6 years ago
committed by
3 changed files with 668 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
#include <sys/time.h> |
#include "serial_gs_pagerank_functions.h" |
struct timeval startwtime, endwtime; |
int main(int argc, char **argv) { |
CsrSparseMatrix transitionMatrix = initCsrSparseMatrix(); |
double *pagerankVector; |
bool convergenceStatus; |
Parameters parameters; |
int maxIterationsForConvergence; |
maxIterationsForConvergence = 0; |
parseArguments(argc, argv, ¶meters); |
initialize(&transitionMatrix, &pagerankVector, ¶meters); |
// Starts wall-clock timer
gettimeofday (&startwtime, NULL); |
int* iterations = (int *)malloc(parameters.numberOfPages*sizeof(int)); |
iterations = pagerank(&transitionMatrix, &pagerankVector, |
&convergenceStatus, parameters, &maxIterationsForConvergence); |
if (parameters.verbose) { |
if (convergenceStatus) { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "Pagerank converged after %d iterations!\n" \ |
ANSI_COLOR_RESET, maxIterationsForConvergence); |
} else { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "Pagerank did not converge after max number of" \ |
" iterations (%d) was reached!\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, maxIterationsForConvergence); |
} |
} |
// Stops wall-clock timer
gettimeofday (&endwtime, NULL); |
double seq_time = (double)((endwtime.tv_usec - startwtime.tv_usec)/1.0e6 + |
endwtime.tv_sec - startwtime.tv_sec); |
printf("%s wall clock time = %f\n","Pagerank (Gauss-Seidel method), serial implementation", |
seq_time); |
if (!parameters.history) { |
// Always outputs numberOfPages, max_iterations, last pagerank and iterations
// for all pages
savePagerankToFile(parameters.outputFilename, false, pagerankVector, |
parameters.numberOfPages, iterations, maxIterationsForConvergence); |
} |
free(pagerankVector); |
destroyCsrSparseMatrix(&transitionMatrix); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ |
/* ===== INCLUDES ===== */ |
#include "serial_gs_pagerank_functions.h" |
/* ===== CONSTANTS ===== */ |
const char *ARGUMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS = "-m"; |
const char *ARGUMENT_DAMPING_FACTOR = "-a"; |
const char *ARGUMENT_VERBAL_OUTPUT = "-v"; |
const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_HISTORY = "-h"; |
const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "-o"; |
const int NUMERICAL_BASE = 10; |
char *DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "pagerank_output"; |
const int FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; |
/* ===== FUNCTIONS ===== */ |
int* pagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, double **pagerankVector, |
bool *convergenceStatus, Parameters parameters, int* maxIterationsForConvergence) { |
// Variables declaration
int numberOfPages = parameters.numberOfPages; |
double delta, *pagerankDifference, *previousPagerankVector, |
*convergedPagerankVector, *linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector; |
CooSparseMatrix linksFromConvergedPages = initCooSparseMatrix(); |
bool *convergenceMatrix; |
int* iterations = (int *)malloc(numberOfPages*sizeof(int)); |
// Space allocation
{ |
size_t sizeofDouble = sizeof(double); |
// pagerankDifference used to calculate delta
pagerankDifference = (double *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeofDouble); |
// previousPagerankVector holds last iteration's pagerank vector
previousPagerankVector = (double *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeofDouble); |
// convergedPagerankVector is the pagerank vector of converged pages only
convergedPagerankVector = (double *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeofDouble); |
// linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector holds the partial sum of the
// pagerank vector, that describes effect of the links from converged
// pages to non converged pages
linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector = (double *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeofDouble); |
// convergenceMatrix indicates which pages have converged
convergenceMatrix = (bool *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeof(bool)); |
*convergenceStatus = false; |
// Initialization
allocMemoryForCoo(&linksFromConvergedPages, transitionMatrix->numberOfNonZeroElements); |
for (int i=0; i<numberOfPages; ++i) { |
convergedPagerankVector[i] = 0; |
convergenceMatrix[i] = false; |
linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector[i] = 0; |
iterations[i] = 0; |
} |
} |
if (parameters.verbose) { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\n----- Starting iterations -----\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET); |
} |
do { |
// Stores previous pagerank vector
memcpy(previousPagerankVector, *pagerankVector, numberOfPages * sizeof(double)); |
// Calculates new pagerank vector
calculateNextPagerank(transitionMatrix, previousPagerankVector, |
pagerankVector, linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector, |
convergedPagerankVector, numberOfPages, |
parameters.dampingFactor); |
if (parameters.history) { |
// Outputs pagerank vector to file
savePagerankToFile(parameters.outputFilename, true, |
*pagerankVector, numberOfPages, iterations, *maxIterationsForConvergence); |
} |
// Periodically checks for convergence
if (!((*maxIterationsForConvergence) % CONVERGENCE_CHECK_ITERATION_PERIOD)) { |
