Apostolos Fanakis
6 years ago
9 changed files with 530 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
function AACSeq1 = AACoder1(fNameIn) |
%Implementation of WHAT?? //TODO!! |
% Usage AACSeq1 = AACoder1(fNameIn), where: |
% Inputs |
% - fNameIn is the filename and path of the file to encode |
% |
% Output |
% - AACSeq1 is an array of structs containing K structs, where K is |
% the number of computed frames. Every struct of the array consists |
% of a frameType, a winType, chl.frameF which are the MDCT |
% coefficients of this frame's left channel, chr.frameF which are |
% the MDCT coefficients of this frame's right channel |
% Reads the audio file |
[originalAudioData, ~] = audioread(fNameIn); |
% Splits the audio in frames and determines the type of each frame |
frameTypes{fix((length(originalAudioData) - 1025) / 1024)} = 'OLS'; |
frameTypes{1} = 'OLS'; |
for i = 1:length(frameTypes) - 2 |
nextFrameStart = (i + 1) * 1024 + 1; |
nextFrameStop = nextFrameStart + 2047; |
frameTypes{i+1} = SSC(1, originalAudioData(nextFrameStart:nextFrameStop, :), frameTypes{i}); |
end |
% Assignes a type to the last frame |
if strcmp(frameTypes{length(frameTypes) - 1}, 'LSS') |
frameTypes{length(frameTypes)} = 'ESH'; |
elseif strcmp(frameTypes{length(frameTypes) - 1}, 'ESH') |
frameTypes{length(frameTypes)} = 'ESH'; |
else |
frameTypes{length(frameTypes)} = 'OLS'; |
end |
AACSeq1(length(frameTypes)) = struct; |
for i = 0:length(frameTypes)-1 |
currFrameStart = i * 1024 + 1; |
currFrameStop = currFrameStart + 2047; |
frameF = filterbank(originalAudioData(currFrameStart:currFrameStop, :), frameTypes{i+1}, 'SIN'); |
AACSeq1(i + 1).frameType = frameTypes(i + 1); |
AACSeq1(i + 1).winType = 'KBD'; |
AACSeq1(i + 1).chl.frameF = frameF(:, 1); |
AACSeq1(i + 1).chr.frameF = frameF(:, 2); |
end |
if true |
[idx,label] = grp2idx(sort(frameTypes)); |
hist(idx,unique(idx)); |
set(gca,'xTickLabel',label) |
sum(idx(:) == 1) |
sum(idx(:) == 2) |
sum(idx(:) == 3) |
sum(idx(:) == 4) |
end |
end |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
function frameType = SSC(~, nextFrameT, prevFrameType) |
%Implementation of the SSC step |
% Usage frameType = SSC(frameT, nextFrameT, prevFrameType), where: |
% Inputs |
% - frameT is a frame in the time domain, containing both channels of |
% the audio stored in an array of dimensions 2048X2 |
% - nextFrameT is the next frame in the time domain, containing both |
% channels of the audio stored in an array of dimensions 2048X2 |
% - prevFrameType is the type of the previous frame in string |
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS" |
% |
% Output |
% - frameType is the type of the current frame in string |
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS" |
% Examines the cases where the determination of the type of the next |
% frame isn't needed for |
if strcmp(prevFrameType, 'LSS') |
frameType = 'ESH'; |
return; |
elseif strcmp(prevFrameType, 'LPS') |
frameType = 'OLS'; |
return; |
end |
% Determines the type of the next frame |
% Filters frame |
nextFrameT = filter([0.7548, -0.7548], [1, -0.5095], nextFrameT, [], 2); |
channelFrameType = {'OLS', 'OLS'}; |
for channel = 1:2 |
% Calculates sub-frame energy estimation |
[subFrames, ~] = buffer(nextFrameT(449:end-448, channel), 256, 128, 'nodelay'); |
energyEstimations = sum(subFrames.^2, 1); |
% Calculates the ratio of the sub-frame energy to the average energy of |
% the previous sub-frames |
nextIsESH = 0; |
for subFrameIndex = 1:8 |
energyRatio = energyEstimations(subFrameIndex) / ... |
mean(energyEstimations(1:subFrameIndex-1)); |
if (energyEstimations(subFrameIndex) > 10^(-3)) && (energyRatio > 10) |
