this.checkUsernameTakenDataKey = this.contracts[contract].methods[checkUsernameTakenMethod] |
.cacheCall(this.state.usernameInput); |
this.setState({ |
error: false |
}); |
this.checkingUsernameTaken = true; |
} |
} |
async completeAction() { |
if(this.props.user.hasSignedUp){ |
this.props.store.dispatch(updateUsername(...[this.state.usernameInput], null)); |
} else { |
this.setState({ signingUp: true }); |
const orbitdbInfo = await createDatabases(); |
this.contracts[contract].methods[signUpMethod] |
.cacheSend(...[this.state.usernameInput, |
orbitdbInfo.id, |
orbitdbInfo.topicsDB, |
orbitdbInfo.postsDB, |
orbitdbInfo.publicKey, |
orbitdbInfo.privateKey |
]); |
} |
this.setState({ usernameInput: '' }); |
} |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { |
if (this.state.signingUp && nextProps.user.hasSignedUp){ |
this.props.signedUp(); |
} |
} |
componentWillUpdate() { |
if (this.checkingUsernameTaken){ |
let dataFetched = this.drizzle.store.getState() |
.contracts[contract][checkUsernameTakenMethod][this.checkUsernameTakenDataKey]; |
if (dataFetched){ |
this.checkingUsernameTaken = false; |
if (dataFetched.value){ |
this.setState({ |
error: true, |
errorHeader: "Data disapproved", |
errorMessage: "This username is already taken" |
}); |
} else { |
this.setState({ |
error: false |
}); |
this.completeAction(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
render() { |
const hasSignedUp = this.props.user.hasSignedUp; |
if(hasSignedUp !== null) { |
const buttonText = hasSignedUp ? "Update" : "Sign Up"; |
const placeholderText = hasSignedUp ? this.props.user.username : "Username"; |
var withError = this.state.error && {error: true}; |
return( |
<div> |
<Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} {...withError}> |
<Form.Field required> |
<label>Username</label> |
<Form.Input |
placeholder={placeholderText} |
name='usernameInput' |
value={this.state.usernameInput} |
onChange={this.handleInputChange} |
/> |
</Form.Field> |
<Message |
error |
header={this.state.errorHeader} |
content={this.state.errorMessage} |
/> |
<Button type='submit'>{buttonText}</Button> |
</Form> |
<Dimmer active={this.state.signingUp || this.checkingUsernameTaken} page> |
<Header as='h2' inverted> |
<Loader size='large'>Magic elfs are processing your nobel request.</Loader> |
</Header> |
</Dimmer> |
</div> |
); |
} |
return(null); |
} |
} |
UsernameFormContainer.contextTypes = { |
drizzle: PropTypes.object |
}; |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
user: state.user |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(UsernameFormContainer, mapStateToProps) |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
const epochTimeConverter = (timestamp) => { |
var timestampDate = new Date(0); |
timestampDate.setUTCSeconds(timestamp); |
return ((timestampDate.getMonth() + 1) + " " |
+ timestampDate.getDate() + ", " |
+ timestampDate.getFullYear() + ", " |
+ timestampDate.getHours() + ":" |
+ timestampDate.getMinutes() + ":" |
+ timestampDate.getSeconds()) |
} |
export default epochTimeConverter; |
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { render } from 'react-dom'; |
import { Router, IndexRedirect, browserHistory } from 'react-router'; |
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { syncHistoryWithStore } from 'react-router-redux'; |
import { DrizzleProvider } from 'drizzle-react'; |
// Layout
import CoreLayout from './layouts/CoreLayout/CoreLayout'; |
// Containers
import LoadingContainer from './containers/LoadingContainer'; |
import SignUpContainer from './containers/SignUpContainer'; |
import HomeContainer from './containers/HomeContainer'; |
import TopicContainer from './containers/TopicContainer'; |
import StartTopicContainer from './containers/StartTopicContainer'; |
import ProfileContainer from './containers/ProfileContainer'; |
import NotFoundView from './components/NotFoundView'; |
import store from './redux/store'; |
import drizzleOptions from './util/drizzleOptions'; |
import './assets/css/index.css'; |
// Initialize react-router-redux.