// Builds pagerank vectors difference
for (int i=0; i<numberOfPages; ++i) { |
pagerankDifference[i] = (*pagerankVector)[i] - previousPagerankVector[i]; |
} |
// Calculates convergence
delta = vectorNorm(pagerankDifference, numberOfPages); |
if (delta < parameters.convergenceCriterion) { |
// Converged
*convergenceStatus = true; |
} |
} |
// Periodically increases sparsity
if ((*maxIterationsForConvergence) && !(*maxIterationsForConvergence % SPARSITY_INCREASE_ITERATION_PERIOD)) { |
bool *newlyConvergedPages = (bool *) malloc(numberOfPages * sizeof(bool)); |
// Checks each individual page for convergence
for (int i=0; i<numberOfPages; ++i) { |
double difference = fabs((*pagerankVector)[i] - |
previousPagerankVector[i]) / fabs(previousPagerankVector[i]); |
newlyConvergedPages[i] = false; |
if (!convergenceMatrix[i] && difference < parameters.convergenceCriterion){ |
// Page converged
newlyConvergedPages[i] = true; |
convergenceMatrix[i] = true; |
convergedPagerankVector[i] = (*pagerankVector)[i]; |
} |
} |
for (int i=0; i<numberOfPages; ++i) { |
// Filters newly converged pages
if (newlyConvergedPages[i] == true) { |
// Checks if this converged page has an out-link to a non converged one
int rowStartIndex = transitionMatrix->rowCumulativeIndexes[i], |
rowEndIndex = transitionMatrix->rowCumulativeIndexes[i+1]; |
if (rowEndIndex > rowStartIndex) { |
// This row (page) has non zero elements (out-links)
for (int j=rowStartIndex; j<rowEndIndex; ++j) { |
// Checks for links from converged pages to non converged
int pageLinksTo = transitionMatrix->columnIndexes[j]; |
if (convergenceMatrix[pageLinksTo] == false){ |
// Link exists, adds element to the vector
addElement(&linksFromConvergedPages, |
transitionMatrix->values[j], i, pageLinksTo); |
} |
} |
} |
// Increases sparsity of the transition matrix by zeroing
// out elements that correspond to converged pages
zeroOutRow(transitionMatrix, i); |
zeroOutColumn(transitionMatrix, i); |
// Builds the new linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector
cooSparseMatrixVectorMultiplication(linksFromConvergedPages, |
*pagerankVector, &linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector, |
numberOfPages); |
} |
} |
free(newlyConvergedPages); |
} |
for(int i=0; i<numberOfPages; ++i){ |
if(!convergenceMatrix[i]){ |
++iterations[i]; |
} |
} |
++(*maxIterationsForConvergence); |
// Outputs information about this iteration
if ((*maxIterationsForConvergence)%2) { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_BLUE "Iteration %d: delta = %f\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, *maxIterationsForConvergence, delta); |
} else { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN "Iteration %d: delta = %f\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, *maxIterationsForConvergence, delta); |
} |
} while (!*convergenceStatus && (parameters.maxIterations == 0 || |
*maxIterationsForConvergence < parameters.maxIterations)); |
// Frees memory
free(pagerankDifference); |
free(previousPagerankVector); |
free(convergedPagerankVector); |
free(linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector); |
free(convergenceMatrix); |
destroyCooSparseMatrix(&linksFromConvergedPages); |
return iterations; |
} |
* initialize allocates required memory for arrays, reads the web graph from the |
* from the file and creates the initial transition probability distribution |
* matrix. |
*/ |
void initialize(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, |
double **pagerankVector, Parameters *parameters) { |
// Reads web graph from file
if ((*parameters).verbose) { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "----- Reading graph from file -----\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET); |
} |
generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile(transitionMatrix, parameters); |
// Outputs the algorithm parameters to the console
if ((*parameters).verbose) { |
printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\n----- Running with parameters -----\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET\ |
"Number of pages: %d", (*parameters).numberOfPages); |
if (!(*parameters).maxIterations) { |
printf("\nMaximum number of iterations: inf"); |
} else { |
printf("\nMaximum number of iterations: %d", (*parameters).maxIterations); |
} |
printf("\nConvergence criterion: %f" \ |
"\nDamping factor: %f" \ |
"\nGraph filename: %s\n", (*parameters).convergenceCriterion, |
(*parameters).dampingFactor, (*parameters).graphFilename); |
} |
// Allocates memory for the pagerank vector
(*pagerankVector) = (double *) malloc((*parameters).numberOfPages * sizeof(double)); |
double webUniformProbability = 1. / (*parameters).numberOfPages; |
for (int i=0; i<(*parameters).numberOfPages; ++i) { |
(*pagerankVector)[i] = webUniformProbability; |
} |
} |
// ==================== MATH UTILS ====================
* calculateNextPagerank calculates the product of the multiplication |
* between a matrix and the a vector in a cheap way. |
*/ |
void calculateNextPagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, |
double *previousPagerankVector, double **pagerankVector, |
double *linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector, |
double *convergedPagerankVector, int vectorSize, double dampingFactor) { |
// Calculates the web uniform probability once.