nextIsESH = 1; |
break; |
end |
end |
if nextIsESH == 1 |
if strcmp(prevFrameType, 'ESH') |
% This frame of this channel is an EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE type |
% frame. This means the frames of both channels will be encoded |
% as EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE type frames. |
frameType = 'ESH'; |
return; |
elseif strcmp(prevFrameType, 'OLS') |
channelFrameType{channel} = 'LSS'; |
end |
else |
if strcmp(prevFrameType, 'ESH') |
channelFrameType{channel} = 'LPS'; |
elseif strcmp(prevFrameType, 'OLS') |
channelFrameType{channel} = 'OLS'; |
end |
end |
end |
if strcmp(channelFrameType{1}, 'OLS') |
frameType = channelFrameType{2}; |
elseif strcmp(channelFrameType{2}, 'OLS') |
frameType = channelFrameType{1}; |
elseif strcmp(channelFrameType{1}, channelFrameType{2}) |
frameType = channelFrameType{1}; |
else |
frameType = 'ESH'; |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
function SNR = demoAAC1(fNameIn, fNameOut) |
%Implementation of WHAT?? //TODO!! |
% Usage SNR = demoAAC1(fNameIn, fNameOut), where: |
% Inputs |
% - fNameIn is the filename and path of the file to encode |
% - fNameOut is the filename and path of the file that will be |
% written after decoding |
% |
% Output |
% - SNR is the signal to noise ration computed after successively |
% encoding and decoding the audio signal |
AACSeq1 = AACoder1(fNameIn); |
decodedAudio = iAACoder1(AACSeq1, fNameOut); |
[audioData, ~] = audioread(fNameIn); |
SNR = sum(10*log10((sum(audioData(1:length(decodedAudio), :)) .^ 2)./ ... |
(sum(audioData(1:length(decodedAudio), :) - decodedAudio) .^ 2))); |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
function frameF = filterbank(frameT, frameType, winType) |
%Implementation of the Filter Bank step |
% Usage frameF = filterbank(frameT, frameType, winType), where: |
% Inputs |
% - frameT is a frame in the time domain, containing both channels of |
% the audio stored in an array of dimensions 2048X2 |
% - frameType is the type of the current frame in string |
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS" |
% - winType is the type of the window selected, can be one of "KBD", |
% "SIN" |
% |
% Output |
% - frameF is the frame in the frequency domain, in MDCT coefficients |
% representation containing both channels of the audio stored in an |
% array of dimensions 1024X2 |
% Declares persistent windows variables and initializes if empty |
persistent kaiserWindowLong kaiserWindowShort sinWindowLong sinWindowShort; |
if isempty(kaiserWindowLong) || isempty(kaiserWindowShort) || ... |
isempty(sinWindowLong) || isempty(sinWindowShort) |
kaiserLong = kaiser(1024, 6*pi); |
kaiserSumLong = sum(kaiserLong); |
kaiserShort = kaiser(128, 4*pi); |
kaiserSumShort = sum(kaiserShort); |
for n = 1:1024 |
kaiserWindowLong(n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserLong(1:n))/kaiserSumLong); |
kaiserWindowLong(1024 + n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserLong(1:end-n+1))/kaiserSumLong); |
sinWindowLong(n) = sin(pi*(n + 0.5)/2048); |
sinWindowLong(1024 + n) = sin(pi*(1024 + n + 0.5)/2048); |
end |
for n = 1:128 |
kaiserWindowShort(n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserShort(1:n))/kaiserSumShort); |
kaiserWindowShort(128 + n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserShort(1:end-n+1))/kaiserSumShort); |
sinWindowShort(n) = sin(pi*(n + 0.5)/256); |
sinWindowShort(128 + n) = sin(pi*(128 + n + 0.5)/256); |
end |
end |
frameF(1024, 2) = 0; |
% Applies appropriate window to the frame |
for channel=1:2 |