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store); |
render(( |
<DrizzleProvider options={drizzleOptions} store={store}> |
<LoadingContainer> |
<Router history={history}> |
<Route path="/" component={CoreLayout}> |
<IndexRedirect to="/home" /> |
<Route path="/home" |
component={HomeContainer} /> |
<Route path="/signup" |
component={SignUpContainer} /> |
<Route path="/topic/:topicId(/:postId)" |
component={TopicContainer} /> |
<Route path='/profile(/:address)(/:username)' |
component={ProfileContainer} /> |
<Route path='/startTopic' |
component={StartTopicContainer} /> |
<Route path='/404' component={NotFoundView} /> |
<Route path='*' component={NotFoundView} /> |
</Route> |
</Router> |
</LoadingContainer> |
</DrizzleProvider> |
), |
document.getElementById('root') |
); |
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { drizzleConnect } from 'drizzle-react'; |
import NavBar from '../../components/NavBar'; |
import TransactionsMonitorContainer from '../../containers/TransactionsMonitorContainer'; |
// Styles
import '../../assets/fonts/fontawesome-free-5.0.13/fontawesome-all.js'; |
import '../../assets/css/App.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/loading-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/sign-up-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/board-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/start-topic-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/topic-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/profile-container.css'; |
import '../../assets/css/progress-bar.css'; |
class CoreLayout extends Component { |
render() { |
return ( |
<div className="App"> |
<NavBar/> |
<div className="progress-bar-container" |
style={{display: this.props.isProgressBarVisible ? "block" : "none"}}> |
<div className="progress"> |
<div className="indeterminate"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="page-container"> |
<aside className="left-side-panel"> |
</aside> |
<div className="main-panel"> |
<div className="view-container"> |
{this.props.children} |
</div> |
</div> |
<aside className="right-side-panel"> |
<TransactionsMonitorContainer/> |
</aside> |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
} |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
return { |
isProgressBarVisible: state.interface.displayProgressBar |
} |
}; |
export default drizzleConnect(CoreLayout, mapStateToProps) |
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ |
//Action creators
export function updateUsername(newUsername, callback){ |
return { |
transactionDescriptor: |
{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'updateUsername', |
params: [newUsername], |
event: 'UsernameUpdated' |
}, |
callback: callback |
}; |
} |
export function createTopic(userInputs){ |
return { |
transactionDescriptor: |
{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'createTopic', |
params: [], |
event: 'TopicCreated' |
}, |
userInputs: userInputs |
}; |
} |
export function createPost(topicID, userInputs){ |
return { |
transactionDescriptor: |
{ |
contract: 'Forum', |
method: 'createPost', |
params: [topicID], |
event: 'PostCreated' |
}, |
userInputs: userInputs |
}; |
} |
export function updateTransaction(transactionIndex, updateDescriptor){ |
return { |
index: transactionIndex, |
transactionUpdates: updateDescriptor |
}; |
} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
//Action creators
export function showProgressBar(){ |
return { type: SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR}; |
} |
export function hideProgressBar(){ |
return { type: HIDE_PROGRESS_BAR}; |
} |
export function setNavBarTitle(newTitle){ |
return { |
title: newTitle |
}; |
} |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
const initialState = { |
grabbed: false |
}; |
const contractReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { |
switch (action.type) { |
return { |
grabbed: true, |
}; |
default: |
return state |
} |
}; |
export default contractReducer; |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; |
