@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ |
package gr.auth.databases.flavours.base; |
import android.Manifest; |
import android.content.Intent; |
import android.content.SharedPreferences; |
import android.content.pm.PackageManager; |
import android.os.Build; |
import android.os.Bundle; |
import android.view.View; |
import com.mikepenz.fontawesome_typeface_library.FontAwesome; |
import com.mikepenz.google_material_typeface_library.GoogleMaterial; |
import com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.AccountHeader; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.AccountHeaderBuilder; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.Drawer; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.DrawerBuilder; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.PrimaryDrawerItem; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.ProfileDrawerItem; |
import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IDrawerItem; |
import androidx.annotation.NonNull; |
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; |
import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar; |
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat; |
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; |
import gr.auth.databases.flavours.R; |
import gr.auth.databases.flavours.activities.LoginActivity; |
import gr.auth.databases.flavours.activities.main.MainActivity; |
import gr.auth.databases.flavours.session.SessionManager; |
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; |
public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity { |
// Client & Cookies
protected static OkHttpClient client; |
protected static SessionManager sessionManager; |
private SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; |
//Common UI elements
protected Toolbar toolbar; |
protected Drawer drawer; |
private boolean isMainActivity; |
@Override |
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
isMainActivity = this instanceof MainActivity; |
if (client == null) |
client = BaseApplication.getInstance().getClient(); //must check every time - e.g.
// they become null when app restarts after crash
if (sessionManager == null) |
sessionManager = BaseApplication.getInstance().getSessionManager(); |
sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); |
} |
@Override |
protected void onResume() { |
super.onResume(); |
updateDrawer(); |
} |
@Override |
protected void onPause() { |
super.onPause(); |
if (drawer != null) //close drawer animation after returning to activity
drawer.closeDrawer(); |
} |
public static OkHttpClient getClient() { |
return client; |
} |
public static SessionManager getSessionManager() { |
return sessionManager; |
} |
//------------------------------------------DRAWER STUFF----------------------------------------
protected static final int HOME_ID = 0; |
protected static final int LOG_ID = 4; |
private AccountHeader accountHeader; |
private ProfileDrawerItem profileDrawerItem; |
private PrimaryDrawerItem loginLogoutItem; |
protected void createDrawer() { |
final int primaryColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.textPrimary); |
final int selectedPrimaryColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primary_dark); |
final int selectedSecondaryColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.iron); |
PrimaryDrawerItem homeItem; |
IconicsDrawable homeIcon, homeIconSelected; |
//Drawer Icons
homeIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this) |
.icon(GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_home) |
.color(primaryColor); |
homeIconSelected = new IconicsDrawable(this) |
.icon(GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_home) |
.color(selectedSecondaryColor); |
IconicsDrawable loginIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this) |
.icon(FontAwesome.Icon.faw_sign_in) |
.color(primaryColor); |
IconicsDrawable logoutIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this) |
.icon(FontAwesome.Icon.faw_sign_out) |
.color(primaryColor); |
//Drawer Items
homeItem = new PrimaryDrawerItem() |
.withTextColor(primaryColor) |
.withSelectedColor(selectedPrimaryColor) |
.withSelectedTextColor(selectedSecondaryColor) |
.withIdentifier(HOME_ID) |
.withName(R.string.drawer_home) |
.withIcon(homeIcon) |
.withSelectedIcon(homeIconSelected); |
if (sessionManager.isLoggedIn()) { |
loginLogoutItem = new PrimaryDrawerItem() |
.withTextColor(primaryColor) |
.withSelectedColor(selectedSecondaryColor) |
.withIdentifier(LOG_ID) |
.withName(R.string.drawer_logout) |
.withIcon(logoutIcon) |
.withSelectable(false); |
} else { |
loginLogoutItem = new PrimaryDrawerItem() |
.withTextColor(primaryColor) |
.withSelectedColor(selectedSecondaryColor) |
.withIdentifier(LOG_ID).withName(R.string.drawer_login) |
.withIcon(loginIcon) |
.withSelectable(false); |
} |
profileDrawerItem = new ProfileDrawerItem().withName(sessionManager.getUsername()).withIdentifier(0); |
accountHeader = new AccountHeaderBuilder() |
.withActivity(this) |
.withCompactStyle(true) |
.withSelectionListEnabledForSingleProfile(false) |
.withHeaderBackground(R.color.primary) |
.withTextColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.iron)) |
.addProfiles(profileDrawerItem) |
/*.withOnAccountHeaderListener((view, profile, currentProfile) -> { |
if (sessionManager.isLoggedIn()) { |
Intent intent = new Intent(BaseActivity.this, ProfileActivity.class); |
Bundle extras = new Bundle(); |
extras.putString(BUNDLE_PROFILE_URL, "https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=profile"); |