double webUniformProbability = 1. / vectorSize; |
csrSparseMatrixVectorMultiplication(*transitionMatrix, previousPagerankVector, |
pagerankVector, vectorSize); |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
(*pagerankVector)[i] = dampingFactor * (*pagerankVector)[i]; |
} |
double normDifference = vectorNorm(previousPagerankVector, vectorSize) - |
vectorNorm(*pagerankVector, vectorSize); |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
(*pagerankVector)[i] += normDifference * webUniformProbability + |
linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector[i] + convergedPagerankVector[i]; |
} |
} |
* vectorNorm calculates the first norm of a vector. |
*/ |
double vectorNorm(double *vector, int vectorSize) { |
double norm = 0.; |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
norm += fabs(vector[i]); |
} |
return norm; |
} |
// ==================== PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT UTILS ====================
* parseArguments parses the command line arguments given by the user. |
*/ |
void parseArguments(int argumentCount, char **argumentVector, Parameters *parameters) { |
if (argumentCount < 2 || argumentCount > 10) { |
validUsage(argumentVector[0]); |
} |
(*parameters).numberOfPages = 0; |
(*parameters).maxIterations = 0; |
(*parameters).convergenceCriterion = 1; |
(*parameters).dampingFactor = 0.85; |
(*parameters).verbose = false; |
(*parameters).history = false; |
(*parameters).outputFilename = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME; |
char *endPointer; |
int argumentIndex = 1; |
while (argumentIndex < argumentCount) { |
if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE)) { |
argumentIndex = checkIncrement(argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentVector[0]); |
double convergenceInput = strtod(argumentVector[argumentIndex], &endPointer); |
if (convergenceInput == 0) { |
printf("Invalid convergence argument\n"); |
} |
(*parameters).convergenceCriterion = convergenceInput; |
} else if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS)) { |
argumentIndex = checkIncrement(argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentVector[0]); |
size_t iterationsInput = strtol(argumentVector[argumentIndex], &endPointer, NUMERICAL_BASE); |
if (iterationsInput == 0 && endPointer) { |
printf("Invalid iterations argument\n"); |
} |
(*parameters).maxIterations = iterationsInput; |
} else if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_DAMPING_FACTOR)) { |
argumentIndex = checkIncrement(argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentVector[0]); |
double alphaInput = strtod(argumentVector[argumentIndex], &endPointer); |
if ((alphaInput == 0 || alphaInput > 1) && endPointer) { |
printf("Invalid alpha argument\n"); |
} |
(*parameters).dampingFactor = alphaInput; |
} else if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_VERBAL_OUTPUT)) { |
(*parameters).verbose = true; |
} else if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_HISTORY)) { |
(*parameters).history = true; |
} else if (!strcmp(argumentVector[argumentIndex], ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_FILENAME)) { |
argumentIndex = checkIncrement(argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentVector[0]); |
if (fopen(argumentVector[argumentIndex], "w") == NULL) { |
printf("Invalid output filename. Reverting to default.\n"); |
continue; |
} |
(*parameters).outputFilename = argumentVector[argumentIndex]; |
