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function frameT = iFilterbank(frameF, frameType, winType)
%Implementation of the Inverse Filter Bank step
% Usage frameT = iFilterbank(frameF, frameType, winType), where:
% Inputs
% - frameF is the frame in the frequency domain, in MDCT coefficients
% representation containing both channels of the audio stored in an
% array of dimensions 1024X2
% - frameType is the type of the current frame in string
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS"
% - winType is the type of the window selected, can be one of "KBD",
% "SIN"
% Output
% - frameT is a frame in the time domain, containing both channels of
% the audio stored in an array of dimensions 2048X2
% Declares persistent windows variables and initializes if empty
persistent kaiserWindowLong kaiserWindowShort sinWindowLong sinWindowShort;
if isempty(kaiserWindowLong) || isempty(kaiserWindowShort) || ...
isempty(sinWindowLong) || isempty(sinWindowShort)
kaiserLong = kaiser(1025, 6*pi);
kaiserSumLong = sum(kaiserLong);
kaiserShort = kaiser(129, 4*pi);
kaiserSumShort = sum(kaiserShort);
kaiserWindowLong(1:1024, 1) = movsum(kaiserLong(1:1024), [1024 0]);
kaiserWindowLong(1025:2048, 1) = movsum(flipud(kaiserLong(1:1024)), [0 1024]);
kaiserWindowLong = sqrt(kaiserWindowLong ./ kaiserSumLong);
sinWindowLong = sin(pi * ((0:2047) + 0.5) / 2048)';
kaiserWindowShort(1:128, 1) = movsum(kaiserShort(1:128), [128 0]);
kaiserWindowShort(129:256, 1) = movsum(flipud(kaiserShort(1:128)), [0 128]);
kaiserWindowShort = sqrt(kaiserWindowShort ./ kaiserSumShort);
sinWindowShort = sin(pi * ((0:255) + 0.5) / 256)';
% Initializes output array
frameT(2048, 2) = 0;
% Applies appropriate window to the frame
if strcmp(frameType, 'OLS')
frameT = imdct4(frameF);
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD')
frameT = bsxfun(@times, frameT, kaiserWindowLong);
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN')
frameT = bsxfun(@times, frameT, sinWindowLong);
error('filterbank, l[53]: Unsupported window type input!')
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LSS')
frameT = imdct4(frameF);
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD')
frameT(1:1024, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1:1024, :), kaiserWindowLong(1:1024));
frameT(1473:1600, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1473:1600, :), kaiserWindowShort(129:end));
frameT(1601:end, :) = 0;
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN')
frameT(1:1024, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1:1024, :), sinWindowLong(1:1024));
frameT(1473:1600, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1473:1600, :), sinWindowShort(129:end));
frameT(1601:end, :) = 0;
error('filterbank, l[67]: Unsupported window type input!')
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LPS')
frameT = imdct4(frameF);
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD')
frameT(1:448, :) = 0;
frameT(449:576, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(449:576, :), kaiserWindowShort(1:128));
frameT(1025:end, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1025:end, :), kaiserWindowLong(1025:end));
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN')
frameT(1:448, :) = 0;
frameT(449:576, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(449:576, :), sinWindowShort(1:128));
frameT(1025:end, :) = bsxfun(@times, frameT(1025:end, :), sinWindowLong(1025:end));
error('filterbank, l[81]: Unsupported window type input!')
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'ESH')
for channel=1:2
for subFrameIndex = 1:8
subFrame = imdct4(frameF((subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:subFrameIndex * 128, channel));
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD')
subFrame = subFrame .* kaiserWindowShort;
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN')
subFrame = subFrame .* sinWindowShort;
frameT(448 + (subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:448 + (subFrameIndex + 1) * 128, channel) = ...
frameT(448 + (subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:448 + (subFrameIndex + 1) * 128, channel) + subFrame;