mirror of https://gitlab.com/ecentrics/concordia
Apostolos Fanakis
4 years ago
59 changed files with 1519 additions and 650 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
node_modules |
.idea |
.git |
docker/ |
!docker/concordia-contracts/migrate.sh |
!docker/concordia-contracts/test-contracts.sh |
!docker/concordia-app/test-app.sh |
!docker/concordia-app/nginx.conf |
!docker/ganache/start-blockchain.sh |
packages/*/node_modules |
packages/*/dist |
packages/*/coverage |
# TO-NEVER-DO: exclude the build folder of the contracts package, it's needed for building the application image. |
packages/concordia-app/build |
Jenkinsfile |
packages/*/README.md |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
# Concordia |
> A distributed forum using Blockchain, supporting direct democratic voting |
## Setup |
```shell script |
cd apella |
yarn |
``` |
## Compile contracts |
```shell script |
cd packages/apella-contracts |
yarn compile |
``` |
## Run app |
```shell script |
cd packages/apella-app |
yarn start |
``` |
## Build app |
```shell script |
cd packages/apella-app |
yarn build |
``` |
## Using Docker images |
This project provides docker images for a number of services required to setup Concordia, as well as for Concordia |
itself. |
Check out the README.md in the `./docker` directory |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
PACKAGES := $(abspath ${CURDIR}/../packages) |
REPORTS := $(abspath ${CURDIR}/reports) |
GANACHE_VOLUMES := $(abspath ${CURDIR}/ganache/volumes) |
run: compose-run build-contracts-migrate run-contracts-migrate build-app run-app |
@echo "Concordia is up and running, head over to http://localhost:7777." |
# Targets for building/running/stopping the blockchain and rendezvous server (using the docker-compose file)
compose-build: |
@docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p concordia build |
compose-run: |
@docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p concordia up -d |
compose-stop: |
@docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p concordia down |
compose-stop-clean-data: |
@docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p concordia down -v |
# Ganache targets
build-ganache: |
@docker build ../ -f ./ganache/Dockerfile -t concordia-ganache |
run-ganache: |
@docker network create --driver bridge concordia_ganache_network || true &&\
docker run -d -v ${GANACHE_VOLUMES}/ganache_keys:/home/ganache_keys -p 8545:8545 --env-file=./env/ganache.docker.env --name concordia-ganache --net=concordia_ganache_network concordia-ganache:latest |
run-ganache-test: |
@docker network create --driver bridge concordia_ganache_test_network || true &&\
docker run --rm -d -p 8546:8546 --env-file=./env/ganache.test.docker.env --name concordia-ganache-test --net=concordia_ganache_test_network concordia-ganache:latest |
# Rendezvous targets
run-rendezvous: |
@docker network create --driver bridge concordia_rendezvous_network || true &&\
docker run -d -p 9090:9090 --name concordia-rendezvous libp2p/js-libp2p-webrtc-star:version-0.20.1 |
# Contracts targets
build-contracts: |
@docker build ../ -f ./concordia-contracts/Dockerfile --target compile -t concordia-contracts --build-arg TZ=Europe/Athens |
build-contracts-migrate: |
@docker build ../ -f ./concordia-contracts/Dockerfile -t concordia-contracts-migrate --build-arg TZ=Europe/Athens |
build-contracts-tests: |
@docker build ../ -f ./concordia-contracts/Dockerfile --target test -t concordia-contracts-tests --build-arg TZ=Europe/Athens |
run-contracts-tests: |
@docker run --rm -v ${REPORTS}/contracts/:/usr/test-reports/ --env-file=./env/contracts.docker.env --net=concordia_ganache_test_network concordia-contracts-tests:latest |
run-contracts-tests-host-chain: |
@docker run --rm -v ${REPORTS}/contracts/:/usr/test-reports/ --env-file=./env/contracts.env --net=host concordia-contracts-tests:latest |
run-contracts-migrate: |
@docker run --rm -v ${PACKAGES}/concordia-contracts/build/:/usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts/build/ --env-file=./env/contracts.docker.env --net=concordia_ganache_network concordia-contracts-migrate:latest |
run-contracts-migrate-host-chain: |
@docker run --rm -v ${PACKAGES}/concordia-contracts/build/:/usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts/build/ --env-file=./env/contracts.env --net=host concordia-contracts-migrate:latest |
get-contracts: |
@docker run --rm -v ${PACKAGES}/concordia-contracts/build/:/build --entrypoint=sh concordia-contracts:latest -c 'cp /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts/build/* /build' |
# App targets
build-app: |