} else if (argumentIndex == argumentCount - 1) { |
(*parameters).graphFilename = argumentVector[argumentIndex]; |
} else { |
validUsage(argumentVector[0]); |
} |
++argumentIndex; |
} |
} |
* readGraphFromFile loads the file supplied in the command line arguments to an |
* array (directedWebGraph) that represents the graph. |
*/ |
void generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, |
Parameters *parameters){ |
FILE *graphFile; |
// Opens the file for reading
graphFile = fopen((*parameters).graphFilename, "r+"); |
if (!graphFile) { |
printf("Error opening file \n"); |
} |
char buffer[FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; |
char *readResult; |
// Skips the first two lines
readResult = fgets(buffer, FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, graphFile); |
readResult = fgets(buffer, FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, graphFile); |
if (readResult == NULL) { |
printf("Error while reading from the file. Does the file have the correct format?\n"); |
} |
// Third line contains the numbers of nodes and edges
int numberOfNodes = 0, numberOfEdges = 0; |
readResult = fgets(buffer, FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, graphFile); |
if (readResult == NULL) { |
printf("Error while reading from the file. Does the file have the correct format?\n"); |
} |
// Parses the number of nodes and number of edges
{ |
// Splits string to whitespace
char *token = strtok(buffer, " "); |
bool nextIsNodes = false, nextIsEdges = false; |
while (token != NULL) { |
if (strcmp(token, "Nodes:") == 0) { |
nextIsNodes = true; |
} else if (nextIsNodes) { |
numberOfNodes = atoi(token); |
nextIsNodes = false; |
} else if (strcmp(token, "Edges:") == 0) { |
nextIsEdges = true; |
} else if (nextIsEdges) { |
numberOfEdges = atoi(token); |
break; |
} |
// Gets next string token
token = strtok (NULL, " ,.-"); |
} |
} |
if ((*parameters).verbose) { |
printf("File claims number of pages is: %d\nThe number of edges is: %d\n", |
numberOfNodes, numberOfEdges); |
} |
// Skips the fourth line
readResult = fgets(buffer, 512, graphFile); |
if (readResult == NULL) { |
printf("Error while reading from the file. Does the file have the correct format?\n"); |
} |
int maxPageIndex = 0; |
CooSparseMatrix tempMatrix = initCooSparseMatrix(); |
allocMemoryForCoo(&tempMatrix, numberOfEdges); |
for (int i=0; i<numberOfEdges; i++) { |
int fileFrom = 0, fileTo = 0; |
if (!fscanf(graphFile, "%d %d", &fileFrom, &fileTo)) { |
break; |
} |
if (fileFrom > maxPageIndex) { |
maxPageIndex = fileFrom; |
} |
if (fileTo > maxPageIndex) { |
maxPageIndex = fileTo; |
} |
addElement(&tempMatrix, 1, fileFrom, fileTo); |
} |
if ((*parameters).verbose) { |
printf("Max page index found is: %d\n", maxPageIndex); |
} |
(*parameters).numberOfPages = maxPageIndex + 1; |
// Calculates the outdegree of each page and assigns the uniform probability
// of transition to the elements of the corresponding row
int* pageOutdegree = malloc((*parameters).numberOfPages*sizeof(int)); |
for (int i=0; i<(*parameters).numberOfPages; ++i){ |
pageOutdegree[i] = 0; |
} |
for (int i=0; i<numberOfEdges; ++i) { |
int currentRow = tempMatrix.elements[i]->rowIndex; |
++pageOutdegree[currentRow]; |
} |
for (int i=0; i<tempMatrix.size; ++i) { |
tempMatrix.elements[i]->value = 1./pageOutdegree[tempMatrix.elements[i]->rowIndex]; |
} |
free(pageOutdegree); |
// Transposes the temporary transition matrix (P^T).
