@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ char* LABELS_FILENAME = "data/L.bin"; |
struct timeval startwtime, endwtime; |
double seq_time; |
int meanshift(double **original_points, double ***shifted_points, int h |
, parameters *opt, int iteration); |
int main(int argc, char **argv){ |
int h = 1; |
@ -70,3 +73,122 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){ |
//TODO write output points to file -> plot later
//save_matrix(shifted_points, iterations);
} |
int meanshift(double **original_points, double ***shifted_points, int h |
, parameters *opt, int iteration){ |
// allocates space and copies original points on first iteration
if (iteration == 1){ |
(*shifted_points) = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
duplicate(original_points, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS, shifted_points); |
} |
// mean shift vector
double **mean_shift_vector; |
mean_shift_vector = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
// initialize elements of mean_shift_vector to inf
for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_POINTS;i++){ |
for (int j=0;j<DIMENSIONS;j++){ |
mean_shift_vector[i][j] = DBL_MAX; |
} |
} |
/** allocate memory **/ |
double **kernel_matrix = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, NUMBER_OF_POINTS); |
double *denominator = malloc(NUMBER_OF_POINTS * sizeof(double)); |
// create new y vector
double **new_shift = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
double * d_kernel_matrix; |
cudaMalloc(&d_kernel_matrix, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * NUMBER_OF_POINTS * sizeof(double)); |
double * d_denominator; |
cudaMalloc(&d_denominator, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * sizeof(double)); |
double * d_new_shift; |
cudaMalloc(&d_new_shift, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * DIMENSIONS * sizeof(double)); |
// (*shifted_points) = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS);
// duplicate(original_points, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS, shifted_points);
double * d_shifted_points; |
cudaMalloc(&d_shifted_points, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * DIMENSIONS * sizeof(double)); |
// double **mean_shift_vector;
// mean_shift_vector = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS);
double * d_mean_shift_vector; |
cudaMalloc(&d_mean_shift_vector, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * DIMENSIONS * sizeof(double)); |
//Copy vectors from host memory to device memory
cudaMemcpy(d_shifted_points, *shifted_points, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * DIMENSIONS * sizeof(double), |
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
// y[i][j] == d_y[COLUMNS*i + j]
cudaMemcpy(d_mean_shift_vector, mean_shift_vector, NUMBER_OF_POINTS * DIMENSIONS * sizeof(double), |
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
// find pairwise distance matrix (inside radius)
// [I, D] = rangesearch(x,y,h);
for (int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_POINTS; i++){ |
double sum = 0; |
for (int j=0; j<NUMBER_OF_POINTS; j++){ |
double dist_sum = 0; |
for (int p=0; p<DIMENSIONS; p++){ |
double dif = ((*shifted_points)[i])[p]-(original_points[j])[p]; |
dist_sum += dif * dif; |
} |
double dist = sqrt(dist_sum); |
if (dist < h*h){ |
kernel_matrix[i][j] = dist * dist; |
// compute kernel matrix
double pow = ((-1)*(kernel_matrix[i][j]))/(2*(h*h)); |
kernel_matrix[i][j] = exp(pow); |
} else { |
kernel_matrix[i][j] = 0; |
} |
if (i==j){ |
kernel_matrix[i][j] += 1; |
} |
sum = sum + kernel_matrix[i][j]; |
} |
denominator[i] = sum; |
// build nominator
for (int j=0; j<DIMENSIONS; j++){ |
new_shift[i][j] = 0; |
for (int k=0; k<NUMBER_OF_POINTS; k++){ |
new_shift[i][j] += kernel_matrix[i][k] * original_points[k][j]; |
} |
// divide element-wise
new_shift[i][j] = new_shift[i][j] / denominator[i]; |
// calculate mean-shift vector at the same time
mean_shift_vector[i][j] = new_shift[i][j] - (*shifted_points)[i][j]; |
} |
} |
// frees previously shifted points, they're now garbage
free((*shifted_points)[0]); |
// updates shifted points pointer to the new array address
shifted_points = &new_shift; |
save_matrix((*shifted_points), iteration); |
double current_norm = norm(mean_shift_vector, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
printf("Iteration n. %d, error %f \n", iteration, current_norm); |
// clean up this iteration's allocates
free(mean_shift_vector[0]); |
free(mean_shift_vector); |
free(kernel_matrix[0]); |
free(kernel_matrix); |
free(denominator); |
/** iterate until convergence **/ |
if (current_norm > opt->epsilon) { |
return meanshift(original_points, shifted_points, h, opt, ++iteration); |
} |
return iteration; |
} |