@docker build ../ -f ./concordia-app/Dockerfile -t concordia-app --build-arg TZ=Europe/Athens |
build-app-tests: |
@docker build ../ -f ./concordia-app/Dockerfile --target test -t concordia-app-tests --build-arg TZ=Europe/Athens |
run-app-tests: |
@docker run --rm -v ${REPORTS}/app/:/usr/test-reports/ --env-file=./env/concordia.docker.env concordia-app-tests:latest |
run-app: |
@docker create --env-file=./env/concordia.docker.env -p 7777:80 --name concordia-app --net=concordia_ganache_network concordia-app:latest &&\
docker network connect concordia_rendezvous_network concordia-app &&\
docker start concordia-app |
run-app-host-chain: |
@docker run -d --env-file=./env/concordia.env --name concordia-app --net=host concordia-app:latest |
# Other
clean-images: |
@docker rmi `docker images -q -f "dangling=true"` |
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ |
# Concordia Dockerized |
This page provides information about the provided docker images, their configuration and supported deployment |
strategies. |
TLDR: head down to [Putting it all together/Scripts](#piat-mkfile-targets) for a quick setup. |
## Services |
Concordia requires at the minimum two services to work, a blockchain and a rendezvous server. |
Additionally, the Concordia application code must be provided to the user. Currently, the only way of distributing the |
application code is via a webserver as a web application. |
### Ganache |
Ganache is a personal blockchain software used during development. It is a very convenient way of developing and testing |
dApps. More information can be found in the project's [website](https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache). |
Note that any other Ethereum compliant blockchain can be used. |
### Rendezvous |
Concordia uses a distributed database to store forum data. A rendezvous server is needed in order for users to discover |
peers in the network and get access to the data. |
### Application |
The Concordia application is a React app that handles interactions with the contracts and the distributed database used. |
## Docker images |
This repository provides docker images to easily setup (and destroy) instances of all required services Concordia. |
Furthermore, we provide an image that builds the contracts and handles their migration to the blockchain in use. |
### Ganache |
The Dockerfile is provided in the path `./ganache`. The image makes use of the environment variables described |
bellow. |
| Environment variable | Default value | Usage | |
| --- | --- | --- | |
| ACCOUNTS_NUMBER | 10 | Set the number of accounts generated | |
| ACCOUNTS_ETHER | 100 | Set the amount of ETH assigned to each account | |
| MNEMONIC | NaN | The mnemonic phrase sued as a seed for deterministic account generation | |
| HOST | | The hostname to listen on | |
| PORT | 8545 | The port to listen on | |
| NETWORK_ID | 5778 | The network id used to identify ganache | |
Note that the Ganache instance running inside the container will save the generated blockchain keys in the path |
`/home/ganache_keys/keys.json`. If you need to access the keys (eg for getting a private key and importing in Metamask) |
you can mount a volume to this path to have easier access. |
Also, the database used by Ganache for storing blockchain information is placed in the path `/home/ganache_db/`. You can |
maintain the blockchain state between runs by mounting a volume to the database path. To do that, add the docker flag |
`-v host/absolute/path/to/ganache_db:/home/ganache_db`. |
### Rendezvous |
The rendezvous server used here is `js-libp2p-webrtc-star`. The server listens on port 9090. More information can be |
found on the github page of the project [here](https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p-webrtc-star). |
### Contracts |
This is a provision system that compiles and deploys the contracts to any Ethereum blockchain. |
A Dockerfile is provided in the path `./concordia-contracts` that will build the contracts used by Concordia and |
handle their deployment to any Ethereum network defined using env-vars upon container run. Dockerfile contains three |
useful stages, described in the table bellow. |
| Stage name | Entrypoint | Usage | |
| --- | --- | --- | |
| compile | Exits immediately | Compiles the contracts | |
| test | Runs contract tests | Compiles contracts and runs tests using blockchain defined by env vars | |
| runtime | Migrates contracts | Compiles contracts and migrates to the blockchain defined by env vars. Does **not** run tests | |
The image makes use of the environment variables described bellow. |
| Environment variable | Default value | Usage | |
