# ========================================== # CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C # Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams # [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] # ========================================== class CMockHeaderParser attr_accessor :funcs, :c_attr_noconst, :c_attributes, :treat_as_void, :treat_externs def initialize(cfg) @funcs = [] @c_strippables = cfg.strippables @c_attr_noconst = cfg.attributes.uniq - ['const'] @c_attributes = ['const'] + c_attr_noconst @c_calling_conventions = cfg.c_calling_conventions.uniq @treat_as_array = cfg.treat_as_array @treat_as_void = (['void'] + cfg.treat_as_void).uniq @declaration_parse_matcher = /([\w\s\*\(\),\[\]]+??)\(([\w\s\*\(\),\.\[\]+-]*)\)$/m @standards = (['int','short','char','long','unsigned','signed'] + cfg.treat_as.keys).uniq @array_size_name = cfg.array_size_name @array_size_type = (['int', 'size_t'] + cfg.array_size_type).uniq @when_no_prototypes = cfg.when_no_prototypes @local_as_void = @treat_as_void @verbosity = cfg.verbosity @treat_externs = cfg.treat_externs @c_strippables += ['extern'] if (@treat_externs == :include) #we'll need to remove the attribute if we're allowing externs end def parse(name, source) @module_name = name.gsub(/\W/,'') @typedefs = [] @funcs = [] function_names = [] parse_functions( import_source(source) ).map do |decl| func = parse_declaration(decl) unless (function_names.include? func[:name]) @funcs << func function_names << func[:name] end end { :includes => nil, :functions => @funcs, :typedefs => @typedefs } end private if $ThisIsOnlyATest.nil? ################ def import_source(source) # let's clean up the encoding in case they've done anything weird with the characters we might find source = source.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").encode("utf-8", :replace => nil) # void must be void for cmock _ExpectAndReturn calls to process properly, not some weird typedef which equates to void # to a certain extent, this action assumes we're chewing on pre-processed header files, otherwise we'll most likely just get stuff from @treat_as_void @local_as_void = @treat_as_void void_types = source.scan(/typedef\s+(?:\(\s*)?void(?:\s*\))?\s+([\w]+)\s*;/) if void_types @local_as_void += void_types.flatten.uniq.compact end # smush multiline macros into single line (checking for continuation character at end of line '\') source.gsub!(/\s*\\\s*/m, ' ') #remove comments (block and line, in three steps to ensure correct precedence) source.gsub!(/(? 1) #we assign a string first because (no joke) if Ruby 1.9.3 sees this line as a regex, it will crash. r = "\\{([^\\{\\}]*|\\g<0>)*\\}" source.gsub!(/#{r}/m, '{ }') else while source.gsub!(/\{[^\{\}]*\{[^\{\}]*\}[^\{\}]*\}/m, '{ }') end end # remove function definitions by stripping off the arguments right now source.gsub!(/\([^\)]*\)\s*\{[^\}]*\}/m, ";") #drop extra white space to make the rest go faster source.gsub!(/^\s+/, '') # remove extra white space from beginning of line source.gsub!(/\s+$/, '') # remove extra white space from end of line source.gsub!(/\s*\(\s*/, '(') # remove extra white space from before left parens source.gsub!(/\s*\)\s*/, ')') # remove extra white space from before right parens source.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # remove remaining extra white space #split lines on semicolons and remove things that are obviously not what we are looking for src_lines = source.split(/\s*;\s*/).uniq src_lines.delete_if {|line| line.strip.length == 0} # remove blank lines src_lines.delete_if {|line| !(line =~ /[\w\s\*]+\(+\s*\*[\*\s]*[\w\s]+(?:\[[\w\s]*\]\s*)+\)+\s*\((?:[\w\s\*]*,?)