if strcmp(frameType, 'OLS') |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(:, channel) = frameT(:, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(:); |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(:, channel) = frameT(:, channel) .* sinWindowLong(:); |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
frameF = mdct4(frameT); |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LSS') |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(1:1024, channel) = frameT(1:1024, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(1:1024)'; |
frameT(1473:1600, channel) = frameT(1473:1600, channel) .* kaiserWindowShort(129:end)'; |
frameT(1601:end, channel) = 0; |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(1:1024, channel) = frameT(1:1024, channel) .* sinWindowLong(1:1024)'; |
frameT(1473:1600, channel) = frameT(1473:1600, channel) .* sinWindowShort(129:end)'; |
frameT(1601:end, channel) = 0; |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
frameF = mdct4(frameT); |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LPS') |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(1:448, channel) = 0; |
frameT(449:576, channel) = frameT(449:576, channel) .* kaiserWindowShort(1:128)'; |
frameT(1025:end, channel) = frameT(1025:end, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(1025:end)'; |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(1:448, channel) = 0; |
frameT(449:576, channel) = frameT(449:576, channel) .* sinWindowShort(1:128)'; |
frameT(1025:end, channel) = frameT(1025:end, channel) .* sinWindowLong(1025:end)'; |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
frameF = mdct4(frameT); |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'ESH') |
% Splits the frame into sub-frames |
[subFrames, ~] = buffer(frameT(449:end-448, channel), 256, 128, 'nodelay'); |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
subFrames = subFrames .* repmat(kaiserWindowShort', [1 8]); |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
subFrames = subFrames .* repmat(sinWindowShort', [1 8]); |
end |
for subFrameIndex = 1:8 |
frameF((subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:subFrameIndex * 128, channel) = mdct4(subFrames(:, subFrameIndex)); |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
function x = iAACoder1(AACSeq1, fNameOut) |
%Implementation of WHAT?? //TODO!! |
% Usage x = iAACoder1(AACSeq1, fNameOut), where: |
% Inputs |
% - fNameOut is the filename and path of the file that will be |
% written after decoding |
% - AACSeq1 is an array of structs containing K structs, where K is |
% the number of computed frames. Every struct of the array consists |
% of a frameType, a winType, chl.frameF which are the MDCT |
% coefficients of this frame's left channel, chr.frameF which are |
% the MDCT coefficients of this frame's right channel |
% |
% Output |
% - x is an array containing the decoded audio samples |
decodedAudio(1024 * (length(AACSeq1) + 1), 2) = 0; |
frameF(1024, 2) = 0; |
for i = 0:length(AACSeq1)-1 |
currFrameStart = i * 1024 + 1; |
currFrameStop = currFrameStart + 2047; |
frameF(:, 1) = AACSeq1(i+1).chl.frameF; |
frameF(:, 2) = AACSeq1(i+1).chr.frameF; |
frameT = iFilterbank(frameF, AACSeq1(i+1).frameType, AACSeq1(i+1).winType); |
decodedAudio(currFrameStart:currFrameStop, :) = decodedAudio(currFrameStart:currFrameStop, :) + frameT; |
end |
audiowrite(fNameOut, decodedAudio, 48000); |
x = decodedAudio; |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
function frameT = iFilterbank(frameF, frameType, winType) |
%Implementation of the Inverse Filter Bank step |
% Usage frameT = iFilterbank(frameF, frameType, winType), where: |
% Inputs |
% - frameF is the frame in the frequency domain, in MDCT coefficients |
