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Finalize README

Apostolos Fanakis 4 years ago
  1. 108


@ -64,8 +64,16 @@ found on the github page of the project [here](
This is a provision system that compiles and deploys the contracts to any Ethereum blockchain.
A Dockerfile is provided in the path `./docker/concordia-contracts` that will build the contracts used by Concordia and
handle their deployment to any Ethereum network defined using env-vars upon container run. The image makes use of the
environment variables described bellow.
handle their deployment to any Ethereum network defined using env-vars upon container run. Dockerfile contains three
useful stages, described in the table bellow.
| Stage name | Entrypoint | Usage |
| --- | --- | --- |
| compile | Exits immediately | Compiles the contracts |
| test | Runs contract tests | Compiles contracts and runs tests using blockchain defined by env vars |
| runtime | Migrates contracts | Compiles contracts and migrates to the blockchain defined by env vars. Does **not** run tests |
The image makes use of the environment variables described bellow.
| Environment variable | Default value | Usage |
| --- | --- | --- |
@ -83,7 +91,15 @@ the image.
### Application
The Dockerfile provided in the path `./docker/concordia-application` builds the application for production and serves
the resulting build using an nginx server. The image makes use of the environment variables described bellow.
the resulting build using an nginx server. Dockerfile contains two useful stages, described in the table bellow.
| Stage name | Entrypoint | Usage |
| --- | --- | --- |
| test | Runs tests | Fetches npm packages and runs tests |
| runtime | Serves application | Builds for production and serves it through nginx |
The image makes use of the environment variables described bellow.
| Environment variable | Default value | Usage |
| --- | --- | --- |
@ -91,7 +107,7 @@ the resulting build using an nginx server. The image makes use of the environmen
| REACT_APP_RENDEZVOUS_PORT | 9090 | Set the port of the rendezvous server |
**Attention**: this image will copy the contract artifacts from the directory `/packages/concordia-contracts/build`.
The image is bound the these artifacts after build. If the contracts change or get re=deployed the image must be
The image is bound the these artifacts after build. If the contracts change or get re-deployed the image must be
re-built to use the new artifacts.
**Attention**: make sure the contracts have been deployed before **building** this image. Also, make sure the rendezvous
@ -112,11 +128,87 @@ These scripts are documented in the following chapters.
Concordia uses blockchain and other distributed technologies. There are a number of ways to set up a running instance of
this application.
This chapter will guide you through a testing and a production setup that depend on local blockchain (ganache) instances
which do not require real ETH to work or have any other charges.
This chapter will guide you through simple setups for testing and production that depend on local blockchain (ganache)
instances which do not require real ETH to work or have any other charges.
#### Testing the contracts
Build the ganache image and spin up a blockchain for testing:
make build-ganache run-ganache-test
Build the testing stage of the contracts image:
make build-contracts-tests
Run the tests:
make run-contract-tests
The results should be printed in the terminal, but are also available in the directory `./reports/contracts`.
#### Testing the application
Build the testing stage of the application image:
make build-app-tests
Run the test:
make run-app-tests
The results should be printed in the terminal, but are also available in the directory `./reports/app`.
#### Production
Build the ganache image and spin up a blockchain and a rendezvous server:
make run
Build the migration stage of the contracts image:
make build-contracts-migrate
Deploy the contracts to the blockchain:
make run-contracts-migrate
**Attention**: this step must be executed before building the application image (next step).
Build the application image:
make build-app
Deploy the application:
make run-app
Head to [localhost:8473](localhost:8473) and voilà, a working Concordia instance appears! The blockchain is exposed in
the address `localhost:8545`.
**Tip**: the accounts (private keys) generated by Ganache are available in the file `./volumes/ganache_keys/keys.json`.
### Env Files
Targets in the Makefile make use of env files suffixed by `.docker` located in the directory `./env`. Using this
environment variables, you can change various configuration options of the testing/production deploys.