*\s*\)/).nil?} #remove function pointer arrays if (@treat_externs == :include) src_lines.delete_if {|line| !(line =~ /(?:^|\s+)(?:inline)\s+/).nil?} # remove inline functions else src_lines.delete_if {|line| !(line =~ /(?:^|\s+)(?:extern|inline)\s+/).nil?} # remove inline and extern functions end src_lines.delete_if {|line| line.empty? } #drop empty lines end def parse_functions(source) funcs = [] source.each {|line| funcs << line.strip.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') if (line =~ @declaration_parse_matcher)} if funcs.empty? case @when_no_prototypes when :error raise "ERROR: No function prototypes found!" when :warn puts "WARNING: No function prototypes found!" unless (@verbosity < 1) end end return funcs end def parse_type_and_name(arg) # Split up words and remove known attributes. For pointer types, make sure # to remove 'const' only when it applies to the pointer itself, not when it # applies to the type pointed to. For non-pointer types, remove any # occurrence of 'const'. arg.gsub!(/(\w)\*/,'\1 *') # pull asterisks away from preceding word arg.gsub!(/\*(\w)/,'* \1') # pull asterisks away from following word arg_array = arg.split arg_info = divine_ptr_and_const(arg) arg_info[:name] = arg_array[-1] attributes = arg.include?('*') ? @c_attr_noconst : @c_attributes attr_array = [] type_array = [] arg_array[0..-2].each do |word| if attributes.include?(word) attr_array << word elsif @c_calling_conventions.include?(word) arg_info[:c_calling_convention] = word else type_array << word end end if arg_info[:const_ptr?] attr_array << 'const' type_array.delete_at(type_array.rindex('const')) end arg_info[:modifier] = attr_array.join(' ') arg_info[:type] = type_array.join(' ').gsub(/\s+\*/,'*') # remove space before asterisks return arg_info end def parse_args(arg_list) args = [] arg_list.split(',').each do |arg| arg.strip! return args if (arg =~ /^\s*((\.\.\.)|(void))\s*$/) # we're done if we reach void by itself or ... arg_info = parse_type_and_name(arg) arg_info.delete(:modifier) # don't care about this arg_info.delete(:c_calling_convention) # don't care about this # in C, array arguments implicitly degrade to pointers # make the translation explicit here to simplify later logic if @treat_as_array[arg_info[:type]] and not arg_info[:ptr?] then arg_info[:type] = "#{@treat_as_array[arg_info[:type]]}*" arg_info[:type] = "const #{arg_info[:type]}" if arg_info[:const?] arg_info[:ptr?] = true end args << arg_info end # Try to find array pair in parameters following this pattern : * , <@array_size_type> <@array_size_name> args.each_with_index {|val, index| next_index = index + 1 if (args.length > next_index) if (val[:ptr?] == true and args[next_index][:name].match(@array_size_name) and @array_size_type.include?(args[next_index][:type])) val[:array_data?] = true args[next_index][:array_size?] = true end end } return args end def divine_ptr(arg) return false unless arg.include? '*' # treat "const char *" and similar as a string, not a pointer return false if /(^|\s)(const\s+)?char(\s+const)?\s*\*(?!.*\*)/ =~ arg return true end def divine_const(arg) # a non-pointer arg containing "const" is a constant # an arg containing "const" before the last * is a pointer to a constant return ( arg.include?('*') ? (/(^|\s|\*)const(\s(\w|\s)*)?\*(?!.*\*)/ =~ arg) : (/(^|\s)const(\s|$)/ =~ arg) ) ? true : false end def divine_ptr_and_const(arg) divination = {} divination[:ptr?] = divine_ptr(arg) divination[:const?] = divine_const(arg) # an arg containing "const" after the last * is a constant pointer divination[:const_ptr?] = (/\*(?!.