% representation containing both channels of the audio stored in an |
% array of dimensions 1024X2 |
% - frameType is the type of the current frame in string |
% representation, can be one of "OLS" (ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE), "LSS" |
% - winType is the type of the window selected, can be one of "KBD", |
% "SIN" |
% |
% Output |
% - frameT is a frame in the time domain, containing both channels of |
% the audio stored in an array of dimensions 2048X2 |
% Declares persistent windows variables and initializes if empty |
persistent kaiserWindowLong kaiserWindowShort sinWindowLong sinWindowShort; |
if isempty(kaiserWindowLong) || isempty(kaiserWindowShort) || ... |
isempty(sinWindowLong) || isempty(sinWindowShort) |
kaiserLong = kaiser(1024, 6*pi); |
kaiserSumLong = sum(kaiserLong); |
kaiserShort = kaiser(128, 4*pi); |
kaiserSumShort = sum(kaiserShort); |
for n = 1:1024 |
kaiserWindowLong(n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserLong(1:n))/kaiserSumLong); |
kaiserWindowLong(1024 + n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserLong(1:end-n+1))/kaiserSumLong); |
sinWindowLong(n) = sin(pi*(n + 0.5)/2048); |
sinWindowLong(1024 + n) = sin(pi*(1024 + n + 0.5)/2048); |
end |
for n = 1:128 |
kaiserWindowShort(n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserShort(1:n))/kaiserSumShort); |
kaiserWindowShort(128 + n) = sqrt(sum(kaiserShort(1:end-n+1))/kaiserSumShort); |
sinWindowShort(n) = sin(pi*(n + 0.5)/256); |
sinWindowShort(128 + n) = sin(pi*(128 + n + 0.5)/256); |
end |
end |
frameT(2048, 2) = 0; |
% Applies appropriate window to the frame |
for channel=1:2 |
if strcmp(frameType, 'OLS') |
frameT = imdct4(frameF); |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(:, channel) = frameT(:, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(:); |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(:, channel) = frameT(:, channel) .* sinWindowLong(:); |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LSS') |
frameT = imdct4(frameF); |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(1:1024, channel) = frameT(1:1024, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(1:1024)'; |
frameT(1473:1600, channel) = frameT(1473:1600, channel) .* kaiserWindowShort(129:end)'; |
frameT(1601:end, channel) = 0; |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(1:1024, channel) = frameT(1:1024, channel) .* sinWindowLong(1:1024)'; |
frameT(1473:1600, channel) = frameT(1473:1600, channel) .* sinWindowShort(129:end)'; |
frameT(1601:end, channel) = 0; |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'LPS') |
frameT = imdct4(frameF); |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
frameT(1:448, channel) = 0; |
frameT(449:576, channel) = frameT(449:576, channel) .* kaiserWindowShort(1:128)'; |
frameT(1025:end, channel) = frameT(1025:end, channel) .* kaiserWindowLong(1025:end)'; |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
frameT(1:448, channel) = 0; |
frameT(449:576, channel) = frameT(449:576, channel) .* sinWindowShort(1:128)'; |
frameT(1025:end, channel) = frameT(1025:end, channel) .* sinWindowLong(1025:end)'; |
else |
error('filterbank, l[20]: Unsupported window type input!') |
end |
elseif strcmp(frameType, 'ESH') |
for subFrameIndex = 1:8 |
subFrame = imdct4(frameF((subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:subFrameIndex * 128, channel)); |
if strcmp(winType, 'KBD') |
subFrame = subFrame .* kaiserWindowShort'; |
elseif strcmp(winType, 'SIN') |
subFrame = subFrame .* sinWindowShort'; |
end |
frameT(449 + (subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:449 + (subFrameIndex + 1) * 128) = ... |
