function SNR = demoAAC1(fNameIn, fNameOut) %Function that demonstrates usage of the level 1 code % Usage SNR = demoAAC1(fNameIn, fNameOut), where: % Inputs % - fNameIn is the filename and path of the file to encode % - fNameOut is the filename and path of the file that will be % written after decoding % % Output % - SNR is the signal to noise ration computed after successively % encoding and decoding the audio signal AACSeq1 = AACoder1(fNameIn); decodedAudio = iAACoder1(AACSeq1, fNameOut); [audioData, ~] = audioread(fNameIn); SNR = snr(audioData(1025:end-1378, :), audioData(1025:end-1378, :) - decodedAudio(1025:length(audioData)-1378, :)); end