from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json class bcolors: BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def arrayFromJSON(JSONPath): with open(JSONPath) as jsonFile: rawJSON = json.load(jsonFile) keys = np.array([]) values = np.array([]) for featureKey, featureValues in rawJSON.items(): if keys.size == 0 or values.size == 0: keys = np.array(featureKey) values = np.array(featureValues) else: keys = np.append(keys, (np.array(featureKey))) values = np.vstack((values, np.array(featureValues))) values = np.transpose(values) return keys, values def createSingleFeaturesArray(musicJSONsPath, speechJSONsPath): print(bcolors.YELLOW + 'Creating single features array' + bcolors.ENDC) dataset = np.array([]) featureKeys = np.array([]) # Reads the extracted features for the music class featuresFiles = [file for file in listdir(musicJSONsPath) if isfile(join(musicJSONsPath, file))] for file in featuresFiles: if dataset.size == 0: # Gets feature arrays featureKeys, musicFeatures = arrayFromJSON(musicJSONsPath + file) # Initializes dataset array dataset = np.copy(musicFeatures) else: # Gets feature arrays musicFeatures = arrayFromJSON(musicJSONsPath + file)[1] dataset = np.vstack((dataset, musicFeatures)) # Initializes target array (0 for music) target = np.zeros((dataset.shape[0]), dtype=int) # Reads the extracted features for the speech class featuresFiles = [file for file in listdir(speechJSONsPath) if isfile(join(speechJSONsPath, file))] for file in featuresFiles: # Gets feature arrays speechFeatures = arrayFromJSON(speechJSONsPath + file)[1] dataset = np.vstack((dataset, speechFeatures)) # Appends the new class to the target array (1 for speech) target = np.hstack((target, np.ones((dataset.shape[0] - target.size), dtype=int))) return dataset, target, featureKeys # Details about this part can be found in the link bellow: # def standardization(dataset): from sklearn import preprocessing print(bcolors.YELLOW + 'Running standardization' + bcolors.ENDC) # Standardization scaledDataset = preprocessing.scale(np.float64(dataset)) return scaledDataset # Details about this part can be found in the link bellow: # def PCA(dataset): from sklearn.decomposition import PCA print(bcolors.YELLOW + 'Running PCA' + bcolors.ENDC) pca = PCA(n_components=10, svd_solver='full', whiten = True) transformedDataset = return pca, transformedDataset # Prints a nice message to let the user know the module was imported print(bcolors.BLUE + 'feature_preprocessing loaded' + bcolors.ENDC) # Enables executing the module as a standalone script if __name__ == "__main__": import sys dataset, target, featureKeys = createSingleFeaturesArray(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) scaledDataset = standardization(dataset) print(bcolors.GREEN + 'Saving scaled results to file' + bcolors.ENDC) datasetFrame = pd.DataFrame(scaledDataset, columns = featureKeys) datasetFrame = datasetFrame.assign(target=target) datasetFrame.to_pickle("./dataset.pkl")