transposeSparseMatrix(&tempMatrix); |
allocMemoryForCsr(transitionMatrix, numberOfEdges); |
// Transforms the temporary COO matrix to the desired CSR format
transformToCSR(tempMatrix, transitionMatrix); |
destroyCooSparseMatrix(&tempMatrix); |
fclose(graphFile); |
} |
* validUsage outputs a message to the console that informs the user of the |
* correct (valid) way to use the program. |
*/ |
void validUsage(char *programName) { |
printf("%s [-c convergence_criterion] [-m max_iterations] [-a alpha] [-v] [-h] [-o output_filename] <graph_file>" \ |
"\n-c convergence_criterion" \ |
"\n\tthe convergence tolerance criterion" \ |
"\n-m max_iterations" \ |
"\n\tmaximum number of iterations to perform" \ |
"\n-a alpha" \ |
"\n\tthe damping factor" \ |
"\n-v enable verbal output" \ |
"\n-h enable history output to file" \ |
"\n-o output_filename" \ |
"\n\tfilename and path for the output" \ |
"\n", programName); |
} |
* checkIncrement is a helper function for parseArguments function. |
*/ |
int checkIncrement(int previousIndex, int maxIndex, char *programName) { |
if (previousIndex == maxIndex) { |
validUsage(programName); |
} |
return ++previousIndex; |
} |
void savePagerankToFile(char *filename, bool append, double *pagerankVector, |
int vectorSize, int* iterations, int maxIterationsForConvergence) { |
FILE *outputFile; |
if (append) { |
outputFile = fopen(filename, "a"); |
} else { |
outputFile = fopen(filename, "w"); |
} |
if (outputFile == NULL) { |
printf("Error while opening the output file.\n"); |
return; |
} |
if(append){ |
double sum = 0; |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
sum += pagerankVector[i]; |
} |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
fprintf(outputFile, "%d = %.10g\n", i, pagerankVector[i]/sum); |
} |
} |
else{ |
fprintf(outputFile, "numberOfPages = %d \t max_iterations_needed = %d \n", vectorSize, maxIterationsForConvergence); |
double sum = 0; |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
sum += pagerankVector[i]; |
} |
for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; ++i) { |
fprintf(outputFile, "%d \t %d \t %.10g\n", i, iterations[i], pagerankVector[i]/sum); |
} |
} |
// Saves the pagerank vector
fclose(outputFile); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ |
#ifndef SERIAL_GS_PAGERANK_FUNCTIONS_H /* Include guard */ |
/* ===== INCLUDES ===== */ |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include "coo_sparse_matrix.h" |
/* ===== DEFINITIONS ===== */ |
//Colors used for better console output formating.
#define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\x1B[31m" |
#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "\x1B[32m" |
#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\x1B[33m" |
#define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE "\x1B[34m" |
#define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN "\x1B[36m" |
#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1B[0m" |
/* ===== CONSTANTS DEFINITION ===== */ |
// Constant strings that store the command line options available.
extern const char *ARGUMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS; |
extern const char *ARGUMENT_DAMPING_FACTOR; |
extern const char *ARGUMENT_VERBAL_OUTPUT; |
extern const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_HISTORY; |
extern const char *ARGUMENT_OUTPUT_FILENAME; |
// The numerical base used when parsing numerical command line arguments.
extern const int NUMERICAL_BASE; |
// Default filename used for the output.
// The size of the buffer used for reading the graph input file.
extern const int FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE; |
/* ===== STRUCTURES ===== */ |
// A data structure to conveniently hold the algorithm's parameters.
typedef struct parameters { |
int numberOfPages, maxIterations; |
double convergenceCriterion, dampingFactor; |
bool verbose, history; |
char *outputFilename, *graphFilename; |
} Parameters; |
/* ===== FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ===== */ |
// Function validUsage outputs the correct way to use the program with command
// line arguments.
void validUsage(char *programName); |
// Function checkIncrement is a helper function used in parseArguments (see
// bellow).
int checkIncrement(int previousIndex, int maxIndex, char *programName); |
// Function parseArguments parses command line arguments.
void parseArguments(int argumentCount, char **argumentVector, |
Parameters *parameters); |
// Function generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile reads through the entries
// of the file specified in the arguments (parameters->graphFilename), using
// them to populate the sparse array (transitionMatrix). The entries of the file
// represent the edges of the web transition graph. The entries are then
// modified to become the rows of the transition matrix.
void generateNormalizedTransitionMatrixFromFile(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, |
Parameters *parameters); |
// Function savePagerankToFile appends or overwrites the pagerank vector
// "pagerankVector" to the file with the filename supplied in the arguments.
void savePagerankToFile(char *filename, bool append, double *pagerankVector, |
int vectorSize, int* iterations, int maxIterationsForConvergence); |
// Function initialize allocates memory for the pagerank vector, reads the
// dataset from the file and creates the transition probability distribution
// matrix.
void initialize(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, double **pagerankVector, |
Parameters *parameters); |
// Function vectorNorm calculates the first norm of a vector.
double vectorNorm(double *vector, int vectorSize); |
// Function calculateNextPagerank calculates the next pagerank vector.
void calculateNextPagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, |
double *previousPagerankVector, double **pagerankVector, |
double *linksFromConvergedPagesPagerankVector, |
double *convergedPagerankVector, int vectorSize, double dampingFactor); |
// Function pagerank iteratively calculates the pagerank of each page until
// either the convergence criterion is met or the maximum number of iterations
// is reached.
int* pagerank(CsrSparseMatrix *transitionMatrix, double **pagerankVector, |
bool *convergenceStatus, Parameters parameters, int* maxIterationsForConvergence); |
Reference in new issue