#ifndef MEANSHIFT_GPU_UTILS_H /* Include guard */ #define MEANSHIFT_GPU_UTILS_H #include "meanshift_kernels.h" //GPU error check snippet taken from: // https://stackoverflow.com/a/14038590 #define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); } inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true){ if (code != cudaSuccess){ fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line); if (abort) exit(code); } } /* Global variables */ extern int DEVIATION; extern int NUMBER_OF_POINTS; extern int DIMENSIONS; extern const char* POINTS_FILENAME; extern const char* LABELS_FILENAME; extern Parameters params; extern cudaDeviceProp device_properties; //Function set_GPU parses available GPU devices, selects the one with the most multi-processors for //usage and stores its properties in global struct device_properties void set_GPU(); //Function meanshift recursively shifts original points according to the mean-shift algorithm saving //the result to shiftedPoints, h is the desirable deviation int meanshift(double **original_points, double ***shifted_points, int h); //Function init_device_memory allocates memory for necessary arrays in the device void init_device_memory(double **original_points, double **shifted_points, Matrix *d_original_points, Matrix *d_shifted_points, Matrix *d_kernel_matrix, Matrix *d_denominator, Matrix *d_new_shift, Matrix *d_mean_shift_vector); //Function calculate_kernel_matrix is a wrapper for the kernel call of the corresponding kernel //"calculate_kernel_matrix_kernel" that calculates the kernel matrix void calculate_kernel_matrix(Matrix d_shifted_points, Matrix d_original_points, Matrix d_kernel_matrix, double deviation, double ***kernel_matrix, double *w_memcpy_time); //Function calculate_denominator is a wrapper for the kernel call of the corresponding kernel //"calculate_denominator_kernel" that calculates the denominator of shifted points fraction void calculate_denominator(Matrix d_kernel_matrix, Matrix d_denominator); //Function shift_points is a wrapper for the kernel call of the corresponding kernel //"shift_points_kernel" that shifts the positions of all points void shift_points(Matrix d_kernel_matrix, Matrix d_original_points, Matrix d_shifted_points, Matrix d_new_shift, Matrix d_denominator, Matrix d_mean_shift_vector, double **kernel_matrix, double **original_points, double ***new_shift, double ***mean_shift_vector, double *w_memcpy_time); //Function free_device_memory frees device's previously allocated memory void free_device_memory(Matrix d_original_points, Matrix d_kernel_matrix, Matrix d_denominator, Matrix d_shifted_points, Matrix d_new_shift); #endif //MEANSHIFT_GPU_UTILS_H