| --- | --- | --- | |
| MIGRATE_NETWORK | develop | Set the network where the contracts will be deployed/tested (set this to "env" unless you know what you're doing) | |
| DEPLOY_CHAIN_HOST | NaN | Set the hostname of the blockchain network that will be used for deployment (requires network to be "env") | |
| DEPLOY_CHAIN_PORT | NaN | Set the port of the blockchain network that will be used for deployment (requires network to be "env") | |
| TEST_CHAIN_HOST | NaN | Set the hostname of the blockchain network that will be used for testing (requires network to be "env") | |
| TEST_CHAIN_PORT | NaN | Set the port of the blockchain network that will be used for testing (requires network to be "env") | |
You can find the contract artifacts in the directory `/usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts/build/` inside |
the image. |
**Attention**: make sure the targeted blockchain is up and running before trying to migrate the contracts. |
### Application |
The Dockerfile provided in the path `./concordia-application` builds the application for production and serves |
the resulting build using an nginx server. Dockerfile contains two useful stages, described in the table bellow. |
| Stage name | Entrypoint | Usage | |
| --- | --- | --- | |
| test | Runs tests | Fetches npm packages and runs tests | |
| runtime | Serves application | Builds for production and serves it through nginx | |
The image makes use of the environment variables described bellow. |
| Environment variable | Default value | Usage | |
| --- | --- | --- | |
| REACT_APP_RENDEZVOUS_HOST | | Set the hostname of the rendezvous server | |
| REACT_APP_RENDEZVOUS_PORT | 9090 | Set the port of the rendezvous server | |
**Attention**: this image will copy the contract artifacts from the directory `/packages/concordia-contracts/build`. |
The image is bound the these artifacts after build. If the contracts change or get re-deployed the image must be |
re-built to use the new artifacts. |
**Attention**: make sure the contracts have been deployed before **building** this image. Also, make sure the rendezvous |
server is up and running. |
## Docker Compose |
A docker-compose file also is provided. The docker-compose handles the lifecycle of the Ganache and Rendezvous server |
containers. |
## Putting it all together |
You can find some ready to use scripts for common scenarios like dev deploys and testing in the `./docker` directory. |
These scripts are documented in the following chapters. |
### <a name="piat-mkfile-targets"></a> Makefile targets |
Concordia uses blockchain and other distributed technologies. There are a number of ways to set up a running instance of |
this application. |
This chapter will guide you through simple setups for testing and production that depend on local blockchain (ganache) |
instances which do not require real ETH to work or have any other charges. |
#### Testing the contracts |
Build the ganache image and spin up a blockchain for testing: |
```shell |
make build-ganache run-ganache-test |
``` |
Build the testing stage of the contracts image: |
```shell |
make build-contracts-tests |
``` |
Run the tests: |
```shell |
make run-contracts-tests |
``` |
The results should be printed in the terminal, but are also available in the directory `./reports/contracts`. |
#### Testing the application |
Build the testing stage of the application image: |
```shell |
make build-app-tests |
``` |
Run the test: |
```shell |
make run-app-tests |
``` |
The results should be printed in the terminal, but are also available in the directory `./reports/app`. |
#### Production |
Just run the target: |
```shell |
make run |
``` |
And you' re done! Head to [localhost:7777](localhost:7777) and voilà, a working Concordia instance appears! The |
blockchain is exposed in the address `localhost:8545`. |
**Tip**: the accounts (private keys) generated by Ganache are available in the file `./volumes/ganache_keys/keys.json`. |
Note that the `make run` command might take several minutes to execute (depending on your system). What happens under |
the hood is that: |
- the ganache image is built |
- blockchain and rendezvous server containers are started |
- migration stage of the contracts image is built |
- the contracts are deployed to the blockchain: |
- the application image is built and then deployed |
### Env Files |
Targets in the Makefile make use of env files suffixed by `.docker` located in the directory `./env`. Using this |
environment variables, you can change various configuration options of the testing/production deploys. |
