% See also: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/bibliography_management_with_bibtex @online{2.3-merkle-tree, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Merkle tree}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree} } @online{2.3-merkle-proofs-explained, author = {Belavadi Prahalad}, title = {Merkle proofs Explained.}, date = {2018-01-07}, url = {https://medium.com/crypto-0-nite/merkle-proofs-explained-6dd429623dc5} } @inproceedings{2.4-p2p-networking, author={Schollmeier, R.}, booktitle={Proceedings First International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing}, title={A Definition of Peer-to-Peer Networking for the Classification of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Applications}, year={2001}, pages={101-102}, doi={10.1109/P2P.2001.990434} } @article{2.5-bitcoin, author = {Nakamoto, Satoshi}, year = {2009}, month = {03}, title = {Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System}, journal = {Cryptography Mailing list at https://metzdowd.com} } @misc{2.5-blockchain, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Blockchain}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain} } @online{2.6-ethereum-whitepaper, author = {Vitalik Buterin}, title = {Ethereum Whitepaper}, date = {2013}, urldate = {2021-06-28}, url = {https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper} } @article{2.6-ethereum-smart-contracts, author = {Savelyev, Alexander}, year = {2017}, month = {04}, pages = {1-19}, title = {Contract law 2.0: ‘Smart’ contracts as the beginning of the end of classic contract law}, volume = {26}, journal = {Information \& Communications Technology Law}, doi = {10.1080/13600834.2017.1301036} } @book{2.6-ethereum-mastering, author = {Andreas M Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood}, title = {Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps}, date = {2018}, publisher = {O'Reilly Media}, isbn = {1491971940 }, OPTurl = {https://cypherpunks-core.github.io/ethereumbook/}, } @misc{2.7-ipfs, title = {IPFS}, url = {https://ipfs.io/} } @misc{2.7-ipfs-docs, title = {IPFS documentation}, url = {https://docs.ipfs.io/} } @misc{2.7-merkle-dags-proto-school, author = {ProtoSchool}, title = {Merkle DAGs: Structuring Data for the Distributed Web}, url = {https://proto.school/merkle-dags/} } @misc{2.8-orbitdb, title = {OrbitDB}, url = {https://orbitdb.org} } @misc{2.8-orbitdb-guide, title = {Getting Started with OrbitDB}, url = {https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db/blob/main/GUIDE.md} }