Exercise 4 for the course "Parallel and distributed systems" of THMMY in AUTH university.

30 lines
946 B

#ifndef SPARSE_MATRIX_H /* Include guard */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct sparseMatrixElement {
double value;
int rowIndex, columnIndex;
struct sparseMatrixElement *nextElement;
} SparseMatrixElement;
typedef struct sparseMatrix {
int elements;
SparseMatrixElement *firstElement;
SparseMatrixElement *lastElement;
} SparseMatrix;
SparseMatrix createSparseMatrix();
void apendElement(SparseMatrix *sparseMatrix, double value, int row, int column);
bool deleteElement(SparseMatrix *sparseMatrix, int row, int column);
SparseMatrixElement *getElement(SparseMatrix sparseMatrix, int row, int column);
void transposeSparseMatrix(SparseMatrix *sparseMatrix);
void sparseMatrixVectorMultiplication(SparseMatrix sparseMatrix, double *vector,
double **product, int vectorSize);
void printSparseMatrix(SparseMatrix sparseMatrix);