@ -39,19 +39,20 @@ public class SessionManager {
private static final HttpUrl loginUrl = HttpUrl . parse ( "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=login2" ) ;
public static final HttpUrl unreadUrl = HttpUrl . parse ( "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=unread;all;start=0;theme=4" ) ;
public static final HttpUrl shoutboxUrl = HttpUrl . parse ( "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=tpmod;sa=shoutbox;theme=4" ) ;
private static final String baseLogoutLink = "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=logout;sesc=" ;
private static final String baseMarkAllAsReadLink = "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=markasread;sa=all;sesc=" ;
static final String baseLogoutLink = "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=logout;sesc=" ;
static final String baseMarkAllAsReadLink = "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=markasread;sa=all;sesc=" ;
private static final String guestName = "Guest" ;
//Response Codes
public static final int SUCCESS = 0 ;
public static final int FAILURE = 1 ; //Generic Error
public static final int WRONG_USER = 2 ;
public static final int WRONG_PASSWORD = 3 ;
public static final int CANCELLED = 4 ;
public static final int CONNECTION_ERROR = 5 ;
public static final int EXCEPTION = 6 ;
public static final int BANNED_USER = 7 ;
//Response Codes - make sure they do not overlap with NetworkResultCodes, just in case
public static final int SUCCESS = 20 ;
public static final int FAILURE = 21 ; //Generic Error
public static final int WRONG_USER = 22 ;
public static final int WRONG_PASSWORD = 23 ;
public static final int CANCELLED = 24 ;
public static final int CONNECTION_ERROR = 25 ;
public static final int EXCEPTION = 26 ;
public static final int BANNED_USER = 27 ;
public static final int INVALID_SESSION = 28 ;
// Client & Cookies
private final OkHttpClient client ;
@ -59,59 +60,48 @@ public class SessionManager {
private final SharedPrefsCookiePersistor cookiePersistor ; //Used to explicitly edit cookies in cookieJar
//Shared Preferences & its keys
private final SharedPreferences sharedPrefs ;
private final SharedPreferences sessionS haredPrefs ;
private final SharedPreferences draftsPrefs ;
private static final String USERNAME = "Username" ;
private static final String USER_ID = "UserID" ;
private static final String AVATAR_LINK = "AvatarLink" ;
private static final String HAS_AVATAR = "HasAvatar" ;
private static final String SESC = "Sesc" ;
private static final String LOGOUT_LINK = "LogoutLink" ;
private static final String MARK_ALL_AS_READ_LINK = "MarkAllAsReadLink" ;
private static final String LOGGED_IN = "LoggedIn" ;
private static final String LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT = "LoginScreenAsDefault" ;
public SessionManager ( OkHttpClient client , PersistentCookieJar cookieJar ,
SharedPrefsCookiePersistor cookiePersistor , SharedPreferences sharedPrefs , SharedPreferences draftsPrefs ) {
SharedPrefsCookiePersistor cookiePersistor , SharedPreferences sessionS haredPrefs , SharedPreferences draftsPrefs ) {
this . client = client ;
this . cookiePersistor = cookiePersistor ;
this . cookieJar = cookieJar ;
this . sharedPrefs = sharedPrefs ;
this . sessionS haredPrefs = sessionS haredPrefs ;
this . draftsPrefs = draftsPrefs ;
//------------------------------------AUTH BEGINS ----------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------ AUTH ----------------------------------------------
/ * *
* Login function with two options : ( username , password ) or nothing ( using saved cookies ) .
* Always call it in a separate thread .
* /
public int login ( String . . . strings ) {
public int login ( String username , String password ) {
Timber . d ( "Logging in..." ) ;
//Build the login request for each case
Request request ;
if ( strings . length = = 2 ) {
clearSessionData ( ) ;
String loginName = strings [ 0 ] ;
String password = strings [ 1 ] ;
RequestBody formBody = new FormBody . Builder ( )
. add ( "user" , loginName )
. add ( "passwrd" , password )
. add ( "cookielength" , "-1" ) //-1 is forever
. build ( ) ;
request = new Request . Builder ( )
. url ( loginUrl )
. post ( formBody )
. build ( ) ;
} else {
request = new Request . Builder ( )
. url ( loginUrl )
. build ( ) ;
clearSessionData ( ) ;
RequestBody formBody = new FormBody . Builder ( )
. add ( "user" , username )
. add ( "passwrd" , password )
. add ( "cookielength" , "-1" ) //-1 is forever
. build ( ) ;
request = new Request . Builder ( )
. url ( loginUrl )
. post ( formBody )
. build ( ) ;
try {
//Make request & handle response
@ -123,7 +113,7 @@ public class SessionManager {
setPersistentCookieSession ( ) ; //Store cookies
//Edit SharedPreferences, save session's data
SharedPreferences . Editor editor = sharedPrefs . edit ( ) ;
SharedPreferences . Editor editor = sessionS haredPrefs . edit ( ) ;
setLoginScreenAsDefault ( false ) ;
editor . putBoolean ( LOGGED_IN , true ) ;
editor . putString ( USERNAME , extractUserName ( document ) ) ;
@ -132,10 +122,6 @@ public class SessionManager {
if ( avatar ! = null )
editor . putString ( AVATAR_LINK , avatar ) ;
editor . putBoolean ( HAS_AVATAR , avatar ! = null ) ;
String sesc = extractSesc ( document ) ;
editor . putString ( SESC , sesc ) ;
editor . putString ( LOGOUT_LINK , generateLogoutLink ( sesc ) ) ;
editor . putString ( MARK_ALL_AS_READ_LINK , generateMarkAllAsReadLink ( sesc ) ) ;
editor . apply ( ) ;
return SUCCESS ;
@ -178,29 +164,6 @@ public class SessionManager {
/ * *
* A function that checks the validity of the current saved session ( if it exists ) .
