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66 lines
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66 lines
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6 years ago
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "openmp_gs_pagerank_functions.h"
struct timeval startwtime, endwtime;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
CsrSparseMatrix transitionMatrix = initCsrSparseMatrix();
double *pagerankVector;
bool convergenceStatus;
Parameters parameters;
int maxIterationsForConvergence = 0;
parseArguments(argc, argv, ¶meters);
initialize(&transitionMatrix, &pagerankVector, ¶meters);
// Saves information about the dataset to the output file
FILE *outputFile;
outputFile = fopen(parameters.outputFilename, "w");
if (outputFile == NULL) {
printf("Error while opening the output file.\n");
fprintf(outputFile, "Pagerank will run for the dataset %s\n"\
"Dataset contains %d pages with %d outlinks.\n",
parameters.graphFilename, parameters.numberOfPages, transitionMatrix.size);
// Starts wall-clock timer
gettimeofday (&startwtime, NULL);
int* iterations = (int *)malloc(parameters.numberOfPages*sizeof(int));
// Calculates pagerank
iterations = pagerank(&transitionMatrix, &pagerankVector,
&convergenceStatus, parameters, &maxIterationsForConvergence);
// Stops wall-clock timer
gettimeofday (&endwtime, NULL);
double seq_time = (double)((endwtime.tv_usec - startwtime.tv_usec)/1.0e6 +
endwtime.tv_sec - startwtime.tv_sec);
printf("%s wall clock time = %f\n","Pagerank (Gauss-Seidel method), serial implementation",
if (convergenceStatus) {
printf(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "Pagerank converged after %d iterations!\n" \
ANSI_COLOR_RESET, maxIterationsForConvergence);
} else {
printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "Pagerank did not converge after max number of" \
" iterations (%d) was reached!\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, maxIterationsForConvergence);
// Saves results to the output file
savePagerankToFile(parameters.outputFilename, iterations, pagerankVector,
parameters.numberOfPages, maxIterationsForConvergence);