*\*)\s*const(\s|$)/ =~ arg) ? true : false return divination end def clean_args(arg_list) if ((@local_as_void.include?(arg_list.strip)) or (arg_list.empty?)) return 'void' else c=0 arg_list.gsub!(/(\w+)(?:\s*\[\s*\(*[\s\w+-]*\)*\s*\])+/,'*\1') # magically turn brackets into asterisks, also match for parentheses that come from macros arg_list.gsub!(/\s+\*/,'*') # remove space to place asterisks with type (where they belong) arg_list.gsub!(/\*(\w)/,'* \1') # pull asterisks away from arg to place asterisks with type (where they belong) #scan argument list for function pointers and replace them with custom types arg_list.gsub!(/([\w\s\*]+)\(+\s*\*[\*\s]*([\w\s]*)\s*\)+\s*\(((?:[\w\s\*]*,?)*)\s*\)*/) do |m| functype = "cmock_#{@module_name}_func_ptr#{@typedefs.size + 1}" funcret = $1.strip funcname = $2.strip funcargs = $3.strip funconst = '' if (funcname.include? 'const') funcname.gsub!('const','').strip! funconst = 'const ' end @typedefs << "typedef #{funcret}(*#{functype})(#{funcargs});" funcname = "cmock_arg#{c+=1}" if (funcname.empty?) "#{functype} #{funconst}#{funcname}" end #automatically name unnamed arguments (those that only had a type) arg_list.split(/\s*,\s*/).map { |arg| parts = (arg.split - ['struct', 'union', 'enum', 'const', 'const*']) if ((parts.size < 2) or (parts[-1][-1].chr == '*') or (@standards.include?(parts[-1]))) "#{arg} cmock_arg#{c+=1}" else arg end }.join(', ') end end def parse_declaration(declaration) decl = {} regex_match = @declaration_parse_matcher.match(declaration) raise "Failed parsing function declaration: '#{declaration}'" if regex_match.nil? #grab argument list args = regex_match[2].strip #process function attributes, return type, and name parsed = parse_type_and_name(regex_match[1]) decl[:name] = parsed[:name] decl[:modifier] = parsed[:modifier] unless parsed[:c_calling_convention].nil? decl[:c_calling_convention] = parsed[:c_calling_convention] end rettype = parsed[:type] rettype = 'void' if (@local_as_void.include?(rettype.strip)) decl[:return] = { :type => rettype, :name => 'cmock_to_return', :str => "#{rettype} cmock_to_return", :void? => (rettype == 'void'), :ptr? => parsed[:ptr?], :const? => parsed[:const?], :const_ptr? => parsed[:const_ptr?] } #remove default argument statements from mock definitions args.gsub!(/=\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+\s*/, ' ') #check for var args if (args =~ /\.\.\./) decl[:var_arg] = args.match( /[\w\s]*\.\.\./ ).to_s.strip if (args =~ /\,[\w\s]*\.\.\./) args = args.gsub!(/\,[\w\s]*\.\.\./,'') else args = 'void' end else decl[:var_arg] = nil end args = clean_args(args) decl[:args_string] = args decl[:args] = parse_args(args) decl[:args_call] = decl[:args].map{|a| a[:name]}.join(', ') decl[:contains_ptr?] = decl[:args].inject(false) {|ptr, arg| arg[:ptr?] ? true : ptr } if (decl[:return][:type].nil? or decl[:name].nil? or decl[:args].nil? or decl[:return][:type].empty? or decl[:name].empty?) raise "Failed Parsing Declaration Prototype!\n" + " declaration: '#{declaration}'\n" + " modifier: '#{decl[:modifier]}'\n" + " return: #{prototype_inspect_hash(decl[:return])}\n" + " function: '#{decl[:name]}'\n" + " args: #{prototype_inspect_array_of_hashes(decl[:args])}\n" end return decl end def prototype_inspect_hash(hash) pairs = [] hash.each_pair { |name, value| pairs << ":#{name} => #{"'" if (value.class == String)}#{value}#{"'" if (value.class == String)}" } return "{#{pairs.join(', ')}}" end def prototype_inspect_array_of_hashes(array) hashes = [] array.each { |hash| hashes << prototype_inspect_hash(hash) } case (array.size) when 0 return "[]" when 1 return "[#{hashes[0]}]" else return "[\n #{hashes.join("\n ")}\n ]\n" end end end