Targets suffixed with `host-chain` will try to use a blockchain and rendezvous server running in the host machine. They |
use the `--net=host` docker option and get the required environment variables from different env files, |
`./env/contracts.env` and `./env/concordia.env` (notice these env files don't include the `.docker`). These env files do |
not exist by default. The values set will largely depend on how you choose to run services in your system (which ports |
you use etc.), so be sure to create them before running any `host-chain` target. Luckily example files are provided. |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 1 (Init application build base) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM node:14-buster as base |
LABEL maintainers.1="Apostolos Fanakis <apostolof@auth.gr>" |
LABEL maintainers.2="Panagiotis Nikolaidis <ezerous@gmail.com>" |
LABEL gr.thmmy.ecentrics.concordia-image.name="app" |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia |
# Copy the root package.json and yarn.lock |
COPY ./package.json . |
COPY ./yarn.lock . |
# Copy package.json files from contracts and app, then install base modules |
COPY ./packages/concordia-contracts/package.json ./packages/concordia-contracts/package.json |
COPY ./packages/concordia-app/package.json ./packages/concordia-app/ |
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile |
# Gets the rest of the source code |
COPY ./packages/concordia-contracts ./packages/concordia-contracts |
COPY ./packages/concordia-app ./packages/concordia-app |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 2 (Test) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM base as test |
# Fix timezome (needed for timestamps on report files) |
ENV TZ=${TZ} |
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone |
WORKDIR /opt/concordia-app |
COPY ./docker/concordia-app/test-app.sh . |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-app |
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/concordia-app/test-app.sh"] |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 3 (Build) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM base as build |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-app |
RUN yarn build |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 4 (Runtime) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM nginx:1.17-alpine as runtime |
LABEL maintainers.1="Apostolos Fanakis <apostolof@auth.gr>" |
LABEL maintainers.2="Panagiotis Nikolaidis <ezerous@gmail.com" |
LABEL gr.thmmy.ecentrics.concordia-image.name="app" |
# Fix timezome |
RUN apk add -U tzdata \ |
&& cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime \ |
&& echo $TZ > /etc/timezone \ |
&& apk del tzdata \ |
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* |
WORKDIR "/var/www/concordia-app" |
COPY ./docker/concordia-app/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf |
COPY --chown=nginx:nginx --from=build /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-app/build . |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
server { |
listen 80; |
server_name localhost; |
#charset koi8-r; |
#access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; |
location / { |
root /var/www/concordia-app; |
index index.html index.htm; |
try_files "$uri" "$uri/" /index.html; |
} |
#error_page 404 /404.html; |
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html |
# |
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; |
location = /50x.html { |
root /usr/share/nginx/html; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
yarn lint -f html -o /usr/test-reports/concordia-app-eslint.html --no-color |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
exit 0 |
else |
exit 1 |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 1 (Init contracts build base) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM node:14-alpine as base |
LABEL maintainers.1="Apostolos Fanakis <apostolof@auth.gr>" |
LABEL maintainers.2="Panagiotis Nikolaidis <ezerous@gmail.com>" |
LABEL gr.thmmy.ecentrics.concordia-image.name="contracts" |
# Fix timezome (needed for timestamps on report files) |
RUN apk add -U tzdata \ |
&& cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime \ |
&& echo $TZ > /etc/timezone \ |
&& apk del tzdata \ |
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia |
# Copy the root package.json and yarn.lock |
COPY ./package.json . |
COPY ./yarn.lock . |
# Copy the contracts package.json, then install modules |
COPY ./packages/concordia-contracts/package.json ./packages/concordia-contracts/ |
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 100000 |
