Semester assignments for the course "Digital Image Processing" of THMMY in AUTH university.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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905 B

function clusterIdx = mySpectralClustering (anAffinityMat, k)
%Implementation of spectral clustering
% Usage clusterIdx = mySpectralClustering (anAffinityMat, k), where:
% Inputs
% - anAffinityMat is a rectangular, symmetrical affinity matrix
% representation of an image
% - k is the desired number of clusters
% Output
% - clusterIdx is a vector storing the cluster Id of each node
% Makes sure preconditions are met
if ~issymmetric(anAffinityMat)
error('The affinity matrix provided is not symmetric.');
if k < 2
error('The number of clusters must be greater than two.');
% Calculates the eigenvectors
[eigenvectorsMatrix, ~] = eigs(double( ...
diag(sum(anAffinityMat, 2)) - anAffinityMat), k, 'sm');
% Does the clustering using K-Means
clusterIdx = kmeans(eigenvectorsMatrix, k);