extras.putString(BUNDLE_PROFILE_USERNAME, sessionManager.getUsername()); |
intent.putExtras(extras); |
intent.setFlags(FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); |
startActivity(intent); |
return false; |
} else |
startLoginActivity(); |
return true; |
})*/ |
.build(); |
DrawerBuilder drawerBuilder = new DrawerBuilder() |
.withActivity(this) |
.withToolbar(toolbar) |
.withDrawerWidthDp((int) BaseApplication.getInstance().getDpWidth() / 2) |
.withSliderBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorBackground)) |
.withAccountHeader(accountHeader) |
.withOnDrawerItemClickListener(new Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener() { |
@Override |
public boolean onItemClick(View view, int position, IDrawerItem drawerItem) { |
if (drawerItem.equals(HOME_ID)) { |
if (!isMainActivity) { |
Intent intent = new Intent(BaseActivity.this, MainActivity.class); |
startActivity(intent); |
} |
} else if (drawerItem.equals(LOG_ID)) { |
if (!sessionManager.isLoggedIn()) //When logged out or if user is guest
startLoginActivity(); |
/*else |
new LogoutTask().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);*/ |
} |
drawer.closeDrawer(); |
return true; |
} |
}); |
drawerBuilder.addDrawerItems(homeItem, loginLogoutItem); |
drawer = drawerBuilder.build(); |
if (!isMainActivity) |
drawer.getActionBarDrawerToggle().setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(false); |
drawer.setOnDrawerNavigationListener(new Drawer.OnDrawerNavigationListener() { |
@Override |
public boolean onNavigationClickListener(View clickedView) { |
onBackPressed(); |
return true; |
} |
}); |
} |
private void updateDrawer() { |
if (drawer != null) { |
accountHeader.updateProfile(profileDrawerItem); |
drawer.updateItem(loginLogoutItem); |
} |
} |
private static final int PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE = 69; |
//True if permissions are OK
private boolean checkPerms() { |
Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, |
Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}; |
return !(checkSelfPermission(PERMISSIONS_STORAGE[0]) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED || |
checkSelfPermission(PERMISSIONS_STORAGE[1]) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED); |
} |
return true; |
} |
//Display popup for user to grant permission
private void requestPerms() { //Runtime permissions request for devices with API >= 23
Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, |
Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}; |
} |
} |
@Override |
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int permsRequestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions |
, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { |
switch (permsRequestCode) { |
break; |
} |
} |
private void startLoginActivity() { |
Intent intent = new Intent(BaseActivity.this, LoginActivity.class); |
startActivity(intent); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
package gr.auth.databases.flavours.base; |
import android.app.Application; |
import android.content.Context; |
import android.content.SharedPreferences; |
import android.util.DisplayMetrics; |
import com.franmontiel.persistentcookiejar.PersistentCookieJar; |
import com.franmontiel.persistentcookiejar.cache.SetCookieCache; |
import com.franmontiel.persistentcookiejar.persistence.SharedPrefsCookiePersistor; |
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; |
import gr.auth.databases.flavours.session.SessionManager; |
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; |
public class BaseApplication extends Application { |
private static BaseApplication baseApplication; //BaseApplication singleton
//Client & SessionManager
private OkHttpClient client; |
private SessionManager sessionManager; |
private static final String SHARED_PREFS = "ThmmySharedPrefs"; |
private static float dpWidth; |
public static BaseApplication getInstance() { |
return baseApplication; |
} |
@Override |
public void onCreate() { |
super.onCreate(); |
baseApplication = this; //init singleton
//Shared Preferences
SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE); |
SharedPrefsCookiePersistor sharedPrefsCookiePersistor = new SharedPrefsCookiePersistor(getApplicationContext()); |
PersistentCookieJar cookieJar = new PersistentCookieJar(new SetCookieCache(), sharedPrefsCookiePersistor); |
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder() |
.cookieJar(cookieJar) |
.connectTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS) |
.writeTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS) |
.readTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS); |
client = builder.build(); |
sessionManager = new SessionManager(client, cookieJar, sharedPrefsCookiePersistor, sharedPrefs); |
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getApplicationContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); |
dpWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels / displayMetrics.density; |
} |
public Context getContext() { |
return getApplicationContext(); |
} |
public OkHttpClient getClient() { |
return client; |
} |
public SessionManager getSessionManager() { |
return sessionManager; |
} |
public float getDpWidth() { |
return dpWidth; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
package gr.auth.databases.flavours.session; |
import android.content.SharedPreferences; |
import com.franmontiel.persistentcookiejar.PersistentCookieJar; |
import com.franmontiel.persistentcookiejar.persistence.SharedPrefsCookiePersistor; |
import java.util.List; |