import { routerReducer } from 'react-router-redux'; |
import { drizzleReducers } from 'drizzle'; |
import userReducer from "./userReducer"; |
import contractReducer from "./contractReducer"; |
import orbitReducer from "../../util/orbitReducer"; |
import userInterfaceReducer from "./userInterfaceReducer"; |
import transactionsMonitorReducer from "./transactionsMonitorReducer"; |
const reducer = combineReducers({ |
routing: routerReducer, |
user: userReducer, |
orbitDB: orbitReducer, |
forumContract: contractReducer, |
interface: userInterfaceReducer, |
transactionsQueue: transactionsMonitorReducer, |
...drizzleReducers |
}); |
export default reducer; |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
import { INIT_TRANSACTION, UPDATE_TRANSACTION } from '../actions/transactionsMonitorActions'; |
const initialState = { |
transactions: [] |
}; |
const transactionsReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { |
switch (action.type) { |
let transactionsShallowCopy = state.transactions.slice(); |
transactionsShallowCopy.push({ |
status: 'initialized', |
contract: action.transactionDescriptor.contract, |
method: action.transactionDescriptor.method, |
params: action.transactionDescriptor.params, |
event: action.transactionDescriptor.event, |
returnData: null, |
userInputs: action.userInputs |
}); |
return { |
transactions: transactionsShallowCopy |
}; |
return { transactions: state.transactions.map( (transaction, index) => { |
if (index !== action.index){ |
return transaction; |
} |
return { |
...transaction, |
...action.transactionUpdates |
} |
})}; |
default: |
return state; |
} |
}; |
export default transactionsReducer; |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
import { |
} from '../actions/userInterfaceActions'; |
const initialState = { |
displayProgressBar: false, |
navBarTitle: '' |
}; |
const userInterfaceReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { |
switch (action.type) { |
return { |
displayProgressBar: true |
}; |
return { |
displayProgressBar: false |
}; |
return { |
navBarTitle: action.title |
} |
default: |
return state; |
} |
}; |
export default userInterfaceReducer; |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
import { put, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
let contractGrabbed=false; |
let grabbedContract; |
function* grabContract({contract}) { |
if(!contractGrabbed) |
{ |
contractGrabbed=true; |
grabbedContract = contract; |
yield put({type: 'CONTRACT_GRABBED', ...[]}); |
} |
} |
function* contractSaga() { |
yield takeLatest('LISTEN_FOR_EVENT', grabContract); |
} |
export { contractSaga, grabbedContract }; |
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
import { call, put, select, takeLatest, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
import {grabbedContract as contract} from "./contractSaga"; |
const contractWasGrabbed = (state) => state.forumContract.grabbed; |
const accounts = (state) => state.accounts; |
let account; |
let initFlag = false; |
function* initUser() { |
if(!initFlag) |
{ |
while(true) |
if(yield select(contractWasGrabbed)) |
{ |
yield call(getUserData); |
initFlag=true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
function* updateUserData() { |
if(initFlag) |
yield call(getUserData); |
} |
function* getUserData() { |
const currentAccount = (yield select(accounts))[0]; |
if(currentAccount!==account) |
{ |
account = currentAccount; |
yield put({type: 'ACCOUNT_CHANGED', ...[]}); |
} |
const txObj1 = yield call(contract.methods["hasUserSignedUp"], ...[account]); |
try { |
const callResult = yield call(txObj1.call, {address:account}); |
if(callResult) |
{ |
const txObj2 = yield call(contract.methods["getUsername"], ...[account]); |
const username = yield call(txObj2.call, {address:account}); |
const dispatchArgs = { |
address: account, |
username: username |
}; |
yield put({type: 'USER_HAS_SIGNED_UP', ...dispatchArgs}); |
} |
else{ |
const dispatchArgs = { |
address: account, |
}; |