* If isLoggedIn ( ) is true , it will call login ( ) with cookies . On failure , this can only return
* the code FAILURE . CANCELLED , CONNECTION_ERROR and EXCEPTION are simply considered a SUCCESS
* ( e . g . no internet connection ) , at least until a more thorough handling of different
* exceptions is implemented ( if considered mandatory ) .
* Always call it in a separate thread in a way that won ' t hinder performance ( e . g . after
* fragments ' data are retrieved ) .
* /
void validateSession ( ) {
Timber . i ( "Validating session..." ) ;
if ( isLoggedIn ( ) ) {
Timber . i ( "Refreshing session..." ) ;
int loginResult = login ( ) ;
if ( loginResult ! = FAILURE )
return ;
} else if ( isLoginScreenDefault ( ) )
return ;
setLoginScreenAsDefault ( true ) ;
clearSessionData ( ) ;
/ * *
* Call this function when user explicitly chooses to continue as a guest ( UI thread ) .
* /
@ -210,62 +173,32 @@ public class SessionManager {
setLoginScreenAsDefault ( false ) ;
/ * *
* Logout function . Always call it in a separate thread .
* /
public int logout ( ) {
Timber . i ( "Logging out..." ) ;
try {
Request request = new Request . Builder ( )
. url ( getLogoutLink ( ) )
. build ( ) ;
//Make request & handle response
Response response = client . newCall ( request ) . execute ( ) ;
Document document = Jsoup . parse ( response . body ( ) . string ( ) ) ;
Elements loginButton = document . select ( "[value=Login]" ) ; //Attempt to find login button
if ( ! loginButton . isEmpty ( ) ) //If login button exists, logout was successful
Timber . i ( "Logout successful!" ) ;
return SUCCESS ;
} else {
Timber . i ( "Logout failed." ) ;
return FAILURE ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Timber . w ( e , "Logout IOException" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Timber . e ( e , "Logout Exception" ) ;
return EXCEPTION ;
} finally {
//All data should always be cleared from device regardless the result of logout
clearSessionData ( ) ;
guestLogin ( ) ;
void logoutCleanup ( ) {
clearSessionData ( ) ;
guestLogin ( ) ;
public void refreshSescFromUrl ( String url ) {
String sesc = extractSescFromLink ( url ) ;
if ( sesc ! = null ) {
setSesc ( sesc ) ;
setLogoutLink ( generateLogoutLink ( sesc ) ) ;
setMarkAsReadLink ( sesc ) ;
private void clearSessionData ( ) {
cookieJar . clear ( ) ;
sessionSharedPrefs . edit ( ) . clear ( ) . apply ( ) ; //Clear session data
sessionSharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putString ( USERNAME , guestName ) . apply ( ) ;
sessionSharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putInt ( USER_ID , - 1 ) . apply ( ) ;
sessionSharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( LOGGED_IN , false ) . apply ( ) ; //User logs out
draftsPrefs . edit ( ) . clear ( ) . apply ( ) ; //Clear saved drafts
Timber . i ( "Session data cleared." ) ;
//--------------------------------------AUTH ENDS-----------------------------------------------
//--------------------------------------- GETTERS ------------------------------------------------
public String getUsername ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getString ( USERNAME , USERNAME ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getString ( USERNAME , USERNAME ) ;
public int getUserId ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getInt ( USER_ID , - 1 ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getInt ( USER_ID , - 1 ) ;
public String getAvatarLink ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getString ( AVATAR_LINK , AVATAR_LINK ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getString ( AVATAR_LINK , AVATAR_LINK ) ;
public Cookie getThmmyCookie ( ) {
@ -277,64 +210,22 @@ public class SessionManager {
return null ;
public String getMarkAllAsReadLink ( ) {
String markAsReadLink = sharedPrefs . getString ( MARK_ALL_AS_READ_LINK , null ) ;
if ( markAsReadLink = = null ) { //For older versions, extract it from logout link (otherwise user would have to login again)
String sesc = extractSescFromLink ( getLogoutLink ( ) ) ;
if ( sesc ! = null ) {
setSesc ( sesc ) ;
markAsReadLink = generateMarkAllAsReadLink ( sesc ) ;
setMarkAsReadLink ( markAsReadLink ) ;
return markAsReadLink ;
return markAsReadLink ; // Warning: it can be null
