import Web3 from 'web3'; import Contract from 'web3-eth-contract'; import IPFS from 'ipfs'; import { contracts } from 'concordia-contracts'; import { FORUM_CONTRACT } from 'concordia-shared/src/constants/contracts/ContractNames'; import getWeb3ProviderUrl from 'concordia-shared/src/utils/web3'; import { createOrbitInstance, getPeerDatabases, openKVDBs } from './utils/orbitUtils'; import startAPI from './app'; import downloadContractArtifacts from './utils/drizzleUtils'; import getIpfsOptions from './options/ipfsOptions'; process.on('unhandledRejection', (error) => { // This happens when attempting to initialize without any available Swarm addresses (e.g. Rendezvous) if (error.code === 'ERR_NO_VALID_ADDRESSES') { console.error('unhandledRejection', error.message); process.exit(1); } // Don't swallow other errors console.error(error); throw error; }); const getDeployedContract = async (web3) => { let forumContractPromise; if (process.env.USE_EXTERNAL_CONTRACTS_PROVIDER) { console.log('Downloading contracts.'); forumContractPromise = downloadContractArtifacts() .then((remoteContracts) => remoteContracts .find((remoteContract) => remoteContract.contractName === FORUM_CONTRACT)); } else { forumContractPromise = Promise.resolve(contracts.find((contract) => contract.contractName === FORUM_CONTRACT)); } return forumContractPromise .then((forumContract) => .then((networkId) => forumContract.networks[networkId].address) .then((contractAddress) => { Contract.setProvider(getWeb3ProviderUrl()); const contract = new Contract(forumContract.abi, contractAddress); return { contract, contractAddress }; })); }; // Open & replicate databases of existing users const openExistingUsersDatabases = async (contract, orbit) => contract.methods.getUserAddresses().call() .then((userAddresses) => getPeerDatabases(orbit, userAddresses)) .then((peerDBs) => openKVDBs(orbit, peerDBs)); const handleWeb3LogEvent = (web3, eventJsonInterface, orbit) => (error, result) => { if (!error) { const eventObj = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog( eventJsonInterface.inputs,, result.topics.slice(1), ); const userAddress = eventObj[1]; console.log('User signed up:', userAddress); getPeerDatabases(orbit, [userAddress]) .then((peerDBs) => openKVDBs(orbit, peerDBs)); } }; const main = async () => { console.log('Initializing...'); const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(getWeb3ProviderUrl())); getDeployedContract(web3) .then(({ contract, contractAddress }) => getIpfsOptions() .then((ipfsOptions) => IPFS.create(ipfsOptions)) .then((ipfs) => createOrbitInstance(ipfs, contractAddress)) .then((orbit) => openExistingUsersDatabases(contract, orbit) .then(() => { // Listen for new users and subscribe to their databases const eventJsonInterface = web3.utils._.find( // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle contract._jsonInterface, (obj) => === 'UserSignedUp' && obj.type === 'event', ); web3.eth.subscribe('logs', { address: contractAddress, topics: [eventJsonInterface.signature], }, handleWeb3LogEvent(web3, eventJsonInterface, orbit)); startAPI(orbit); }))); }; main();