# Gets the rest of the source code |
COPY ./packages/concordia-contracts ./packages/concordia-contracts |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 2 (Compile) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM base as compile |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts |
RUN yarn compile |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 3 (Test) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM compile as test |
WORKDIR /opt/concordia-contracts |
COPY ./docker/concordia-contracts/test-contracts.sh . |
WORKDIR /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts |
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/concordia-contracts/test-contracts.sh"] |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
# Stage 4 (Runtime) |
# -------------------------------------------------- |
FROM compile as runtime |
LABEL maintainers.1="Apostolos Fanakis <apostolof@auth.gr>" |
LABEL maintainers.2="Panagiotis Nikolaidis <ezerous@gmail.com>" |
LABEL gr.thmmy.ecentrics.concordia-image.name="contracts" |
WORKDIR /opt/concordia-contracts |
COPY ./docker/concordia-contracts/migrate.sh . |
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/opt/concordia-contracts/migrate.sh"] |
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/concordia-contracts/migrate.sh"] |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
cd /usr/src/concordia/packages/concordia-contracts && yarn _migrate --network "${MIGRATE_NETWORK}" --reset |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
yarn _eslint -f html -o /usr/test-reports/concordia-contracts-eslint.html --no-color && |
(yarn _solhint >/usr/test-reports/concordia-contracts-solhint.report) && |
(yarn test --network env >/usr/test-reports/concordia-contracts-truffle-tests.report) |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
exit 0 |
else |
exit 1 |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
version: '3.8' |
services: |
ganache: |
build: |
context: ../ |
dockerfile: ./docker/ganache/Dockerfile |
image: concordia-ganache |
container_name: concordia-ganache |
env_file: |
- env/ganache.docker.env |
expose: |
- 8545 |
ports: |
- 8545:8545 |
user: root |
volumes: |
- ./ganache/volumes/ganache_keys:/home/ganache_keys |
networks: |
ganache_network: |
restart: always |
rendezvous: |
image: libp2p/js-libp2p-webrtc-star:version-0.20.1 |
container_name: concordia-rendezvous |
networks: |
rendezvous_network: |
ports: |
- 9090:9090 |
restart: always |
networks: |
ganache_network: |
rendezvous_network: |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# Variables needed in runtime (in browser) |
# If the rendezvous server is running on host use these instead |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
# Set to "CI" if in CI environment, anything else (including unset) will be ignored |
# Docker compose variables |
VIRTUAL_HOST=example.com |
# If you uncomment the lines below, Concordia will become available through https BUT the rendezvous |
# server will stop working and IPFS initialization won't complete |
#LETSENCRYPT_HOST=example.com |
#LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=someemail.email.com |
# Variables needed in runtime |
# TO-NEVER-DO: change CONCORDIA_HOST to localhost |
# Variables needed in runtime (in browser) |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
# Variables needed in runtime |
DEPLOY_CHAIN_HOST=concordia-ganache |
TEST_CHAIN_HOST=concordia-ganache-test |
# If the blockchain is running on host use these instead |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# Variables needed in runtime |
DEPLOY_CHAIN_HOST=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
TEST_CHAIN_HOST=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
PORT=8545 |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
MNEMONIC="myth like bonus scare over problem client lizard pioneer submit female collect" |
PORT=8546 |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
FROM trufflesuite/ganache-cli:latest |
RUN mkdir /home/ganache_db /home/ganache_keys |
WORKDIR /opt/concordia-ganache |
COPY ./docker/ganache/start-blockchain.sh . |
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/opt/concordia-ganache/start-blockchain.sh"] |
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/concordia-ganache/start-blockchain.sh"] |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
HOST="${HOST:-""}" |
PORT="${PORT:-8545}" |
ID="${NETWORK_ID:-5778}" |
if [ -z "${MNEMONIC}" ]; then |
echo "Starting Ganache with non deterministic address generation" |
node /app/ganache-core.docker.cli.js \ |
--accounts "$N_ACCOUNTS" \ |
