//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.0; import "./Forum.sol"; contract PostVoting { Forum public forum; constructor(Forum addr) { forum = Forum(addr); } enum Option { DEFAULT, UP, DOWN } // DEFAULT -> 0, UP -> 1, DOWN -> 2 struct PostBallot { mapping(address => Option) votes; mapping(Option => address[]) voters; } mapping(uint => PostBallot) postBallots; event UserVotedPost(address userAddress, uint postID, Option option); function getVote(uint postID, address voter) public view returns (Option) { require(forum.postExists(postID), forum.POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST()); return postBallots[postID].votes[voter]; } // Gets vote count for a specific option (Option.UP/ Option.DOWN only!) function getVoteCount(uint postID, Option option) private view returns (uint) { require(forum.postExists(postID), forum.POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST()); return (postBallots[postID].voters[option].length); } function getUpvoteCount(uint postID) public view returns (uint) { return (getVoteCount(postID, Option.UP)); } function getDownvoteCount(uint postID) public view returns (uint) { return (getVoteCount(postID, Option.DOWN)); } // Gets voters for a specific option (Option.UP/ Option.DOWN) function getVoters(uint postID, Option option) private view returns (address[] memory) { require(forum.postExists(postID), forum.POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST()); return (postBallots[postID].voters[option]); } function getUpvoters(uint postID) public view returns (address[] memory) { return (getVoters(postID, Option.UP)); } function getDownvoters(uint postID) public view returns (address[] memory) { return (getVoters(postID, Option.DOWN)); } function getVoterIndex(uint postID, address voter) private view returns (uint) { require(forum.hasUserSignedUp(voter), forum.USER_HAS_NOT_SIGNED_UP()); require(forum.postExists(postID), forum.POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST()); PostBallot storage postBallot = postBallots[postID]; Option votedOption = getVote(postID, voter); address[] storage optionVoters = postBallot.voters[votedOption]; for (uint voterIndex = 0; voterIndex < optionVoters.length; voterIndex++) if (optionVoters[voterIndex] == voter) return voterIndex; revert("Couldn't find voter's index!"); } function vote(uint postID, Option option) private { require(forum.hasUserSignedUp(msg.sender), forum.USER_HAS_NOT_SIGNED_UP()); require(forum.postExists(postID), forum.POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST()); PostBallot storage postBallot = postBallots[postID]; address voter = msg.sender; Option prevOption = postBallot.votes[voter]; if (prevOption == option) return; // Remove previous vote if exists if (prevOption != Option.DEFAULT) { uint voterIndex = getVoterIndex(postID, voter); // Swap with last voter address and delete vote postBallot.voters[prevOption][voterIndex] = postBallot.voters[prevOption][postBallot.voters[prevOption].length - 1]; postBallot.voters[prevOption].pop(); } // Add new vote if (option != Option.DEFAULT) postBallot.voters[option].push(voter); postBallot.votes[voter] = option; emit UserVotedPost(voter, postID, option); } function upvote(uint postID) public { vote(postID, Option.UP); } function downvote(uint postID) public { vote(postID, Option.DOWN); } function unvote(uint postID) public { vote(postID, Option.DEFAULT); } }