private String getLogoutLink ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getString ( LOGOUT_LINK , null ) ;
public boolean hasAvatar ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getBoolean ( HAS_AVATAR , false ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getBoolean ( HAS_AVATAR , false ) ;
public boolean isLoggedIn ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getBoolean ( LOGGED_IN , false ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getBoolean ( LOGGED_IN , false ) ;
public boolean isLoginScreenDefault ( ) {
return sharedPrefs . getBoolean ( LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT , true ) ;
return sessionSharedPrefs . getBoolean ( LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT , true ) ;
//--------------------------------------GETTERS END---------------------------------------------
private void setSesc ( String sesc ) {
SharedPreferences . Editor editor = sharedPrefs . edit ( ) ;
editor . putString ( SESC , sesc ) ;
editor . apply ( ) ;
private void setMarkAsReadLink ( String markAllAsReadLink ) {
SharedPreferences . Editor editor = sharedPrefs . edit ( ) ;
editor . putString ( MARK_ALL_AS_READ_LINK , markAllAsReadLink ) ;
editor . apply ( ) ;
private void setLogoutLink ( String logoutLink ) {
SharedPreferences . Editor editor = sharedPrefs . edit ( ) ;
editor . putString ( LOGOUT_LINK , logoutLink ) ;
editor . apply ( ) ;
//--------------------------------------SETTERS END---------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------OTHER FUNCTIONS-------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------ OTHER -------------------------------------------
private boolean validateRetrievedCookies ( ) {
List < Cookie > cookieList = cookieJar . loadForRequest ( indexUrl ) ;
for ( Cookie cookie : cookieList )
for ( Cookie cookie : cookieList ) {
if ( cookie . name ( ) . equals ( "THMMYgrC00ki3" ) )
return true ;
@ -353,21 +244,10 @@ public class SessionManager {
cookieList . add ( builder . build ( ) ) ;
cookiePersistor . clear ( ) ;
cookiePersistor . saveAll ( cookieList ) ;
private void clearSessionData ( ) {
cookieJar . clear ( ) ;
sharedPrefs . edit ( ) . clear ( ) . apply ( ) ; //Clear session data
sharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putString ( USERNAME , guestName ) . apply ( ) ;
sharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putInt ( USER_ID , - 1 ) . apply ( ) ;
sharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( LOGGED_IN , false ) . apply ( ) ; //User logs out
draftsPrefs . edit ( ) . clear ( ) . apply ( ) ; //Clear saved drafts
Timber . i ( "Session data cleared." ) ;
private void setLoginScreenAsDefault ( boolean b ) {
sharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT , b ) . apply ( ) ;
sessionSharedPrefs . edit ( ) . putBoolean ( LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT , b ) . apply ( ) ;
@ -421,7 +301,6 @@ public class SessionManager {
return - 1 ;
private String extractAvatarLink ( @NonNull Document doc ) {
Elements avatar = doc . getElementsByClass ( "avatar" ) ;
@ -431,35 +310,4 @@ public class SessionManager {
Timber . i ( "Extracting avatar's link failed!" ) ;
return null ;
private String extractSesc ( @NonNull Document doc ) {
Elements logoutLink = doc . select ( "a[href^=https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=logout;sesc=]" ) ;
if ( ! logoutLink . isEmpty ( ) ) {
String link = logoutLink . first ( ) . attr ( "href" ) ;
return extractSescFromLink ( link ) ;
Timber . e ( new ParseException ( "Parsing failed(extractSesc)" ) , "ParseException" ) ;
return null ;
private String extractSescFromLink ( String link ) {
if ( link ! = null ) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( ".+;sesc=(\\w+)" ) ;
Matcher matcher = pattern . matcher ( link ) ;
if ( matcher . find ( ) )
return matcher . group ( 1 ) ;
Timber . e ( new ParseException ( "Parsing failed(extractSescFromLogoutLink)" ) , "ParseException" ) ;
return null ;
private String generateLogoutLink ( String sesc ) {
return baseLogoutLink + sesc ;
private String generateMarkAllAsReadLink ( String sesc ) {
return baseMarkAllAsReadLink + sesc ;
//----------------------------------OTHER FUNCTIONS END-----------------------------------------