--defaultBalanceEther "$ETHER" \ |
--host "$HOST" \ |
--port "$PORT" \ |
--networkId "$ID" \ |
--account_keys_path "/home/ganache_keys/keys.json" \ |
--db "/home/ganache_db/" \ |
--allowUnlimitedContractSize \ |
--noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse \ |
--verbose |
else |
echo "Starting Ganache with deterministic address generation" |
node /app/ganache-core.docker.cli.js \ |
--accounts "$N_ACCOUNTS" \ |
--defaultBalanceEther "$ETHER" \ |
--mnemonic "$MNEMONIC" \ |
--host "$HOST" \ |
--port "$PORT" \ |
--networkId "$ID" \ |
--account_keys_path "/home/ganache_keys/keys.json" \ |
--db "/home/ganache_db/" \ |
--allowUnlimitedContractSize \ |
--noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse \ |
--deterministic \ |
--verbose |
fi |
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@ |
{ |
"name": "apella", |
"name": "concordia", |
"private": true, |
"workspaces": { |
"packages": ["packages/*"], |
"nohoist": ["**/web3", "**/web3/**"] |
"packages": [ |
"packages/*" |
], |
"nohoist": [ |
"**/web3", |
"**/web3/**" |
] |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
# This is an example development configuration for the app |
# To create your own configuration, copy this one and ommit the ".example" from the filename, then change the |
# environment cariables to the prefered values. |
# Node dev-server host & port |
HOST=localhost |
PORT=7000 |
# Variables needed in runtime (in browser) |
# Carefull, IPFS won't accept localhost as a valid hostname |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files. |
# testing |
/coverage |
# production |
/build |
# misc |
.DS_Store |
.env.local |
.env.development.local |
.env.test.local |
.env.production.local |
npm-debug.log* |
yarn-debug.log* |
yarn-error.log* |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
export const WEB3_HOST_DEFAULT = ''; |
export const WEB3_PORT_DEFAULT = '8545'; |
export const WEB3_PORT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30000; |
export const REACT_APP_RENDEZVOUS_PORT_DEFAULT = '9090'; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
import { FORUM_CONTRACT } from '../ContractNames'; |
import forumContractEvents from './ForumContractEvents'; |
const appEvents = { |
[FORUM_CONTRACT]: forumContractEvents, |
}; |
export default appEvents; |
@ -1,14 +1,29 @@ |
import Web3 from 'web3'; |
import { |
} from '../constants/configuration/defaults'; |
const { WEB3_URL, WEB3_PORT } = process.env; |
const { WEB3_HOST, WEB3_PORT, WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT } = process.env; |
// We need fallback ws:// because drizzle has not the patched web3 we use here
const web3 = (WEB3_URL && WEB3_PORT) |
? `ws://${WEB3_URL}:${WEB3_PORT}` |
: new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://')); |
const web3WebsocketOptions = { |
keepAlive: true, |
reconnect: { |
}, |
}; |
const web3 = (WEB3_HOST !== undefined && WEB3_PORT !== undefined) |
? `ws://${WEB3_HOST}:${WEB3_PORT}` |
: new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider( |
`ws://${WEB3_HOST_DEFAULT}:${WEB3_PORT_DEFAULT}`, web3WebsocketOptions, |
)); |
const web3Options = { |
web3, |
customProvider: web3, |
}; |
export default web3Options; |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
# Concordia Contracts Package |
This is the package where the contracts that power Concordia live. |
## Compile contracts |
```shell script |
yarn compile |
``` |
## Lint contracts (and tests) |
```shell script |
yarn lint |
``` |
## Migrate contracts |
Default host and port values of the blockchain are: |
| host | port | |
|---|---| |
| | 8545 | |
Migrate (using the development network by default): |
```shell script |
yarn migrate |
``` |
### Setting different host and port values |
Define the host and port of the blockchain in use. |
Linux: |
```shell script |
export CHAIN_HOST="" |
export CHAIN_PORT="7545" |
``` |
Windows: |
```shell script |
``` |
Migrate using the `env` network : |
```shell script |
yarn _migrate --network env |
``` |
**Notice the underscore `_` suffix in the script name. This is not a mistake.** |
## Test contracts |
Default host and port values of the blockchain are: |
| host | port | |
|---|---| |
| | 8546 | |
Test: |
```shell script |
yarn test |
``` |
### Setting different host and port values |
Define the host and port of the blockchain in use like above. |
Test: |
```shell script |
yarn test --network env |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
const TEST_CHAIN_PORT_DEFAULT = '8546'; |
module.exports = { |
develop: { |
}, |
test: { |
}, |
}; |
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