import okhttp3.Cookie; |
import okhttp3.FormBody; |
import okhttp3.HttpUrl; |
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; |
import okhttp3.Request; |
import okhttp3.RequestBody; |
import okhttp3.Response; |
public class SessionManager { |
//Generic constants
public static final HttpUrl indexUrl = HttpUrl.parse("https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?theme=4"); |
private static final HttpUrl loginUrl = HttpUrl.parse("https://www.thmmy.gr/smf/index.php?action=login2"); |
// Client & Cookies
private final OkHttpClient client; |
private final PersistentCookieJar cookieJar; |
private final SharedPrefsCookiePersistor cookiePersistor; //Used to explicitly edit cookies in cookieJar
//Shared Preferences & its keys
private final SharedPreferences sharedPrefs; |
private static final String USERNAME = "Username"; |
private static final String USER_ID = "UserID"; |
private static final String LOGOUT_LINK = "LogoutLink"; |
private static final String LOGGED_IN = "LoggedIn"; |
private static final String LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT = "LoginScreenAsDefault"; |
public SessionManager(OkHttpClient client, PersistentCookieJar cookieJar, |
SharedPrefsCookiePersistor cookiePersistor, SharedPreferences sharedPrefs) { |
this.client = client; |
this.cookiePersistor = cookiePersistor; |
this.cookieJar = cookieJar; |
this.sharedPrefs = sharedPrefs; |
} |
public int login(String... strings) { |
//Builds the login request for each case
Request request; |
if (strings.length == 2) { |
clearSessionData(); |
String loginName = strings[0]; |
String password = strings[1]; |
RequestBody formBody = new FormBody.Builder() |
.add("user", loginName) |
.add("passwrd", password) |
.add("cookielength", "-1") //-1 is forever
.build(); |
request = new Request.Builder() |
.url(loginUrl) |
.post(formBody) |
.build(); |
} else { |
request = new Request.Builder() |
.url(loginUrl) |
.build(); |
} |
try { |
//Makes request & handles response
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); |
if (validateRetrievedCookies()) { |
setPersistentCookieSession(); //Store cookies
//Edit SharedPreferences, save session's data
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPrefs.edit(); |
setLoginScreenAsDefault(false); |
editor.putBoolean(LOGGED_IN, true); |
/*editor.putString(USERNAME, extractUserName(document)); |
editor.putInt(USER_ID, extractUserId(document)); |
String avatar = extractAvatarLink(document);*/ |
/*if (avatar != null) |
editor.putString(AVATAR_LINK, avatar); |
editor.putBoolean(HAS_AVATAR, avatar != null); |
editor.putString(LOGOUT_LINK, extractLogoutLink(document));*/ |
editor.apply(); |
return 0; |
} else { |
//Investigates login failure
/*if (error.size() > 0) { //Wrong username
return WRONG_USER; |
} |
if (error.size() > 0) { //Wrong password
} |
if (error.size() > 0) { //User is banned
return BANNED_USER; |
}*/ |
//Other error e.g. session was reset server-side
clearSessionData(); //Clear invalid saved data
return 1; |
} |
//Handles exceptions
} catch (Exception e) { |
return 2; |
} |
} |
public void validateSession() { |
if (isLoggedIn()) { |
int loginResult = login(); |
if (loginResult != 1) |
return; |
} else if (isLoginScreenDefault()) |
return; |
setLoginScreenAsDefault(true); |
clearSessionData(); |
} |
public int logout() { |
Request request = new Request.Builder() |
.url(sharedPrefs.getString(LOGOUT_LINK, "LogoutLink")) |
.build(); |
try { |
//Makes request & handles response
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
return 2; |
} finally { |
//All data should always be cleared from device regardless the result of logout
clearSessionData(); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
public String getUsername() { |
return sharedPrefs.getString(USERNAME, USERNAME); |
} |
public int getUserId() { |
return sharedPrefs.getInt(USER_ID, -1); |
} |
public Cookie getThmmyCookie() { |
List<Cookie> cookieList = cookieJar.loadForRequest(indexUrl); |
for (Cookie cookie : cookieList) { |
if (cookie.name().equals("THMMYgrC00ki3")) |
return cookie; |
} |
return null; |
} |
public boolean isLoggedIn() { |
return sharedPrefs.getBoolean(LOGGED_IN, false); |
} |
public boolean isLoginScreenDefault() { |
return sharedPrefs.getBoolean(LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT, true); |
} |
private boolean validateRetrievedCookies() { |
List<Cookie> cookieList = cookieJar.loadForRequest(indexUrl); |
for (Cookie cookie : cookieList) { |
if (cookie.name().equals("THMMYgrC00ki3")) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
// Call validateRetrievedCookies() first
private void setPersistentCookieSession() { |
List<Cookie> cookieList = cookieJar.loadForRequest(indexUrl); |
Cookie.Builder builder = new Cookie.Builder(); |
builder.name(cookieList.get(1).name()) |
.value(cookieList.get(1).value()) |
.domain(cookieList.get(1).domain()) |
.expiresAt(cookieList.get(0).expiresAt()); |
cookieList.remove(1); |
cookieList.add(builder.build()); |
cookiePersistor.clear(); |
cookiePersistor.saveAll(cookieList); |
} |
private void clearSessionData() { |
cookieJar.clear(); |
sharedPrefs.edit().clear().apply(); //Clear session data
sharedPrefs.edit().putString(USERNAME, "Guest").apply(); |
sharedPrefs.edit().putInt(USER_ID, -1).apply(); |
sharedPrefs.edit().putBoolean(LOGGED_IN, false).apply(); //User logs out
} |
private void setLoginScreenAsDefault(boolean b) { |
sharedPrefs.edit().putBoolean(LOGIN_SCREEN_AS_DEFAULT, b).apply(); |
} |
} |
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