yield put({type: 'USER_IS_GUEST', ...dispatchArgs}); |
} |
} |
catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
yield put({type: 'USER_FETCHING_ERROR', ...[]}) |
} |
} |
function* userSaga() { |
yield takeLatest("DRIZZLE_INITIALIZED", initUser); |
yield takeEvery("ACCOUNTS_FETCHED", updateUserData); |
} |
export default userSaga; |
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'; |
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'; |
import { routerMiddleware } from 'react-router-redux'; |
import reducer from './reducer/reducer'; |
import rootSaga from './sagas/rootSaga'; |
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'; |
import { generateContractsInitialState } from 'drizzle'; |
import drizzleOptions from '../util/drizzleOptions'; |
// Redux DevTools
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose; |
const routingMiddleware = routerMiddleware(browserHistory); |
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(); |
const initialState = { |
contracts: generateContractsInitialState(drizzleOptions) |
}; |
const store = createStore( |
reducer, |
initialState, |
composeEnhancers( |
applyMiddleware( |
routingMiddleware, |
sagaMiddleware |
) |
) |
); |
sagaMiddleware.run(rootSaga); |
export default store; |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 70 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 216 KiB |
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
import Forum from './../build/contracts/Forum.json' |
const drizzleOptions = { |
web3: { |
fallback: { |
type: 'ws', |
url: 'ws://' |
} |
}, |
contracts: [ |
Forum |
], |
events: { |
Forum: ['UserSignedUp', |
'UsernameUpdated', |
'TopicCreated', |
'PostCreated'] |
}, |
polls: { |
accounts: 3000, |
blocks: 3000 |
}, |
}; |
export default drizzleOptions; |
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ |
import IPFS from 'ipfs'; |
import OrbitDB from 'orbit-db'; |
import Keystore from 'orbit-db-keystore'; |
import path from 'path'; |
import store from './../redux/store'; |
// OrbitDB uses Pubsub which is an experimental feature
// and need to be turned on manually.
// Note that these options need to be passed to IPFS in
// all examples in this document even if not specified so.
const ipfsOptions = { |
pubsub: true |
}, config: { |
Addresses: { |
Swarm: [ |
// Use IPFS dev signal server
// Prefer websocket over webrtc
// Websocket:
// '/dns4/ws-star-signal-2.servep2p.com/tcp/443//wss/p2p-websocket-star',
'/dns4/ws-star.discovery.libp2p.io/tcp/443/wss/p2p-websocket-star', |
// Local signal server
// WebRTC:
// '/dns4/star-signal.cloud.ipfs.team/wss/p2p-webrtc-star',
// Local signal server
// '/ip4/'
] |
} |
}, |
}; |
// Create IPFS instance
const ipfs = new IPFS(ipfsOptions); |
let orbitdb, topicsDB, postsDB; |
ipfs.on('ready', async () => { |
store.dispatch({type: "IPFS_INITIALIZED"}); |
}); |
async function createDatabases() { |
orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs); |
topicsDB = await orbitdb.keyvalue('topics'); |
postsDB = await orbitdb.keyvalue('posts'); |
store.dispatch({ |
orbitdb: orbitdb, |
topicsDB: topicsDB, |
postsDB: postsDB, |
id: orbitdb.id |
}); |
return {id: orbitdb.id, topicsDB: topicsDB.address.root, postsDB: postsDB.address.root, |
publicKey: orbitdb.key.getPublic('hex'), privateKey:orbitdb.key.getPrivate('hex')}; |
} |
async function loadDatabases(id,mTopicsDB, mPostsDB,publicKey,privateKey) { |
let directory = "./orbitdb"; |
let keystore = Keystore.create(path.join(directory, id, '/keystore')); |
keystore._storage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify({ |
publicKey: publicKey, |
privateKey: privateKey |
})); |
orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs,directory,{peerId:id, keystore:keystore}); |
topicsDB = await orbitdb.keyvalue('/orbitdb/' + mTopicsDB +'/topics'); |
postsDB = await orbitdb.keyvalue('/orbitdb/' + mPostsDB +'/posts'); |
topicsDB.load(); |
postsDB.load(); |
store.dispatch({ |
orbitdb: orbitdb, |
topicsDB: topicsDB, |
postsDB: postsDB, |
id: orbitdb.id |
}); |
} |
