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151 lines
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151 lines
5.1 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "knnMPIBlockingDeclarations.h"
#include "mpi.h"
/* Structs */
struct timeval startwtime, endwtime
, commStartWTime, commEndWTime
, calcStartWTime, calcEndWTime;
/* Global variables */
int numberOfPoints = 0, numberOfDimensions = 0, numberOfNeighbors = 0;
char *pointsFilename = NULL, *testFilename = NULL;
double seq_time = 0;
/* Main */
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int numberOfTasks = 0, taskId = 0, chunksize = 0, myOffset = 0, destination = 0, source = 0;
double **myPoints, **inBuffer, **outBuffer, commTimeSum = 0, calcTimeSum = 0;
neighbor **sortedNeighborsArray;
MPI_Status status;
getArguments(argc, argv);
//Initializes mpi and necessary variables
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numberOfTasks);
if (numberOfPoints % numberOfTasks != 0){
printf("Quitting. Number of points must be divisible by number of MPI tasks.\n");
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &taskId);
chunksize = numberOfPoints / numberOfTasks; //number of points each task has
myOffset = taskId * chunksize; //this task's offset from (complete) point's array start
destination = taskId + 1; //this task's destination task id for sending messages
if (destination >= numberOfTasks){
destination = 0;
source= taskId - 1; //this task's source task id for receiving messages
if (source < 0){
source = numberOfTasks - 1;
init(&myPoints, &inBuffer, &outBuffer, &sortedNeighborsArray, chunksize
, myOffset * numberOfDimensions);
if (taskId == MASTER){
gettimeofday(&startwtime, NULL);
gettimeofday(&calcStartWTime, NULL);
//Calculates distances between task's own points
calculateDistances(&myPoints, &myPoints, &sortedNeighborsArray, chunksize, myOffset
, taskId * chunksize);
gettimeofday(&calcEndWTime, NULL);
calcTimeSum += (double)((calcEndWTime.tv_usec - calcStartWTime.tv_usec)/1.0e6
+ calcEndWTime.tv_sec - calcStartWTime.tv_sec);
for (int chunk=0; chunk<numberOfTasks-1; ++chunk){
gettimeofday(&commStartWTime, NULL);
//sends-receives points array blocks
if (taskId == MASTER){
//master task sends first to avoid deadlocks
MPI_Send((chunk == 0) //if this is the first loop
? &(myPoints[0][0]) //send this task's points
: &(outBuffer[0][0]) //else send the points received from previous loop
, chunksize * numberOfDimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, destination, taskId, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&(inBuffer[0][0]), chunksize * numberOfDimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, source, source
, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
} else {
//other tasks receive first
MPI_Recv(&(inBuffer[0][0]), chunksize * numberOfDimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, source, source
, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send((chunk == 0) //if this is the first loop
? &(myPoints[0][0]) //send this task's points
: &(outBuffer[0][0]) //else send the points received from previous loop
, chunksize * numberOfDimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, destination, taskId, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
gettimeofday(&commEndWTime, NULL);
commTimeSum += (double)((commEndWTime.tv_usec - commStartWTime.tv_usec)/1.0e6
+ commEndWTime.tv_sec - commStartWTime.tv_sec);
//offset, the task that sent new points block has from (complete) point's array start
//used for storing the correct neighbor id's in neighbors array
int offset = source - chunk;
if (offset < 0){
offset += numberOfTasks;
offset *= chunksize;
gettimeofday(&calcStartWTime, NULL);
//calculates distances between task's points and new points received
calculateDistances(&myPoints, &inBuffer, &sortedNeighborsArray, chunksize, myOffset
, offset);
gettimeofday(&calcEndWTime, NULL);
calcTimeSum += (double)((calcEndWTime.tv_usec - calcStartWTime.tv_usec)/1.0e6
+ calcEndWTime.tv_sec - calcStartWTime.tv_sec);
swapPointers(&inBuffer, &outBuffer);
if (taskId == MASTER){
gettimeofday(&endwtime, NULL);
seq_time = (double)((endwtime.tv_usec - startwtime.tv_usec)/1.0e6
+ endwtime.tv_sec - startwtime.tv_sec);
printf("Wall clock time = %f\n\n", seq_time);
if (test(&sortedNeighborsArray, chunksize, myOffset, testFilename)){
printf("Validity check failed for task %d!\n", taskId);
} else {
printf("Validity check success for task %d!\n", taskId);
if (taskId == MASTER){
printf("Number of points = %d\n", numberOfPoints);
printf("Number of dimensions = %d\n", numberOfDimensions);
printf("Number of neighbors = %d\n", numberOfNeighbors);
printf("Number of tasks = %d\n", numberOfTasks);
for(int i=0; i<numberOfTasks; ++i) {
if (i == taskId) {
printf("Task %d communications time sum = %f\n", taskId, commTimeSum);
printf("Task %d calculations time sum = %f\n", taskId, calcTimeSum);
Uncomment to print the results
/*for (int x=0; x<chunksize; ++x){
for (int y=0; y<numberOfNeighbors; ++y){
printf("%d to %d = %f\n", x + taskId * chunksize
, sortedNeighborsArray[x][y].neighborId, sortedNeighborsArray[x][y].distance);
cleanUp(&myPoints, &inBuffer, &outBuffer, &sortedNeighborsArray, chunksize);