@ -1,15 +1,37 @@ |
package gr.thmmy.mthmmy.activities.inbox.tasks; |
import org.jsoup.Jsoup; |
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; |
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; |
import org.jsoup.select.Elements; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Objects; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.base.BaseActivity; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.model.Inbox; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.model.PM; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.utils.parsing.NewParseTask; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.utils.parsing.ParseException; |
import gr.thmmy.mthmmy.utils.parsing.ParseHelpers; |
import okhttp3.Response; |
public class InboxTask extends NewParseTask<Inbox> { |
@Override |
protected Inbox parse(Document document, Response response) throws ParseException { |
Inbox inbox = new Inbox(); |
ParseHelpers.deobfuscateElements(document.select("span.__cf_email__,a.__cf_email__"), true); |
ParseHelpers.Language language = ParseHelpers.Language.getLanguage(document); |
inbox.setCurrentPageIndex(ParseHelpers.parseCurrentPageIndex(document, language)); |
inbox.setNumberOfPages(ParseHelpers.parseNumberOfPages(document, inbox.getCurrentPageIndex(), language)); |
ArrayList<PM> pmList = parsePMs(document, language); |
return null; |
} |
@ -17,6 +39,164 @@ public class InboxTask extends NewParseTask<Inbox> { |
protected int getResultCode(Response response, Inbox data) { |
return 0; |
} |
private ArrayList<PM> parsePMs(Document document, ParseHelpers.Language language) { |
ArrayList<PM> pms = new ArrayList<>(); |
Elements pmContainerContainers = document.select("td[style=padding: 1px 1px 0 1px;]"); |
for (Element pmContainerContainer : pmContainerContainers) { |
PM pm = new PM(); |
boolean isAuthorDeleted; |
Element pmContainer = pmContainerContainer.select("table[style=table-layout: fixed;]").first().child(0); |
Element thumbnail = pmContainer.select("img.avatar").first(); |
pm.setThumbnailUrl(thumbnail.attr("src")); |
Element subjectAndDateContainer = pmContainer.select("td[align=left]").first(); |
pm.setSubject(subjectAndDateContainer.select("b").first().text()); |
Element dateContainer = subjectAndDateContainer.select("div").first(); |
pm.setPmDate(subjectAndDateContainer.select("div").first().text()); |
String content = ParseHelpers.youtubeEmbeddedFix(pmContainer.select("div.personalmessage").first()); |
//Adds stuff to make it work in WebView
content = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\" />" + content; |
pm.setContent(content); |
pm.setQuoteUrl(pmContainer.select("img[src=https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/Themes/scribbles2_114/images/buttons/quote.gif]") |
.first().parent().attr("href")); |
pm.setReplyUrl(pmContainer.select("img[src=https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/Themes/scribbles2_114/images/buttons/im_reply.gif]") |
.first().parent().attr("href")); |
pm.setDeleteUrl(pmContainer.select("img[src=https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?actio" + |
"n=pm;sa=pmactions;pm_actions[321639]=delete;f=inbox;start=45;;sesc=07776660021fecb42ad23f8c5dba6aff]") |
.first().parent().attr("href")); |
// language specific parsing
Element username; |
if (language == ParseHelpers.Language.GREEK) { |
//Finds username and profile's url
username = pmContainer.select("a[title^=Εμφάνιση προφίλ του μέλους]").first(); |
if (username == null) { //Deleted profile
isAuthorDeleted = true; |
String authorName = pmContainer.select("td:has(div.smalltext:containsOwn(Επισκέπτης))[style^=overflow]") |
.first().text(); |
authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.indexOf(" Επισκέπτης")); |
pm.setAuthor(authorName); |
pm.setAuthorColor(ParseHelpers.USER_COLOR_YELLOW); |
} else { |
isAuthorDeleted = false; |
pm.setAuthor(username.html()); |
