@ -90,27 +90,26 @@ void init(double ***vectors, char **labels, parameters *params){ |
int meanshift(double **original_points, double ***shifted_points, int deviation |
, parameters *opt){ |
static int iteration = 0; |
static double **mean_shift_vector, **kernel_matrix, *denominator; |
// allocates memory and copies original points on first iteration
if (iteration == 0 || (*shifted_points) == NULL){ |
iteration = 0; |
(*shifted_points) = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
duplicate(original_points, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS, shifted_points); |
} |
// allocates memory for mean shift vector
double **mean_shift_vector; |
mean_shift_vector = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
// initializes elements of mean_shift_vector to inf
for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_POINTS;i++){ |
for (int j=0;j<DIMENSIONS;j++){ |
mean_shift_vector[i][j] = DBL_MAX; |
// allocates memory for mean shift vector
mean_shift_vector = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
// initializes elements of mean_shift_vector to inf
for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_POINTS;i++){ |
for (int j=0;j<DIMENSIONS;j++){ |
mean_shift_vector[i][j] = DBL_MAX; |
} |
} |
} |
// allocates memory for other arrays needed
double **kernel_matrix = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, NUMBER_OF_POINTS); |
double *denominator = malloc(NUMBER_OF_POINTS * sizeof(double)); |
// allocates memory for other arrays needed
kernel_matrix = alloc_2d_double(NUMBER_OF_POINTS, NUMBER_OF_POINTS); |
denominator = malloc(NUMBER_OF_POINTS * sizeof(double)); |
} |
// finds pairwise distance matrix (inside radius)
// [I, D] = rangesearch(x,y,h);
@ -160,17 +159,19 @@ int meanshift(double **original_points, double ***shifted_points, int deviation |
double current_norm = norm(mean_shift_vector, NUMBER_OF_POINTS, DIMENSIONS); |
printf("Iteration n. %d, error %f \n", iteration, current_norm); |
// cleans up this iteration's allocations
free(mean_shift_vector[0]); |
free(mean_shift_vector); |
free(kernel_matrix[0]); |
free(kernel_matrix); |
free(denominator); |
/** iterates until convergence **/ |
if (current_norm > opt->epsilon) { |
++iteration; |
return meanshift(original_points, shifted_points, deviation, opt); |
meanshift(original_points, shifted_points, deviation, opt); |
} |
if (iteration == 0){ |
// cleans up this iteration's allocations
free(mean_shift_vector[0]); |
free(mean_shift_vector); |
free(kernel_matrix[0]); |
free(kernel_matrix); |
free(denominator); |
} |
return iteration; |