export { createDatabases, loadDatabases }; |
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
const initialState = { |
ipfsInitialized: false, |
ready: false, |
orbitdb: null, |
topicsDB: null, |
postsDB: null, |
id: null |
}; |
const orbitReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { |
switch (action.type) { |
return { |
...state, |
ipfsInitialized: true |
}; |
return { |
...state, |
ready: true, |
orbitdb: action.orbitdb, |
topicsDB: action.topicsDB, |
postsDB: action.postsDB, |
id: action.id |
}; |
return { |
...state, |
ready: true, |
orbitdb: action.orbitdb, |
topicsDB: action.topicsDB, |
postsDB: action.postsDB, |
id: action.id |
}; |
return { |
...state, |
ready: false, |
orbitdb: null, |
topicsDB: null, |
postsDB: null, |
id: null |
}; |
default: |
return state |
} |
}; |
export default orbitReducer; |
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ |
import { loadDatabases } from './../util/orbit' |
import { call, put, select, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects' |
import {grabbedContract as contract} from "../redux/sagas/contractSaga"; |
const accounts = (state) => state.accounts; |
let latestAccount; |
function* getOrbitDBInfo() { |
yield put({type: 'ORRBIT_GETTING_INFO', ...[]}); |
const account = (yield select(accounts))[0]; |
if(account!==latestAccount) |
{ |
console.log("Deleting local storage.."); |
localStorage.clear(); |
const txObj1 = yield call(contract.methods["hasUserSignedUp"], ...[account]); |
try { |
const callResult = yield call(txObj1.call, {address:account}); |
if(callResult) { |
const txObj2 = yield call(contract.methods["getOrbitDBInfo"], ...[account]); |
const info = yield call(txObj2.call, {address: account}); |
//TODO: update localStorage OrbitDB stuff
yield call(loadDatabases, info[0], info[1], info[2],info[3], info[4]); |
} |
else |
yield put({type: 'DATABASES_NOT_READY', ...[]}); |
latestAccount=account; |
} |
catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
yield put({type: 'ORBIT_SAGA_ERROR', ...[]}); |
} |
} |
} |
function* orbitSaga() { |
yield takeLatest("ACCOUNT_CHANGED", getOrbitDBInfo); |
} |
export default orbitSaga; |
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ |
pragma solidity ^0.4.17; |
import "truffle/Assert.sol"; |
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol"; |
import "../contracts/Forum.sol"; |
contract TestForum { |
Forum forumContract = Forum(DeployedAddresses.Forum()); |
function testUserCanSignUp() public { |
//Try to sign up |
bool expected = true; |
bool userSignUpStatus = forumContract.signUp("MrAwesome"); |
Assert.equal(userSignUpStatus, expected, "Sign-up failed"); |
} |
function testHasUserSignedUp() public { |
//Check if sign-up succeeded |
address myAddress = this; |
require(forumContract.hasUserSignedUp(myAddress)); |
} |
/* function testGetUsername() public { |
//require (forumContract.getUsername(this) == "MrAwesome"); |
} */ |
function testGetUserAddress() public { |
//Try to get user address from user-name |
address expected = this; |
address userAddress = forumContract.getUserAddress("MrAwesome"); |
Assert.equal(userAddress, expected, "Getting user address from user-name failed"); |
} |
function testIsUserNameTaken() public view { |
//Try to test if a user-name is taken |
bool expected = false; |
bool result = forumContract.isUserNameTaken("somethingElse"); |
Assert.equal(result, expected, "Testing if user-name is taken failed"); |
/* expected = true; |
result = forumContract.isUserNameTaken("MrAwesome"); |
Assert.equal(result, expected, "Testing if user-name is taken failed"); */ |
} |
/* function testCreateTopic() public { |
uint expected = 1; |
uint topicId = forumContract.createTopic(); |
Assert.equal(topicId, expected, "whatevs"); |
} |
function testCreatePost() public { |
uint expected = 1; |
uint postId = forumContract.createPost(1); |
Assert.equal(postId, expected, "whatevs"); |
} */ |
/* function testGetTopicPosts() public { |
} */ |
/* function test () public { |
} */ |
} |
Reference in new issue