Semester assignment for the course "Multimedia systems and virtual reality" of THMMY in AUTH university.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6 years ago
function SMR = psycho(frameT, frameType, frameTprev1, frameTprev2)
%Implementation of Psychoacoustic Model
% Usage SMR = psycho(frameT, frameType, frameTprev1, frameTprev2), where:
% Inputs
% - frameT is a frame in the time domain, containing only one of the
% audio channels stored in a vector of length 2048
% - frameType is the type of the current frame in string
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS"
% - frameTprev1 is the previous frame in the time domain, containing
% only one of the audio channels stored in a vector of length 2048
% - frameTprev2 is the frame before frameTprev1 in the time domain,
% containing only one of the audio channels stored in a vector of
% length 2048
% Output
% - SMR is the signal to mask ratio array of dimensions 42X8 for
% EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE frames and 69X1 otherwise
6 years ago
% Declares constant numbers of bands for long and short windows
% Declares constant noise masking tone and tone masking noise decibels
6 years ago
% Declares persistent variable holding the TNS tables and initializes if empty
persistent TNSTables spreadingLong spreadingShort hannLong hannShort;
if isempty(TNSTables) || isempty(spreadingLong) || ...
isempty(spreadingShort) || isempty(hannLong) || isempty(hannShort)
TNSTables = load('TableB219.mat');
spreadingLong = zeros(LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS);
spreadingShort = zeros(SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS);
% Calculates all possible spreading function results for long
% windows
tmpx = repmat(TNSTables.B219a(:, 5)', LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS, 1);
tmpx = tmpx - repmat(TNSTables.B219a(:, 5), 1, LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS);
indeces = logical(tril(ones(LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS)));
tmpx(indeces) = tmpx(indeces) .* 3;
indeces = ~indeces;
tmpx(indeces) = tmpx(indeces) .* 1.5;
tmpz = 8 * min((tmpx - 0.5) .^ 2 - 2 * (tmpx - 0.5), 0);
tmpy = 15.811389 + 7.5 * (tmpx + 0.474) - 17.5 * sqrt(1 + (tmpx + 0.474) .^ 2);
tmpSum = tmpz + tmpy;
spreadingLong(tmpy >= -100) = 10 .^ (tmpSum(tmpy >= -100) ./ 10);
% Calculates all possible spreading function results for short
% windows
tmpx = repmat(TNSTables.B219b(:, 5)', SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS, 1);
tmpx = tmpx - repmat(TNSTables.B219b(:, 5), 1, SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS);
indeces = logical(tril(ones(SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS)));
tmpx(indeces) = tmpx(indeces) .* 3;
indeces = ~indeces;
tmpx(indeces) = tmpx(indeces) .* 1.5;
tmpz = 8 * min((tmpx - 0.5) .^ 2 - 2 * (tmpx - 0.5), 0);
tmpy = 15.811389 + 7.5 * (tmpx + 0.474) - 17.5 * sqrt(1 + (tmpx + 0.474) .^ 2);
tmpSum = tmpz + tmpy;
spreadingShort(tmpy >= -100) = 10 .^ (tmpSum(tmpy >= -100) ./ 10);
hannLong = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(pi * ((0:2047) + 0.5) / 1024)';
hannShort = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(pi * ((0:255) + 0.5) / 128)';
clearvars tmpx tmpz tmpy
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
if ~strcmp(frameType, 'ESH')
% Applies window to the frames
windowedFrameT = frameT .* hannLong;
windowedFrameTprev1 = frameTprev1 .* hannLong;
windowedFrameTprev2 = frameTprev2 .* hannLong;
6 years ago
% Calculates the FFT of each frame
frameF = fft(windowedFrameT);
frameFMag = abs(frameF(1:1024));
6 years ago
frameFPhase = angle(frameF(1:1024));
frameFrameFprev1 = fft(windowedFrameTprev1);
frameFrameFprev1Mag = abs(frameFrameFprev1(1:1024));
6 years ago
frameFrameFprev1Phase = angle(frameFrameFprev1(1:1024));
frameFrameFprev2 = fft(windowedFrameTprev2);
frameFrameFprev2Mag = abs(frameFrameFprev2(1:1024));
6 years ago
frameFrameFprev2Phase = angle(frameFrameFprev2(1:1024));
% Calculates the predicted magnitude and phase compontents of each
% frequency
magPred = 2 .* frameFrameFprev1Mag - frameFrameFprev2Mag;
phasePred = 2 .* frameFrameFprev1Phase - frameFrameFprev2Phase;
% Calculates this frame's predictability
framePredictability = sqrt((frameFMag .* cos(frameFPhase) - ...
magPred .* cos(phasePred)) .^ 2 + ...
(frameFMag .* sin(frameFPhase) - ...
magPred .* sin(phasePred)) .^ 2) ./ ...
(frameFMag + abs(magPred));
% Calculates the energy and weighted predictability in the
% threshold calculation partitions
bandPredictability(LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS, 1) = 0;
6 years ago
bandEnergy(band) = sumsqr(frameFMag(TNSTables.B219a(band, 2) + 1: ...
TNSTables.B219a(band, 3) + 1));
bandPredictability(band) = sum(frameFMag( ...
TNSTables.B219a(band, 2) + 1:TNSTables.B219a(band, 3) + 1) .^ 2 .* ...
6 years ago
framePredictability(TNSTables.B219a(band, 2) + 1: ...
TNSTables.B219a(band, 3) + 1));
% Convolves the partitioned energy and predictability with the
% spreading function
bandEnergyConv = sum(repmat(bandEnergy, 1, ...
LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS) .* spreadingLong, 1)';
bandPredictabilityConv = sum(repmat(bandPredictability, 1, ...
LONG_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS) .* spreadingLong, 1)';
6 years ago
% Renormalizes values
bandPredictabilityConv = bandPredictabilityConv ./ bandEnergyConv;
bandEnergyConv = bandEnergyConv ./ sum(spreadingLong, 1)';
6 years ago
% Calculates the tonality index
tonalIndex = -0.299 - 0.43 .* log(bandPredictabilityConv);
tonalIndex(tonalIndex < 0) = 0;
tonalIndex(tonalIndex > 1) = 1;
% Calculates SNR and converts from dB to power ratio
signalToNoiseRatio = tonalIndex .* TONE_MASKING_NOISE + ...
(1 - tonalIndex) .* NOISE_MASKING_TONE;
powerRatio = 10 .^ (-signalToNoiseRatio ./ 10);
% Calculates the energy threshold
energyThreshold = bandEnergyConv .* powerRatio;
% Calculates the noise level
qThrN = eps() * 1024 .* 10 .^ (TNSTables.B219a(:, 6) ./ 10);
noiseLevel = max(energyThreshold, qThrN);
SMR = bandEnergy ./ noiseLevel;
% Splits the frame into sub-frames
[subFramesT, ~] = buffer(frameT(449:end-448), 256, 128, 'nodelay');
[subFramesTprev1, ~] = buffer(frameTprev1(449:end-448), 256, 128, 'nodelay');
bandPredictability(SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS, 1) = 0;
qThrN = eps() * 128 .* 10 .^ (TNSTables.B219b(:, 6) ./ 10);
for subFrameIndex = 1:8
% Applies window to the frames
windowedFrameT = subFramesT(:, subFrameIndex) .* hannShort;
if subFrameIndex == 1
windowedFrameTprev1 = subFramesTprev1(:, 8) .* hannShort;
windowedFrameTprev2 = subFramesTprev1(:, 7) .* hannShort;
elseif subFrameIndex == 2
windowedFrameTprev1 = subFramesT(:, subFrameIndex - 1) .* hannShort;
windowedFrameTprev2 = subFramesTprev1(:, 8) .* hannShort;
windowedFrameTprev1 = subFramesT(:, subFrameIndex - 1) .* hannShort;
windowedFrameTprev2 = subFramesT(:, subFrameIndex - 1) .* hannShort;
% Calculates the FFT of each frame
frameF = fft(windowedFrameT);
frameFMag = abs(frameF(1:128));
frameFPhase = angle(frameF(1:128));
frameFrameFprev1 = fft(windowedFrameTprev1);
frameFrameFprev1Mag = abs(frameFrameFprev1(1:128));
frameFrameFprev1Phase = angle(frameFrameFprev1(1:128));
frameFrameFprev2 = fft(windowedFrameTprev2);
frameFrameFprev2Mag = abs(frameFrameFprev2(1:128));
frameFrameFprev2Phase = angle(frameFrameFprev2(1:128));
% Calculates the predicted magnitude and phase compontents of each
% frequency
magPred = 2 .* frameFrameFprev1Mag - frameFrameFprev2Mag;
phasePred = 2 .* frameFrameFprev1Phase - frameFrameFprev2Phase;
% Calculates this frame's predictability
framePredictability = sqrt((frameFMag .* cos(frameFPhase) - ...
magPred .* cos(phasePred)) .^ 2 + ...
(frameFMag .* sin(frameFPhase) - ...
magPred .* sin(phasePred)) .^ 2) ./ ...
(frameFMag + abs(magPred));
% Calculates the energy and weighted predictability in the
% threshold calculation partitions
bandEnergy(band) = sumsqr(frameFMag(TNSTables.B219b(band, 2) + 1: ...
TNSTables.B219b(band, 3) + 1));
bandPredictability(band) = sum(frameFMag( ...
TNSTables.B219b(band, 2) + 1:TNSTables.B219b(band, 3) + 1) .^ 2 .* ...
framePredictability(TNSTables.B219b(band, 2) + 1: ...
TNSTables.B219b(band, 3) + 1));
% Convolves the partitioned energy and predictability with the
% spreading function
bandEnergyConv = sum(repmat(bandEnergy, 1, ...
SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS) .* spreadingShort, 1)';
bandPredictabilityConv = sum(repmat(bandPredictability, 1, ...
SHORT_WINDOW_NUMBER_OF_BANDS) .* spreadingShort, 1)';
% Renormalizes values
bandPredictabilityConv = bandPredictabilityConv ./ bandEnergyConv;
bandEnergyConv = bandEnergyConv ./ sum(spreadingShort, 1)';
% Calculates the tonality index
tonalIndex = -0.299 - 0.43 .* log(bandPredictabilityConv);
tonalIndex(tonalIndex < 0) = 0;
tonalIndex(tonalIndex > 1) = 1;
% Calculates SNR and converts from dB to power ratio
signalToNoiseRatio = tonalIndex .* TONE_MASKING_NOISE + ...
(1 - tonalIndex) .* NOISE_MASKING_TONE;
powerRatio = 10 .^ (-signalToNoiseRatio ./ 10);
% Calculates the energy threshold
energyThreshold = bandEnergyConv .* powerRatio;
% Calculates the noise level
noiseLevel = max(energyThreshold, qThrN);
SMR(:, subFrameIndex) = bandEnergy ./ noiseLevel;
6 years ago