pm.setAuthor(username.attr("href")); |
} |
String date = dateContainer.text(); |
date = date.substring(date.indexOf("στις:") + 6, date.indexOf(" »")); |
pm.setPmDate(date); |
} else { |
//Finds username
username = pmContainer.select("a[title^=View the profile of]").first(); |
if (username == null) { //Deleted profile
isAuthorDeleted = true; |
String authorName = pmContainer |
.select("td:has(div.smalltext:containsOwn(Guest))[style^=overflow]") |
.first().text(); |
authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.indexOf(" Guest")); |
pm.setAuthor(authorName); |
pm.setAuthorColor(ParseHelpers.USER_COLOR_YELLOW); |
} else { |
isAuthorDeleted = false; |
pm.setAuthor(username.html()); |
pm.setAuthor(username.attr("href")); |
} |
String date = dateContainer.text(); |
date = date.substring(date.indexOf("on:") + 4, date.indexOf(" »")); |
pm.setPmDate(date); |
} |
if (!isAuthorDeleted) { |
int postsLineIndex = -1; |
int starsLineIndex = -1; |
Element authorInfoContainer = pmContainer.select("div.smalltext").first(); |
List<String> infoList = Arrays.asList(authorInfoContainer.html().split("<br>")); |
if (language == ParseHelpers.Language.GREEK) { |
for (String line : infoList) { |
if (line.contains("Μηνύματα:")) { |
postsLineIndex = infoList.indexOf(line); |
//Remove any line breaks and spaces on the start and end
pm.setAuthorNumberOfPosts(line.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim()); |
} |
if (line.contains("Φύλο:")) { |
if (line.contains("alt=\"Άντρας\"")) |
pm.setAuthorGender("Φύλο: Άντρας"); |
else |
pm.setAuthorGender("Φύλο: Γυναίκα"); |
} |
if (line.contains("alt=\"*\"")) { |
starsLineIndex = infoList.indexOf(line); |
Document starsHtml = Jsoup.parse(line); |
pm.setAuthorNumberOfStars(starsHtml.select("img[alt]").size()); |
pm.setAuthorColor(ParseHelpers.colorPicker(starsHtml.select("img[alt]").first() |
.attr("abs:src"))); |
} |
} |
} else { |
for (String line : infoList) { |
if (line.contains("Posts:")) { |
postsLineIndex = infoList.indexOf(line); |
//Remove any line breaks and spaces on the start and end
pm.setAuthorNumberOfPosts(line.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim()); |
} |
if (line.contains("Gender:")) { |
if (line.contains("alt=\"Male\"")) |
pm.setAuthorGender("Gender: Male"); |
else |
pm.setAuthorGender("Gender: Female"); |
} |
if (line.contains("alt=\"*\"")) { |
starsLineIndex = infoList.indexOf(line); |
Document starsHtml = Jsoup.parse(line); |
pm.setAuthorNumberOfStars(starsHtml.select("img[alt]").size()); |
pm.setAuthorColor(ParseHelpers.colorPicker(starsHtml.select("img[alt]").first() |
.attr("abs:src"))); |
} |
} |
} |
//If this member has no stars yet ==> New member,
//or is just a member
if (starsLineIndex == -1 || starsLineIndex == 1) { |
pm.setAuthorRank(infoList.get(0).trim()); //First line has the rank
//They don't have a special rank
} else if (starsLineIndex == 2) { //This member has a special rank
pm.setAuthorSpecialRank(infoList.get(0).trim());//First line has the special rank
pm.setAuthorRank(infoList.get(1).trim());//Second line has the rank
} |
for (int i = postsLineIndex + 1; i < infoList.size() - 1; ++i) { |
//Searches under "Posts:"
//and above "Personal Message", "View Profile" etc buttons
String thisLine = infoList.get(i); |
if (!Objects.equals(thisLine, "") && thisLine != null |
&& !Objects.equals(thisLine, " \n") |
&& !thisLine.contains("avatar") |
&& !thisLine.contains("<a href=")) { |
String personalText = thisLine; |
personalText = personalText.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim(); |
pm.setAuthorPersonalText(personalText); |
} |
} |
//Checks post for mentions of this user (if the user is logged in)
if (BaseActivity.getSessionManager().isLoggedIn() && |
ParseHelpers.mentionsPattern.matcher(pm.getContent()).find()) { |
pm.setUserMentioned(true); |
} |
} |
pms.add(pm); |
} |
return pms; |
} |
} |