frameT(449 + (subFrameIndex - 1) * 128 + 1:449 + (subFrameIndex + 1) * 128) + subFrame'; |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
function y = imdct4(x) |
% IMDCT4 Calculates the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform |
% y = imdct4(x) |
% |
% x: input signal (can be either a column or frame per column) |
% y: IMDCT of x |
% |
% Vectorize ! ! ! |
% ------- imdct4.m ----------------------------------------- |
% Marios Athineos, marios@ee.columbia.edu |
% http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~marios/ |
% Copyright (c) 2002 by Columbia University. |
% All rights reserved. |
% ---------------------------------------------------------- |
[flen,fnum] = size(x); |
% Make column if it's a single row |
if (flen==1) |
x = x(:); |
flen = fnum; |
fnum = 1; |
end |
% We need these for furmulas below |
N = flen; |
M = N/2; |
twoN = 2*N; |
sqrtN = sqrt(twoN); |
% We need this twice so keep it around |
t = (0:(M-1)).'; |
w = diag(sparse(exp(-j*2*pi*(t+1/8)/twoN))); |
% Pre-twiddle |
t = (0:(M-1)).'; |
c = x(2*t+1,:) + j*x(N-1-2*t+1,:); |
c = (0.5*w)*c; |
% FFT for N/2 points only !!! |
c = fft(c,M); |
% Post-twiddle |
c = ((8/sqrtN)*w)*c; |
% Preallocate rotation matrix |
rot = zeros(twoN,fnum); |
% Sort |
t = (0:(M-1)).'; |
rot(2*t+1,:) = real(c(t+1,:)); |
rot(N+2*t+1,:) = imag(c(t+1,:)); |
t = (1:2:(twoN-1)).'; |
rot(t+1,:) = -rot(twoN-1-t+1,:); |
% Shift |
t = (0:(3*M-1)).'; |
y(t+1,:) = rot(t+M+1,:); |
t = (3*M:(twoN-1)).'; |
y(t+1,:) = -rot(t-3*M+1,:); |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
function y = mdct4(x) |
% MDCT4 Calculates the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform |
% y = mdct4(x) |
% |
% Use either a Sine or a Kaiser-Bessel Derived window (KBDWin)with |
% 50% overlap for perfect TDAC reconstruction. |
% Remember that MDCT coefs are symmetric: y(k)=-y(N-k-1) so the full |
% matrix (N) of coefs is: yf = [y;-flipud(y)]; |
% |
% x: input signal (can be either a column or frame per column) |
% length of x must be a integer multiple of 4 (each frame) |
% y: MDCT of x (coefs are divided by sqrt(N)) |
% |
% Vectorize ! ! ! |
% ------- mdct4.m ------------------------------------------ |
% Marios Athineos, marios@ee.columbia.edu |
% http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~marios/ |
% Copyright (c) 2002 by Columbia University. |
% All rights reserved. |
% ---------------------------------------------------------- |
[flen,fnum] = size(x); |
% Make column if it's a single row |
if (flen==1) |
x = x(:); |
flen = fnum; |
fnum = 1; |
end |
% Make sure length is multiple of 4 |
if (rem(flen,4)~=0) |
error('MDCT4 defined for lengths multiple of four.'); |
end |
% We need these for furmulas below |
N = flen; % Length of window |
M = N/2; % Number of coefficients |
N4 = N/4; % Simplify the way eqs look |
sqrtN = sqrt(N); |
% Preallocate rotation matrix |
% It would be nice to be able to do it in-place but we cannot |
% cause of the prerotation. |
rot = zeros(flen,fnum); |
% Shift |
t = (0:(N4-1)).'; |
rot(t+1,:) = -x(t+3*N4+1,:); |
t = (N4:(N-1)).'; |
rot(t+1,:) = x(t-N4+1,:); |
clear x; |
% We need this twice so keep it around |
t = (0:(N4-1)).'; |
w = diag(sparse(exp(-j*2*pi*(t+1/8)/N))); |
% Pre-twiddle |
t = (0:(N4-1)).'; |
c = (rot(2*t+1,:)-rot(N-1-2*t+1,:))... |
-j*(rot(M+2*t+1,:)-rot(M-1-2*t+1,:)); |
% This is a really cool Matlab trick ;) |
c = 0.5*w*c; |
clear rot; |
% FFT for N/4 points only !!! |
c = fft(c,N4); |
% Post-twiddle |
c = (2/sqrtN)*w*c; |
% Sort |
t = (0:(N4-1)).'; |
y(2*t+1,:) = real(c(t+1,:)); |
y(M-1-2*t+1,:) = -imag(c(t+1,:)); |
Reference in new issue