import essentia
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from essentia.standard import (MonoLoader, Windowing, Spectrum, MFCC,
ZeroCrossingRate, SpectralCentroidTime, RollOff, Flux, Envelope,
FlatnessSFX, LogAttackTime, StrongDecay, FlatnessDB, HFC,
SpectralComplexity, Energy, FrameGenerator, YamlOutput)
# Disable annoying info level logging
essentia.log.infoActive = False
class bcolors:
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
def extractFeatures(audio, outputPath, sampleRate):
if isinstance(audio, str):
# Loads the audio file specified
loader = MonoLoader(filename = audio, sampleRate = sampleRate)
audio = loader()
# Sets up the functions that will be used
# TODO check if zero phase windowing is something we might want
window = Windowing(normalized = False, size = 6144, type = 'hamming',
zeroPhase = False)
spectrum = Spectrum()
mfcc = MFCC(inputSize = 6144, sampleRate = sampleRate)
zcr = ZeroCrossingRate()
sc = SpectralCentroidTime(sampleRate = sampleRate)
sr = RollOff(sampleRate = sampleRate)
sf = Flux()
env = Envelope(attackTime = 2, releaseTime = 300, sampleRate = sampleRate)
flat = FlatnessSFX()
logAtt = LogAttackTime(sampleRate = sampleRate)
strDec = StrongDecay(sampleRate = sampleRate)
flatDB = FlatnessDB()
hfc = HFC(sampleRate = sampleRate)
spcComp = SpectralComplexity(sampleRate = sampleRate, magnitudeThreshold = 2)
energy = Energy()
# Creates a pool to collect the values of the features
pool = essentia.Pool()
# Slices the signal into frames
for frame in FrameGenerator(audio, frameSize = 6144, hopSize = 3072,
startFromZero = True , validFrameThresholdRatio = 0.7):
# Applies a window function to the frame
windowedFrame = window(frame)
# Computes time domain features
frameZCR = zcr(windowedFrame)
frameSC = sc(windowedFrame)
frameEFlatness = flat(env(windowedFrame))
frameLogAtt = logAtt(env(windowedFrame))[1]
frameStrDec = strDec(windowedFrame)
# Computes spectral features
frameSpectrum = spectrum(windowedFrame)
frameSR = sr(frameSpectrum)
frameSF = sf(frameSpectrum)
frameSEFlatness = flat(env(frameSpectrum))
frameSLogAtt = logAtt(env(frameSpectrum))[1]
frameSStrDec = strDec(frameSpectrum)
frameSFlat = flatDB(frameSpectrum)
frameHFC = hfc(frameSpectrum)
frameSComp = spcComp(frameSpectrum)
# Computes cepstral features
# Discards the bands
melBandEnergies, mfcc_coeffs = mfcc(frameSpectrum)
fHzMod = _4HzModulation(melBandEnergies, energy(frameSpectrum), sampleRate)
# Adds the values to the pool
pool.add('ZCR', frameZCR)
pool.add('SC', frameSC)
pool.add('Flat', frameEFlatness)
pool.add('LAtt', frameLogAtt)
pool.add('SDec', frameStrDec)
pool.add('SR', frameSR)
pool.add('SF', frameSF)
pool.add('SEFlat', frameSEFlatness)
pool.add('SFlat', frameSFlat)
pool.add('SLAtt', frameSLogAtt)
pool.add('SSDec', frameSStrDec)
pool.add('HFC', frameHFC)
pool.add('SComp', frameSComp)
for index, coef in enumerate(mfcc_coeffs):
pool.add('mfcc' + str(index), coef)
pool.add('4HzMod', fHzMod)
YamlOutput(filename = outputPath, format = 'json', writeVersion = False)(pool)
return pd.DataFrame(np.array([pool[i] for i in pool.descriptorNames()]).T, columns = pool.descriptorNames())
def _4HzModulation(melEnergies, frameEnergy, sampleRate):
from scipy.signal import butter, sosfilt, sosfreqz
nyquist = 0.5 * sampleRate
lowCut = 3 / nyquist
highCut = 5 / nyquist
sos = butter(N = 2, Wn = [lowCut, highCut], analog = False, btype = 'band',
output = 'sos')
filtered = sosfilt(sos = sos, x = melEnergies)
energySum = sum(filtered)
return energySum / frameEnergy
# Prints a nice message to let the user know the module was imported
print(bcolors.BLUE + 'feature_extractor loaded' + bcolors.ENDC)
# Enables executing the module as a standalone script
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
extractFeatures(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]))