diff --git a/serial/serial_gs_pagerank_functions.h b/serial/serial_gs_pagerank_functions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 319ca1c..0000000
--- a/serial/serial_gs_pagerank_functions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SERIAL_GS_PAGERANK_FUNCTIONS_H	/* Include guard */
-/* ===== INCLUDES ===== */
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "coo_sparse_matrix.h"
-/* ===== DEFINITIONS ===== */
-//Colors used for better console output formating.
-#define ANSI_COLOR_RED     "\x1B[31m"
-#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN   "\x1B[32m"
-#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW  "\x1B[33m"
-#define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE    "\x1B[34m"
-#define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN    "\x1B[36m"
-#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET   "\x1B[0m"
-/* ===== CONSTANTS DEFINITION ===== */
-// Constant strings that store the command line options available.
-extern const char *ARGUMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
-extern const char *ARGUMENT_DAMPING_FACTOR;
-extern const char *ARGUMENT_VERBAL_OUTPUT;
-extern const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_HISTORY;
-extern const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_FILENAME;
-// The numerical base used when parsing numerical command line arguments.
-extern const int NUMERICAL_BASE;
-// Default filename used for the output.
-// The size of the buffer used for reading the graph input file.
-extern const int FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
-/* ===== STRUCTURES ===== */
-// A data structure to conveniently hold the algorithm's parameters.
-typedef struct parameters {
-	int numberOfPages, maxIterations;
-	double convergenceCriterion, dampingFactor;
-	bool verbose, history;
-	char *outputFilename, *graphFilename;
-} Parameters;
-/* ===== FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ===== */
-// Function validUsage outputs the correct way to use the program with command
-// line arguments.
-void validUsage(char *programName);
-// Function checkIncrement is a helper function used in parseArguments (see
-// bellow).
-int checkIncrement(int previousIndex, int maxIndex, char *programName);
-// Function parseArguments parses command line arguments.
-void parseArguments(int argumentCount, char **argumentVector,
-	Parameters *parameters);
-// Function generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile reads through the entries
-// of the file specified in the arguments (parameters->graphFilename), using
-// them to populate the sparse array (transitionMatrix). The entries of the file
-// represent the edges of the web transition graph. The entries are then
-// modified to become the rows of the transition matrix.
-void generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix,
-	Parameters *parameters);
-// Function savePagerankToFile appends or overwrites the pagerank vector
-// "pagerankVector" to the file with the filename supplied in the arguments.
-void savePagerankToFile(char *filename, bool append, double *pagerankVector,
-	int vectorSize, int iteration);
-// Function initialize allocates memory for the pagerank vector, reads the
-// dataset from the file and creates the transition probability distribution
-// matrix.
-void initialize(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, double **pagerankVector,
-	Parameters *parameters);
-// Function vectorNorm calculates the first norm of a vector.
-double vectorNorm(double *vector, int vectorSize);
-// Function calculateNextPagerank calculates the next pagerank vector.
-void calculateNextPagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix,
-	double *previousPagerankVector, double **pagerankVector,
-	double *linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector,
-	double *convergedPagerankVector, int vectorSize, double dampingFactor);
-// Function pagerank iteratively calculates the pagerank of each page until
-// either the convergence criterion is met or the maximum number of iterations
-// is reached.
-int pagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, double **pagerankVector,
-	bool *convergenceStatus, Parameters parameters);
\ No newline at end of file