#include #include #include #include #include #include "meanshift_utils.h" #include "meanshift_gpu_utils.h" #define OUTPUT_PREFIX "../output/output_" void get_args(int argc, char **argv, parameters *params){ if (argc < 6) { printf("Usage: %s h e N D Pd Pl\nwhere:\n" "\th is the variance\n" "\te is the min distance, between two points, that is taken into account in computations\n" "\tN is the the number of points\n" "\tD is the number of dimensions of each point\n" "\tPd is the path of the dataset file\n" "\n\t--verbose | -v is an optional flag to enable execution information output" "\n\t--output | -o is an optional flag to enable points output in each iteration", argv[0]); exit(1); } DEVIATION = atoi(argv[1]); params->epsilon = atof(argv[2]); NUMBER_OF_POINTS = atoi(argv[3]); DIMENSIONS = atoi(argv[4]); POINTS_FILENAME = argv[5]; params->verbose = false; params->display = false; if (argc > 6){ for (int index=6; indexverbose = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[index], "--output") || !strcmp(argv[index], "-o")){ params->display = true; } else { printf("Couldn't parse argument %d: %s\n", index, argv[index]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } if (params->verbose){ printf("DEVIATION = %d\n" "epsilon = %f\n" "NUMBER_OF_POINTS = %d\n" "DIMENSIONS = %d\n" "POINTS_FILENAME = %s\n" "verbose = %d\n" "display = %d\n\n", DEVIATION, params->epsilon, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS, POINTS_FILENAME , params->verbose, params->display); } } void init(double ***vectors){ int bytes_read = 0; set_GPU(); if (params.verbose){ printf("Reading dataset...\n"); } // initializes vectors FILE *points_file; points_file = fopen(POINTS_FILENAME, "rb"); if (points_file != NULL){ // allocates memory for the array (*vectors) = alloc_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); // reads vectors dataset from file for (int i=0; i